How To Be Sexier And Smarter At The Same Time

Knowledge is one of the most attractive things we can have.

Sometimes knowledge comes in the form of what we know, other times in the form of things we can do and skills we have.

We live in a world where it’s become more necessary than ever to have eclectic knowledge and diverse skillsets.

Men are running out of ways to feel special

It’s not enough that we make money or have status, because women today already have these things.

We have to work a little harder to be interesting

We cannot afford NOT to be a Renaissance man or woman with a variety of skillsets, art forms and knowledge bases.

Knowledge and skill is a good look on anyone – as is curiosity which inevitably leads us to these things.

And attraction is sustained for longer periods of time when you’re able to keep surprising your partner.


Go and learn about or study something that you have no real need for. Just do something new.

When you’ve decided, leave a comment about the thing you’ve picked. Then come back and leave another at the end of the week to let me know how you’ve gotten on! Do you feel more interesting? Do you have a story because of it?

Be sure to let me know as you’ll be giving me ideas for what I can go on to do next myself!

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564 Replies to “How To Be Sexier And Smarter At The Same Time”

  • Matthew thankyou for all your ideas , u are truly amazing. i am a 40 year old very shy no confidence when it comes to talking to guys in social settng out on a nite out. but hopefully with your advice it Will improve x
    thank you again, keep up the good work

  • greetings from egypt :)
    i dn’t know if u’ll see that or not but u helped t get over
    alot of things :) :)

    but i want to ask u something.. i want from you a video about how to make your best friend fall in love with u since i have a crush on my best friend :D

  • Great video!
    Every year I choose one thing to broaden my horizons. And I try to change a category every year, so if one year it is some sport the next pick will be something cultural. Some of my past picks were fencing, Italian, swimming, oil painting, lacrosse, Arabic and working as whiskey taster. Some of them sticked with me and some were just a matter of few months but all of them brought me lot of fun, new friends and as Matt is suggesting great topics to talk about.
    And my advice is: don’t wait for the perfect time to start something new, you don’t need to master it and even if you want to,;every walk starts with a first step so just choose a direction and have fun with it wherever it takes you:)

  • Hi Matthew!
    Thank you so much for this video! It helps a lot! I think you are truly an amazing person which I admire and adore! I can’t wait for the next video.


  • heey matthew,

    thank you for this great video tip!
    But also coincidentally that I see this because I had few weeks ago planned to do. A new hobby
    And coincidentally , today there in Netherlands where I live, a “day look” to be allowed to enroll for a course …… I’m going to sign up for my piano lessons and singing lessons.
    Because I love music, especially “country music”.
    Piano lessons I used followed eight years and I’m going to pick up again and learn again.
    I love to sing country songs.
    Specially “Gaither vocal band” .
    But singing lessons is a new challenge for me.
    I’m super happy to piano and singing lessons to learn.
    So I have more dreams and plans to follow in the future.
    I have a question for you matthew: I bought your book “get the guy” and it is a great good book. 10 points for you :-)!
    An idea for you: it would be a nice idea that you write a book about “the right balance for entrepreneurship- dreamjob and relationship at same time”, that it become a follow-up book, after “get the guy ” book,
    its a idea for you maby for in the future.

    it sounds maby like a new challenge for you ?

    greetings from chandrakanthi

  • ok I’ll do it…
    I’m living in the East of France now, very close to Germany.
    Have learnt English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch…
    I’ll go for a bit of German, now!!

    Matt, it’s crazy how your videos and tips match my feelings and things I need!
    thx for all that.


  • Hey Matt, I think every situation can offer us an occasion to learn something.
    People these days tend to master a segment of knowledge very well and forget about anything else worth exploring in this world.
    I think that absolutely everything I’ve learned throughout life (I’m a teacher and translator by training) have been useful in both my career and personal life. I have actually made a habit out of learning new things whenever I have a break in my professional life (less workload, that is – which usually happens during summer). Last summer I learned how to sew, for instance, because I felt it would be useful to know how to shorten a pair of trousers or turn a torn table cloth into nice table napkin or something. This year I’ve started piano lessons because my parents could not afford paying for them when I was a kid, and I’ve always loved the idea of knowing how to play the piano. I first wanted to do that for my kids only, but then I thought – why should I think I’m too old for that? It’s incredibly rewarding and it’s excellent exercise for the brain :). I strongly encourage everyone to take your advice, not necessarily to impress a partner, but to impress themselves with what they can achieve if only they put some effort into it. The more you know, the more your understanding about the world expands, and you come to realise that there is no limit to what a human being can learn. We are amazing creatures and we should not waste that by being self-sufficient and shallow. I agree, there’s nothing I find more attractive in men than intelligence, curiosity and passion for knowledge. To answer your challenge, this week I intend to learn one or two basic things about mechanics – like changing the oil of the car, and stuff (it might not seem like a big deal to you, but I find it useful).
    Have an … enlightening day!

    1. Wow Melanie, my father once taught me to change the oil for my car and it has been useful. I agree with you about learning new things. I am a teacher, and like you I do new stuff every semester holiday. It has been fulfilling. Since I am an Art teacher, I have been doing something around art, now I am going to take Matt’s challenge and do something new. Every knowledge learnt will contribute to any part of life. Thank you for sharing your comments.

  • I have decided to start back up on my writing again. I’ve been working on this story for quite a while actually but I wasn’t happy with how it was turning out and I kept having doubts about it. Eventually, I just left it alone. I got tired of hating my work. But after watching this video I figured “what the heck, it’s never going to get any better if I don’t work on it.” And I did and oh my god I can’t thank you enough. I have an ending Matthew! And it’s so beautiful. This whole story will be beautiful. I can’t even believe that it’s me who wrote it.

    Now I know I’m still an amateur. Sometimes reading through my work makes me cringe. But slowly I’m beginning to tackle these cringe points out of existence and I’m feeling more confident in my ability to write. I’m beginning to realize that I’m going to cringe at a lot of things that I try out and I’m not going to like every result. I’m also beginning to realize that it’s not because I’m incapable.

  • I already love to learn abot new things I don’t already know but what this video teaches me is to stop hiding things about myself. my interest in baking, cooking, crochet, knitting, cross stitch, sharks, archaeology….all stuff unrelated to my degree or my experience as a parent of a disabled child. I should show these parts of myself not only more often, but unashamedly.

    thank you matt!

  • Hi, I want to ask you a question. It is ok to ask a guy out? I know a guy from some time and he was always flirting with me, and I just reject him very subtle, until one time, when I was maybe to categorical, because he had a girlfriend at that time. I like him and I know now that he is single. What do you think?
    P.S.: thank you for all your tips :) :*

  • Hi,

    I think this is excellent advice. I think it is a good idea to read a childrens’ encyclopaedia. I don’t know
    if they still do the Pears encyclopaedia, but that one
    used to give you a good overview of many things. The point being that an adult one is too detailed and long
    winded. You don’t read a childrens one because you are dumb, you do it so that you are exposed to lots of ideas,
    and then if you wish you can research certain areas more

    Mathew, I don’t know if you have popped into the British
    museum, but there is an excellent Eygptology section there.

    Doing a general knowledge quiz often on the internet is
    good and buy those books that people use to gen up on

    Also go in to the Mastermind website and play that frequently for ten minutes every other day for example.

    Thank you for your excellent website Mathew and the
    integrity that you imbue the whole thing with is much
    appreciated and respected. Could you recommend any life
    coaching books that you think are particular gems?

    P.S. Knowledge is good but are there certain skills
    that one can learn about that pertain particularly to socialising I wonder??

  • Hello Matthew! When I saw your video this morning I decided to learn more about eels. Because eels are very mysterious and there is many questions about them that we don’t have an answer to. I’m from Sweden and I have learnt that some eels, after they are born in the Sargasso Sea, swim across the Atlantic up to Europe and some of them swim into Sweden’s largest lake. They live there for 10-15 years to eat and then they go back to where they were born to breed and then they die. I think that’s interesting and very impressive! :D

  • I always enjoy watching your videos, Thank you Mathew. They’re just very compelling because (obviously, like anyone) your different….and you try to help people out. But you work with the mind and the way people’s perspectives play a role in the way they attract things to them and things like that.

    You could easily be a personal trainer and get people to transform they’re bodies. But you stand out because you take on a bigger challenge and work with the mind, which I think takes a lot more time to mold than a body does, so you must have a lot of patience too.

    This video has inspired me to keep doing different things and keep an open mind because the world is a big place and there are things out there that have always been there, we just have to have the desire to want more and discover more for ourselves.

    Thanks again,

  • Huh, wow sooo many amazingly intelligent women. They should all be hooked up. My problem has always been the motivation…no drive…have a brain just don’t use it. Hoping you can help me with that in November at the lifestyle retreat.
    A friend introduced me to a group that meets once a week. Every Tuesday is a mini class on a different subject. It’s fun and agrees with my short attention span lol.
    Thanks for the videos, Leecis

  • How is this going to address your concern that men are running out of ways to feel special? Wouldn’t it make us harder to impress?

    Knowledge is sexy, but it is also a double-edge sword for women.

    I speak several languages fluently, play several musical instruments. My IQ is about 140, grew up in a rich family who owns a Rolls Royce. I’m an architect, familiar with arts, history and engineering. I was a mathlete in high school. I also exercise at army recruit level. I’m constantly aiming higher with everything I do. All of these things scare men off!

    But I understand what you mean. Many very handsome men who are out of my league are infatuated with me. But I often find them very boring. Successful men usually look for women who can help them become the men they always wanted to be. A woman with successes of her own is likely to aid her man to success as well.

    For those trying to improve a skill, I recommend an article on Psychology Today called, “How to become an expert”.

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