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Feel Like Sh*t? Go for a Tiny Victory

Are you struggling today? Does it feel like the universe has dealt you a s**tty hand?

If the answer is yes, then let’s talk….

Let’s Celebrate the Small Stuff Together. What’s Your Tiny Victory?
Leave a Comment Below…

Being at the top of your game. Peak performance. Maximizing your potential. Being the best you could be. Living your best life. Nothing could feel more off your radar when you’re in a place of depression, deep anxiety, deep hurt. When you are feeling shit. I’m interested in that person today. Not how do I get you to live an extraordinary life, how do we transform you? But how do we start celebrating the tiny victories? Because I believe that when you’re in that state and when everything in your life I know the feeling everything in your life feels tinged with pain or hurt or darkness, nothing, literally there is nothing you want to do. When you’re in that state, eating breakfast feels like a big deal, going and taking a shower, simply getting out of bed feels like a huge thing. Forget the rest of the day because when you’re in the place that I’m talking about right now, the rest of the day feels like a marathon.

You can’t even process getting through the rest of the day, so let’s not focus on that. Let’s focus on the next 20 minutes after you watch this video. So what could you do in the next 20 minutes? Feed your body something healthy. Do something physical. Even if it’s something small. Read a page of a book that you feel might nourish you. You don’t even have to guarantee that it will. Don’t obsess over what book it is. This book might help. Read one page instead of looking at social media or whatever else might not help you. It could be watching a video, a video you’ve proactively chosen because you believe it might inspire you or it might spark an idea or it might have you think about something differently. Or maybe you feel like everything I’m talking about right now, even the smallest things, are too much.

Then great, do fucking nothing. Take the next few minutes to sit there and do nothing but do nothing slightly better than you normally do. Decide for a couple of minutes, “I’m going to put that problem to one side while I get really mindful about my breath and if I feel it coming back, I’m just going to note it and then get back to my breath.” Just training your mind and your focus on your breath for a couple of minutes is a tiny victory. It’s a form of training your focus. And by the way, this isn’t just about doing things in the next 20 minutes that could create tiny victories. I also want you to think about what tiny victories have already happened today. I want you to find a five minutes from today where you felt neutral because those things are reference points. Those things become these little hooks of potential on which you hang this sense that things can be better. This idea that it can be better.

If five minutes today was okay, was neutral, let’s make more of those minutes. Let’s worry about creating another five minutes like that. And what we’ll begin to do is create some small momentum. It doesn’t mean you won’t backslide, doesn’t mean you won’t feel pain again, doesn’t mean you might not feel it again tonight. But let’s create more of those minutes. Today, give yourself a break from the big shit and all the things that you wish you could be doing if you could only feel better or whatever.

Let’s start with the most humble, modest, nothing things that may to everyone else seem like it’s ridiculous to celebrate that, but we will because we’re celebrating the tiny victories. What’s a tiny victory that you didn’t celebrate today that you should? Something that if you are embarrassed at how small it is, write in the comments, I want to read it. And if you can’t think of anything, take the next 20 minutes or even the next five and do something to create that tiny victory, and leave me a comment letting me know what that thing is. I’ll see you guys next week.

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160 Replies to “Feel Like Sh*t? Go for a Tiny Victory”

  • Today, I decided what was right for me. Stepping up when things are bad. I’m learning how to stop making excuses for people, when people say things about me which hurt, learning how to cope with things rather than push them aside, trying to learn to handle things one at a time and accept that I can’t fix things.

  • I painted the kitchen ceiling. I’d been looking at it for a looong time and it felt such an epic task. So this morning i thought, I’ll just do the prep, so I covered the shelves with blankets and put the things that may get splattered in another room. That didn’t take long, so I got the paint & the roller set up, then I thought I’ll just do a corner….then I’d done one coat! By breaking the “epic task” down into little bites it became just a little task and a big tick!

  • Thank you. I did not think I could free myself from bed today. Your words helped. I have showered and washed hair. I’ll takev15 minutes to do yoga.

    History of why I’m sad: I have a wrongfully convicted son coming up for first parole. (Hes an amazing and dignified man ..mom not so much). I have a lover who is not really mine. I work too much at age 66. I’m scared, sad and eating over all of this

    But this did help me so to I go to mat. Bless you for your words.

  • Today I’m heartbroken as a guy has pulled away so much that I didn’t hear from him at all yesterday and it’s the first Father’s Day without my dad. But my tiny victory, being with my family today for my cousin’s graduation.

  • I am on the stage of moving on right now and most of your advices helps me a lot…my situation is very complicated and i also think it is extra ordinary and dont have the courage to ask an advice for it…but i have decided to just let go and move forward though it hurts me a lot and feels like im really shattered like into very tiny pieces…thanks for your smart ideas… you dont know how much it gives me a courage to move on my bed atleast and do something to make a day more useful…i hope you’ll continue giving more encouraging and awakening advices to a broken person like me.. God bless and more power…

  • Made my dad smile today on Fathers Day – he has advanced vascular dementia and it breaks my heart every time I visit and see him just about existing.

  • Thank you Matthew… I was feeling so bad after being in touch with my X led me to believe things were ok then he ghosted me, you are always a breath of fresh air…

    Thank you for all the advise you freely give out ..

    Debs x

  • I feel so alone. The man i was in a relationship with for 4 years has just gone ghost. We were so close, bestfriends. Talked everyday and hung out nearly everyday. Things changed recently when he started working out of town.He stopped calling, texting except for on occasion. He stopped coming over and stopped hanging out.I don’t understand what happened but if i ask he will get upset and tell me that I’m picking or being sensitive.

  • I purchased birthday gifts for my grandchild. A child I may or may not see,because his father..my son..is mean and abusive. My husband committed suicide 2 years ago. Zero warning. We had been married for 51 years. The man I was dating..a widower..is dying if aggressive bladder cancer. I work a couple of days a week, and recently I signed up to be an extra in commercials. I try to be positive. It’s difficult. I’m 76. There are lots of widows and widowers out there who are lonely, and interested in dating. Last night I went to dinner for the second time with a gentleman. He is a nice guy, but there is no chance of going forward, from my point of view. I would like to be in a loving committed relationship. So far..even with effort…I’m not feeling it. Or..if I do feel it..the guy dies. Its rain ing today. This is good as I do not like watering the grass. I’m feeling slightly discouraged today. I enjoy you thoughtful You Tube videos. You are full of wonderful insightful advice. Those of us out here..of a certain age…are as interested in what you have to say as those just starting out. Keep the encouragement coming. You are very appreciated. Joyce

  • ‘Tiny Victory’ – watching you! So refreshing to know there’s smart, sensitive, caring people like you as we trudge through the sludge. It helps, you help. Thank you Mathew

  • I was feeling under the weather with my sore throat and a guy rejection, and we had a family dinner. I was annoyed about absolutly everything, but I managed to keep quite and polite even though I wannted to yell at everybody.

  • Mini meditation! Wait don’t scroll down yet this really is ridiculously tiny. It’s literally 5 breaths, while counting to 10. Inhale one, exhale two… inhale three, exhale four… see you’re halfway there already! ^_^ I just did this, and it really did make me a little bit calmer, more centered, better able to focus (even though I’m basically being a couch potato today lol)… try it!

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