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3 REAL Cures For Loneliness…

I realized a huge truth about getting rid of loneliness that I didn’t mention in last week’s video.

Learn this simple-yet-powerful concept, and you’ll have an essential tool to create happy, meaningful relationships and feel connected again…

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433 Replies to “3 REAL Cures For Loneliness…”

  • Please make some videos for senior widows. I have become a hermit since my husband passed as there are no singles groups or clubs in my tiny town. Even the churches are all couples. I’d love to have someone, but don’t know how to go about it. Thank you. I do like your videos even if they are for “youngsters.”

  • I always enjoy your videos, but this one really does resonate with me. I share the same feelings that many of the women who commented do. I feel most lonely when my kids go with their dad and I have no plans and it seems like everyone else has plans. I feel that I’m not a priority to anyone. Although I know this is a phase of my life at this time and it will pass, but in the moment, it kinda stinks. Thank you for sharing the stories of others who feel the same… We are not alone.

  • Today my significant other cancelled our plans after I spent a lot of time and effort making myself pretty for him. He cancels at the last minute a lot but this caught me off guard. I felt so sad and alone. I felt like sending an angry text but instead got vulnerable and texted “I feel really unwanted right now.” He responded with “You can come over but I will be busy else where” I didn’t go over.

  • Thank you for speaking about such an important subject. I’m one of those people who watch your videos every week and never respond. I have a very hard time connecting with new people and I have realized through a very difficult journey that I do close myself off. I was severely bullied as a child and I think it has made me very sceptical of all people I meet. I’m 35 years old now and still struggle to be open and engage with new people. Video’s like this hit so close to home with so many people. Never stop doing what your doing as you have an incredible gift and will never truly know the impact you have on lives around the world very day.

    1. Joanne, at a Matthew Hussey Retreat I realized I walled myself off from people because of bullying. Just knowing that started opening me up. Being more open is a slow process but worth it. The people that I’ve opened up to are good people.

  • That was so awesome! I know I’m in the most dysfunctional relationship because I have a long time boyfriend that verbally assaults me constantly for past mistakes of me actually reacting to his hurt of cheating. We both have done very hurtful things to each other.
    I’m trying so hard to get away from him but my fear of being alone and feeling unworthy thanks to him and me allowing it…my children don’t like him and neither does my sister. I know better but yet it’s so codependent.
    Anyway I know there is something wrong with me because I know I am worthy.
    I’m successful in work, constantly told I am not exactly stupid but I will pick the biggest controlling loser everytime.
    I’m told I’m sexy and pretty and nice but yet the men I see that I like want nothing to do with me. I get looks I know that and I am not trying to sound conceited but never approached.
    Anyway your videos are really helping me right now! Thank you!

  • I feel lonely on a whole different level that people don’t typically think of. Having a physical disability (I use a wheelchair) can be incredibly isolating. I want to take part in social activities that are often not in accessible locations. So meet ups for people in their 30s or filmmaking meet ups – things that I would be really interested in attending, are just off the radar for me. When I go out, I find it hard to be discreet or subtle approaching a guy that I like. There’s this big honking wheelchair coming at you; chances are I have to plow through a crowd of people to even get to him. Flirting can be hard because guys tend to look at me and just see me as a friend or someone interesting to talk to. They don’t look at me and see a sexual person. To make matters worse, when I am approached by men that I’m not interested in, they’ll often say things to me like “you’re in a wheelchair; you can’t be picky”. I tend to internalize these comments a lot and think on the one hand that I have a lot to offer: I’m educated, take care in my appearance, am adventurous in the bedroom, and I can be damn funny! But on the other hand yeah, out of the my new proportion of the male population that would ever consider me as a romantic partner, if I’m turning some away, what are my chances, really? To add insult to injury (I think) men are more than willing to have sex with me, but the second things become a little bit more “serious” or headed toward a relationship, they’re running for the hills. Just to feel connected and desirable on some level, I would settle for casual sex in the past. Often times though, it just leaves you feeling even more lonely, like having a meal but never ever being sated. As a result, I haven’t been intimate with anyone in nearly a year now. Your videos and advice are amazing, Matthew. I really wish I could find a way to make these tips work for me…

  • Thank you, Matthew!! You give me hope as I deal with just being dumped after a two year relationship. I feel rejected, devalued, and like a castoff. Listening to your video just now was a huge pick-me -up! I appreciate what you do!!!

  • I wish I could carry you around in my pocket, I have received some life changing advice from you. This video hit home a bit I’m a single mom and the feeling of isolation hits me often and hard although people who know me would say I have an exuberance and drive for life like no one else. On the inside I’m constatntly feeling alone. I want to say thank you for all you put out into this world

  • I know you gear your stuff for women.. but i just wanted to say thank you for what you do. I feel that most men need this stuff too! I just spent the last while at home by myself crying over a 2 year relationship that ended because she was super abusive and narcissistic and then i found out she was sleeping around. It just really took the wind out of my sails.. and to add insult to injury i just saw her with another guy at the state fair. Its nice to get some emotional support on here! Thanks bud! Lots of love!

  • I needed to see the loniliness video. I felt extremely lonely all weekend. Can you make a video on how to start building your own community or “becoming the party?” I am socially avoidant but I want to change and to have a more active social life and feel more accepted with people besides my mom and best friend. At least I have them.
    Thank you Matt

  • Hi! :)

    Currently visiting Los Angeles for the first time – and doing it all by myself to spend time with myself. This video is a timely reminder of why my current loneliness is precious. Thank you.

  • Your videos are always great guys! Thanks for doing what you can to encourage viewers, remind them of their value, and or making ways they can meet/connect with others who can do the same in person.

  • Solitude is a beautiful thing I always enjoyed, BUT after losing my husband of forty years, the solitude is unbearable. It has been three years, I go out everyday, see friends and family, but miss that special someone with that special connection, my best friend, my soul mate, he was my everything.

  • The timing of this topic couldn’t be greater. My oldest daughter just left for college. I am a single mom with one more child at home who thrives on her friends, so very rarely see her. Loneliness has been a huge struggle lately in realizing my children will be leaving me and then what???

  • Hi there,I’ve watched some of your videos, but the one I like is about loneliness,I feel most lonely now in my late fourty then in my 20s & 30s especially when I’m in the place or a room full of people. Thanks Fili.

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