I had so much fun shooting this! Be sure to watch right the way to the end as there’s something ‘unexpected’ towards the end… Enjoy!
The thing I find strange about American Halloween is that it’s a night where you can wear whatever you want… Yet everyone still goes as a prostitute.
A prostitute something…
A prostitute cat, a prostitute policeman, a prostitute nurse…
To illustrate this, just minutes after showing the video to a member of my team, I was sent this photo as they walked past a hair salon that proved my point.
I find it very strange.
Women say, “We’re doing it for men.”
To which I ask:
–What type of men are you doing this for?
“Oh we’re doing this because it’s what men want.”
–Which men?! Not the men who are looking for a partner. Definitely not.
I agree with women when they talk about how ‘piggish’ men can be, how objectifying they can be, and how degrading towards women they can be…
I also think that if there’s ever confusion created by women over this issue it’s on a night like Halloween.
What are men supposed to do when the rest of the time they’re being told they’re objectifying women – and then on this night every woman decides to objectify herself!?
It’s very weird and confusing! Definitely mixed signals!
You can be anything you want to be. ANYTHING at all.
When you dress up, do it because of who you want to go as.
Do it because it’s something you want to be for one night – not because other people expect it of you, (or because everyone comments underneath your Youtube videos the entire time that that’s who you look like…)
Be who you want to be.
Have an amazing time. I’ll see you soon.
Question Of The Day:
OK. If your guy could dress up as ANYTHING for a night, what would you want it to be?
Great advice. Thanks :)
Yesterday’s Halloween costume party, I dressed up as Mr. Peanut.
hahaha I love you.
YOu know..if you ever get to sweden, we should meet. You may be a love guru. But you have lots to learn., Im a love godess. And Im only 26. ha!
Im gonna be a vampire btw. Im gonna go old school. Im already born with one vampire tooth. Got the pasty complection and the haunting green eyes. I got a little black thing to wear. No hooker tho, nasty business. Its gonna be so much fun! Im gonna scare the crap out of everyone.
I fucking laugh myself off the roof! What the heck Matthew Hussey had decided to be!!! So unexpected. Hahahhaha I you cracked me Matth. Darn. Hey have a nice celebration at Hogswood! Luvyou!
UM… I an now going out as a ketchup bottle. Definitely. And Matt you really do look like HP– I did’nt think so before but now…well you’ve opened the ketchup bottle…
I’m literally holding my side laughing! You’re awesome – I’ve never bothered to actually post anything – ever – but I couldn’t resist here. Thanks for the laugh, my football team is currently losing @ the moment so I saw your video during a timeout & am the only fan in a losing team jersey w/ a smile on her face. Thank you!
Hey.. I went one year as Bob Dylan and I still got married to a way hot guy and we get to shag all the time… and have babies! it’s a wonderful thing… lol
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Oh, well that one went through, I suppose I said something
wrong in my last comment…
I love you Matthew Hussey, you are the BEST, you are wise beyond your years, you are so funny…blah blah blah.
Why on earth would I want to look for a man when you are the absolute perfect specimen???
Hahahahah! I wasn’t expecting to see Harry Potter.
Anyway… I am from Brazil and I’ve been living in US for a couple of years and I can totally understand what you are saying. When I try to find a good costume there is only really slutty ones that show TOO much skin, which makes me uncomfortable (not because of my body, but because I’m not use to it); or funny ones that are ridiculous. My advice for the ladies is… try to find a balance. I would never go out as bottle of ketchup, it’s just not my style. Being sexy doesn’t mean show skin, it means confidence and good posture. It’s hard, but it’s still possible to find something cute and make it look hot and elegant with a good make up, hair style and posture. It’s not about the costume, but how you portray it!!
PS: Ladies, if you want to show some skin than show your neck. It sounds weird, but the neck is one of the most sensible, elegant, and sexual places in the body. If you notice strong and female figures always show their neck, for example: flamenco dancers, Beyoncé,…
I have thought the same thing for so long. I don’t understand why women choose to look like a stripper when there’s so many other options that are still sexy but not in a cheap way.
This reminds me of the scene in the movie Crazy Stupid Love when Jacob tells Hannah he thinks she’s adorable and she replies No I am sexy I am R rated sexy. If you’ve seen the movie you will get it. Personally I would rather be told I’m adorable anyone can be “sexy”
It’s soooo true!
I’m celebrating halloween here in Belgium, ad guess what, the scarier the costume is, the better! That’s what counts here!
It’s so much more fun to dress up as a witch or a pumpkin, than to be dressed up slutty and trying to impress some guy…
Oh Matt, this was a great video and I almost busted a gut when you magically turned into Harry Potter.
I am definitely out of the loop because I didn’t know prostitute dressing was so very popular for Halloween. I am still seeing adults in ghosts and goblins outfits. An adult neighbor runs by with a false hatchet in his head just for grins. We are still into gruesome. So it’s the same old same old Halloween in this neighborhood. Thanks for the updated info I will let the neighbors know next year it’s a brothel gear. Yes I am being cheeky.
The philosophy you’ve stubbled upon is called “Female Chauvinist Pigs” and Ariel Levy wrote a great book with the same title. I’ve used it many times in my theory of women’s studies course & my psych of women course. I’m basing my thesis paper on the idea of Human > Female or Male, but if I could go for a second it would be on the psychology of women objectifying themselves and how we got there.
Matthew Hussey says to not be a hussy.
Hey Matthew,
Would you dress up as an “interesting, charismatic, sexy ketchup bottle” in a future video? Just to show us how it’s done? I have great confidence that you can pull it off, and personally I would be far more impressed by that than by a Harry Potter costume. . . You barely had to do anything except throw on some glasses and wash your hair! Also, since that was the zany, weird costume idea you had pop into your head for the video, I think it would be interesting to see how you wanted to dress up for your own amusement instead of giving in to what everyone else wanted ;) Thanks for considering my request (slash challenge!)
LMFAO!!!!!! You did Harry! I remember at your seminar- I mentioned you reminded me of Harry Potter and you frowned and I said, “I love Harry Potter- Daniel Radcliff!” I also mentioned people said I look like Whoopie and you were sweet and said, ” I would never say that!” I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE This! It made me laugh a lot! I recently went to a Halloween party and dressed as Cleopatra but it seemed the quite a few of the ladies came ‘baring’gifts (If you follow me). Yes, women, girls and even younger girls are going for trampy…scampy…whatever! I hang out with a lot of guy, mostly guys… and if hear what they say afterwards most women would rethink the way they present themselves. Ladies, do you want a Lad or a Cad? You know we(women)secretly run the world. We can change the way men view us by changing how we present and view ourselves. and Belgium– I have to go there—- I like seeing really scary Halloween costumes. It shows some effort was made to be original or artistic! I can see (and many guys too)trampy any old day of the week! Boobs, bellybuttons and ass is not original- every chick has one! The only message you are conveying is——I WANNA GET LAID——–that’s it! Anyhoo… enough from me! MATTHEW I adore you for dressing up as Harry Potter!
LMFAO!!!!!! You did Harry! I remember at your seminar- I mentioned you reminded me of Harry Potter and you frowned and I said, “I love Harry Potter- Daniel Radcliff!” I also mentioned people said I look like Whoopie, and you were sweet and said, ” I would never say that!” I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE this! It made me laugh a lot! I recently went to a Halloween party and dressed as Cleopatra but it seemed that quite a few of the ladies came ‘baring’gifts (If you follow me). Yes, women, girls and even younger girls are going for trampy…scampy…whatever! I hang out with a lot of guy- mostly guys… and women heard what they say afterwards most women would rethink the way they present themselves. Ladies, do you want a Lad or a Cad? You know we(women)secretly run the world. We can change the way men view us by changing how we present and view ourselves. Belgium– I have to go there—- I like seeing really scary Halloween costumes. It shows some effort was made to be original or artistic! I can see (and many guys too)trampy any old day of the week! Boobs, bellybuttons and ass, is not original- every chick has one! The only message you are conveying is——I WANNA GET LAID——–that’s it! Anyhoo… enough from me! MATTHEW I adore you for dressing up as Harry Potter!
REPOST cuz of mad typo’s..which happens when I am doing more than 3 things at once. LOL
I did it again. I hang out with a lot of guys and if women heard what they say about them they would be mortified. —-Continue reading…
I was just thinking girls dress as hoes but guys never dress as pimps or gigolos.
Almost forgot…I’ve never seen the Potter resemblance, maybe the eyes
wow I cant believe how cool you look in the potter costume, had fun watching this video. thanks Mathew