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Feel Like Sh*t? Go for a Tiny Victory

Are you struggling today? Does it feel like the universe has dealt you a s**tty hand?

If the answer is yes, then let’s talk….

Let’s Celebrate the Small Stuff Together. What’s Your Tiny Victory?
Leave a Comment Below…

Being at the top of your game. Peak performance. Maximizing your potential. Being the best you could be. Living your best life. Nothing could feel more off your radar when you’re in a place of depression, deep anxiety, deep hurt. When you are feeling shit. I’m interested in that person today. Not how do I get you to live an extraordinary life, how do we transform you? But how do we start celebrating the tiny victories? Because I believe that when you’re in that state and when everything in your life I know the feeling everything in your life feels tinged with pain or hurt or darkness, nothing, literally there is nothing you want to do. When you’re in that state, eating breakfast feels like a big deal, going and taking a shower, simply getting out of bed feels like a huge thing. Forget the rest of the day because when you’re in the place that I’m talking about right now, the rest of the day feels like a marathon.

You can’t even process getting through the rest of the day, so let’s not focus on that. Let’s focus on the next 20 minutes after you watch this video. So what could you do in the next 20 minutes? Feed your body something healthy. Do something physical. Even if it’s something small. Read a page of a book that you feel might nourish you. You don’t even have to guarantee that it will. Don’t obsess over what book it is. This book might help. Read one page instead of looking at social media or whatever else might not help you. It could be watching a video, a video you’ve proactively chosen because you believe it might inspire you or it might spark an idea or it might have you think about something differently. Or maybe you feel like everything I’m talking about right now, even the smallest things, are too much.

Then great, do fucking nothing. Take the next few minutes to sit there and do nothing but do nothing slightly better than you normally do. Decide for a couple of minutes, “I’m going to put that problem to one side while I get really mindful about my breath and if I feel it coming back, I’m just going to note it and then get back to my breath.” Just training your mind and your focus on your breath for a couple of minutes is a tiny victory. It’s a form of training your focus. And by the way, this isn’t just about doing things in the next 20 minutes that could create tiny victories. I also want you to think about what tiny victories have already happened today. I want you to find a five minutes from today where you felt neutral because those things are reference points. Those things become these little hooks of potential on which you hang this sense that things can be better. This idea that it can be better.

If five minutes today was okay, was neutral, let’s make more of those minutes. Let’s worry about creating another five minutes like that. And what we’ll begin to do is create some small momentum. It doesn’t mean you won’t backslide, doesn’t mean you won’t feel pain again, doesn’t mean you might not feel it again tonight. But let’s create more of those minutes. Today, give yourself a break from the big shit and all the things that you wish you could be doing if you could only feel better or whatever.

Let’s start with the most humble, modest, nothing things that may to everyone else seem like it’s ridiculous to celebrate that, but we will because we’re celebrating the tiny victories. What’s a tiny victory that you didn’t celebrate today that you should? Something that if you are embarrassed at how small it is, write in the comments, I want to read it. And if you can’t think of anything, take the next 20 minutes or even the next five and do something to create that tiny victory, and leave me a comment letting me know what that thing is. I’ll see you guys next week.

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160 Replies to “Feel Like Sh*t? Go for a Tiny Victory”

  • I managed to be fun and flirty with a guy I fell deeply for while we discussed us not seeing each other anymore.

  • I watched this video and it halted my spiral down – I might not be going back up yet but it stopped me tracking down – thank you

  • I’m proud that I didn’t drink today to blot out the pain in my life. Thank you for this video Matthew – it will make a big difference to so many people x

  • I’m amazed at how you just get it! And how you put it was bang on. U r epic!

    I’m still here, bah ha ha!(every day is a bonus) and I know this feeling will pass. I know I’ll get going & make the most of the day. If I do my day, put a smile on my face and get to the gym before I know it I’ll be feeling good :) seems to work. If I can do something small to help others that’s awesome – makes my day :). Keep doing what you do, u are the best!- you have a gift :)

  • I celebrate when he block me from WhatsApp today it helps me to focus on things that are important to me and help me to make up my mind on what I really want in life

  • I felt like utter shit today but I listened to your video & recall watching my two little ones play in the garden with bubbles. They were so happy in that moment & for once it was sunny in the UK. That was my happy mini victory today. Thank you for reminding me to celebrate these small moments, no matter how grey the day may be x

  • Thank you. My tiny victory was watching your thoughts this morning. Having permission to just sit without doing anything, or beating myself up for feeling this way was a great start to my day. I am consumed by grief, and just doing nothing, without trying to make myself function, was a break for me.

  • I cant stop crying!! You dont have idea how much it’s help me this video right now!! I need To start think in me just in me and what i need To be happy by my self!! Tank you MH you are the best!!

  • Thank you Matthew lm going to get out of bed and go for a walk and re focus …..
    As you see lve been out of a job for the last 4 weeks and this is the 2nd time in the last 6 months that this has happened to me …..

  • I ate a healthy homemade meal consisting of checken, beans, and vegetables. I feel its a victory because healthy meals like this will help me lose weight, which is a long term goal I have.

  • Dear Mathew,

    Thank you so much for this video I have been dealing with anxiety and depression for the past 3 weeks my life all the sudden went down the drain , my job has been stressing me up, my parents always have some type of judgment against me , my car broke down so my AC hasn’t been working and In SA , Texas it’s literally 100 degrees, , my boyfriend just told me he loved me and also told me that he needs time apart because he got cold feet all of the sudden, so yeah I been having the worst few weeks of my life and thanks to your video today i took the time to look in the mirror to breathe in and out and saw my self differently today I feel more at peace and relaxed so thank you .

  • Thank you for this video today, I really needed to hear this message. My tiny victory today was stretching for five minutes before taking a nap. I haven’t been sleeping well for the past few weeks due to health issues, but I actually felt mildly refreshed when I stretched. Thank you for helping me remember that.

  • I got out of bed today. That’s my victory. Even though writing it makes me feel like shit because I should of done more but I couldn’t.

  • You are not going to like this. My tiny victory is watching this video to the end. I can be a champion at snapping sometimes. But watching to the end gave me an insight of what I am and I reasoned out why I wanted to stop the video. Becoming a better person via awareness sucks. The thought that went through my head was, I don’t want to hear this motivation, I’m a bloody motivated person already (This is a problem with most driven people I think). Then as I continued to watch, it helped me understand that someone cares. That’s another frustration, you are just an image. But you are pretty convincing. Forget all that, the colour of your shirt is one of my favourites. I had a dress of that colour and it was my favourite. I guess I started liking that colour because of how I felt wearing it. But sadly that dress went missing :(

  • Well, today as I was lying on the couch, scratching my… head, I was talking to a friend who is going through a similar moment. The difference is that she had already had a moment like this in the past. And as I was listening to her and listening REALLY LISTENING to what I was saying, I realized so many things. 1. I waste so much time destroying and feeling sorry for myself instead of investing time on building myself up. 2. Life has told me three times already that I have to start giving, just for the sake of giving. 3. I have to value my own time and life cause if don’t the minute a guy walks into my life I’ll stop doing my things again. 4. I don’t pay attention to God’s messages even though I constantly pester him about giving me 5. I need to stop expecting things to happen my way and stop expecting bad things to happen and let life surprise me. 6. Living in fear won’t let me listen to what life has to say… phew I think it was a huge victory, to have some clarity in the middle of so many thoughts and loose information, to be aware. It will definitely let me sleep tonight. I wrote a book, thanks for reading though xoxox

  • Today, I called my Dad, for Father’s Day. We talked about good things from my childhood, and the grandkids he has at his house right now; family. Then, i called my sister. We talked about practically everything, good and bad; and, i was able to set some of my emotional challenges out in such a way that i could approach them more effectively. It wasnt as overwhelming to try to fix, as it tends to be/feel like when im alone. Logic is difficult when emotions are all-encompassing, and feel insurmountable in magnitude; engulfing.

  • My victory today was to watch my lecture video movie that I created for a psychiatric grand rounds that I lecturedfor downstate medical center in bklyn ny. The doctors filmed it and it’s on I tunes pod cast entitled creativity and resiliency in the holocaust I did it in March 16 2016 and dedicated to my parents who were holocaust survivors I got a standing ovation from 150 medical students and psychiatrists and my staff I had forgotten what I had achieved My mother psssed away a few months prior to my lecture and I was soo profoundly sad but I sensed her presence during my lecture especially when I told her story I’m remembering how I accomplished a huge goal for me It made me feel better but I miss my mother every day I know she would have been very proud of me my name is Lee ( my full name is Francine Lee Rubinfeld) my lecture reminded me of how I can be resilient too

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