Warning: This Toxic Guy Will Waste Your Life

It really hurts me to say this, because I know that there are so many wonderful men in the world. But there’s one type of guy that is so common – so toxic and frustrating – that just about every woman has had to deal with at least once in her life: the “MPI” Guy.

There’s about a 99% chance you already know an “MPI” Guy.

See if you recognize him in this video…

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113 Replies to “Warning: This Toxic Guy Will Waste Your Life”

  • What about the men that you dated properly for months and then get into an off/on situation–where he runs hot for a few months then disappears for weeks. THE MPI guy is more clear-cut–these hot/cold men that you have legitimate feelings for–it’s hard to just be like..oh, never mind.

  • I had been dealing with a guy like this for a year! Finally let go 2 months ago. Could’ve used this video back then! Ha! This just reinforces my decision. :-)

  • I would love to see the blooper for this one!!!
    How many times did it take you to “get” this one shot?
    Thanks for a great laugh (and the truth)!

  • Hahaha! It’s so true! The MPI is a wonderful video. Thanks for making this up. And to every woman: Carpe diem and throw the MPI out oft your life.

  • that was too funny and thanks that made my morning, and I knew a guy like that he would just show up when he wants something and kept me hanging in. You did a great job making this video.

  • You are Brilliant! So funny so true. Yesterday I was at forever 21 and the oneD song perfect was playing, it made me laugh thinking of the video you made about it, you are a gem truth telling and in a funny memorable way , Thank you! :)

  • Wow ! U should do movies man ! U got the looks , the talent for saying the right words, and the art of delivering dialogues !
    U know how the game goes !-how to hit the right spots ! Yes – He falls off the planet every now and then – and I end up waiting , still waiting – cuz I suffer from weakness – low self esteem and love for this guy-

  • Great video and excellent use of emojis! I learned my lesson too late and wasted a lot of time on one particular MPI. Ladies, if you come across one, run (don’t walk) away as fast as you can! (He’s Scared, She’s Scared is also a good book on the subject.)

  • Truly a nice video. I like and appreciate the way you put things – to make it easy for girls to identify n stop the absurdity we unknowingly allow n later repent for….

  • love it…the classic avoidant, who hasn’t grown up, and likely never will. I figured out I need to address my own issues so I can stop running after the unavailable man….even if he has nice legs ;).

  • That.Was.Awesome.

    Fortunately I figured those out while back, but would’ve done me a world of good when I was in my teens and early 20’s , too…

  • I also had an MPI in my life for 16 years. Whenever I wasn’t “with” someone he would text me and stay in close contact for 2 weeks or so. We would see each other once or twice then he would disappear for 6 months. I thought I really loved him and because he had certain qualities and he treated me so “special” when I was with him I over looked everything else. (like calling me Angel)…. ouch.
    He doesn’t have to be this obvious to be an MPI. Thanks for the awesome video. Made me laugh! You nail it so often … I wish there had been someone like you years ago Matt. Thanks for all you do for nice women.

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