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Where To Go To Find Good Men

Where do you meet men??

I believe good people are everywhere. In the video I want to demonstrate that to you, firstly by telling you some of the unusual places I’ve met people, and then by asking you and conducting a little experiment

Where do you meet men? Where was the last place you met a quality guy?

Let me know in the comments below.

I want you to think of this as an experiment where the more comments we get, the better this is going to be. I’m then going to draw on all of your comments in my next video and let you know the results.

Be specific about where you were, what the location was, and what type of location it was.

Were you taking a class, doing one of your hobbies, were you grabbing a coffee, shopping…tell us!

Retweet this, get it to your friends, share it on your Facebook, pass it on to as many people as possible, and encourage them to comment too.

The more comments we get, the more effective this is going to be. So I can’t wait to read yours!

Matthew x


Everything from meeting a guy to getting into a relationship is covered in my home study programme, The Man Myth. If you haven’t tried it out yet, click here to find out more and get access now!

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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

512 Replies to “Where To Go To Find Good Men”

  • The latest guy I actually met at a new years party at my local town hall, going on our first date Friday but have been talking almost non-stop since we met
    The main way I met people was through friends, mainly a friend I made at a Halloween party, he was the only person in cosplay so I went and talked to him and we started hanging out after, met each others friends, he kept trying to set me up with a couple of his and they still flirt with me if we eve happen to cross paths
    I also tend to meet guys when I watch my cousin’s band’s shows, that’s mainly not during term time though as her gigs are pretty far to go on a college night

  • I met my boyfriend on my way to get snacks in a near by street. we Hv been together for d past 6 months & we somuch love each other.

  • I met a guy at an orphan thanksgiving dinner happened to be at his house. I didn’t know anyone but it was an open house I found on meetup and I’d just broken up with my long term bf so was alone. He turned out to be shit eventually but I made about thirty friends because of it and now watch football every Sunday with them at the local bar. I’m hoping I’ll meet another guy there!

  • I met a nice neighbor through a mutual friend that was his coworker in a bike shop. Its been good practice flirting and discovering a new interest in riding the bike my neighbor gave me.
    Also, last year I hit it off with the director of the swimming pool as I was signing my daughter up for a swim class. It never transpired into more than a mutual attraction but my confidence was soaring. Then I realized I didn’t know what to do with the attention and shied away. That’s when I found Matthew’s video and am really trying to apply the info so I can get the guy. Thanks.

  • I met the guy I’m dating in my town’s local pub.

    Now, this pub is known as a very rough pub, and it has its (as with everywhere) fair share of idiot guys hanging around there. I was with a friend of mine playing pool when a rather nervous looking guy came over to us, and asked for a game of pool. From then,I would go down there and end up bumping into him and we would have a good chat and a game of darts or pool. When a large group of us were out one night he offered to take me out for some drinks, I felt really awkward because I wasn’t interested in him at that time and said that I wasn’t, but was happy to go out as friends! And a couple of nights later he came into the restaurant I work in and we had a chat, he then bought me a drink.

    Fast forward a week, we were at our friends party and because he was the dj I noticed we had a lot of common ground with music…and then a load of other stuff! Before the end of the night I fancied him.

    A couple of days later we were seeing each other. And he is the loveliest and most harmless person ever. I even got a kiss whilst it was snowing the other night (something I’ve always dreamed of doing) I’m so sorry for the massive long paragraphs, I got carried away! ;)

    The last thing I would like to say is that I would have never got the confidence to talk to guys without Matthew’s help. And that, you can find a decent, amazing guy in the most hideous of places. How do you know if they’re decent? Well, you don’t. But if you don’t take a chance and find out more about him, you could miss out on someone great! Thanks Matthew x

  • The last guy and the only one i have dated in 9 years, contacted me by “friending” me on Facebook.. He had seen me on a friend of mine’s page. He sent a friends request and then spent the next two months “liking” all my posts and pictures. So i know he was watching my every move. He finally contacted me on private email and gave me a number to contact him. He contacted me and we saw each other off and on for the last 6 months.
    He would call me only at the last minute for really casual stuff like hight school football games. Our first meeting was great, so i asked him to come to a back yard BBQ the following Sunday. By the time i got back to him with details, he said he made other plans. I did not hear from him for two weeks. Then he called again and told me he lied to me. He did not have other plans, but would not discuss anything. When he came back he said he could only fit me in when he did not have to be with his son. I told him fine if i was available, i would see him. I went on with life. He texted me almost every day. The second time he came back, he asked me for dinner and did not show at all. When i confronted him again, he said my standards were too high and that I was controlling and too parental in my tone. He blew me off for 8 weeks. I accepted him back again. This time he told me he understood that he was going to have to “work” for me and that he was willing to do that.
    We had 3 blissful weeks. He turned form friends to romantic. Kissing, hugging, snuggling..sweet talk.. all of that. Then on christmas eve, he began to say derogatory and cynical comments about marriage. When i asked him not to he became defensive. I asked him how many other gals he was this affectionate with.. He said, “do i have to answer that now”. I had my answer.
    He used me to get him through Christmas. On Dec 27th, he stopped texting and calling. I called to see if everything was ok.. He accused me of being suspicious. So i knew he was up to something. I asked him to go out and to make plans for New Years.. he said he had plans. Then he said.. “what’s it going to take for you to understand we are just friends”.. Thats when i wrote him a goodbye letter.. His response was that i was too controlling, parental, and my standards are too high. He could never meet them.. So long chum!!

  • The last guy I dated , I meet him through dating site called Plenty of Fish ..He was a nice guy but due to our lack of proper communication we are not together now , which is sad and I miss him but its easy for guys to move on and he has ..got a new girlfriend..

    Anyway I am new to this site of yours any instructions or guidance from where can I start ..


  • hi there! met my last love story man on holiday, in a cafe literally on the beach where I used to go on holiday with my family. there was a live concert where I danced with my uncle. my aunt actually made me look at that guy I had seen, but not spotted. they left me alone, and I smiled to him and got close so that he got a chance to talk to me, which he did!!
    the most exciting passion was the result. he made me come back to France after living for a year in London… although we are no longer together now…

  • I met my last boyfriend during a exchange programm abroad, we were both foreigners. I met the previous one, cause he was a friend of a friend. And the guy before him, I met at work.

  • I met the last guy who i was even remotely into at a house party that my friend invited me to.He was a colleague of the host.

  • Places I’ve met guys – New Year s Eve just gone, at a club with live music in London, we just got talking about bands that we liked, we were both quite drunk – and although he accepted my friend request on Face book (we have mutual friends) he never replied to my casual text a few days later

    Before that I’ve met guys on holiday (3 times) but although we met up afterwards, they never lasted more than a few weeks.

    I was set up (to all go to a meal together) by my friend’s friend as they thought me and her son would be great together, we were, it lasted 3 months and then he got cold feet.

    I’ve probably been to about 20 different Meet Ups, just once there was a guy I really liked and I told my friend this that I was going over to chat to him. She was already with another guy she liked. We got on ok but were with a group. I invited him to another Meet up, he came, my ‘friend’ came and wouldn’t let me get a word in. A week later, I found out she had asked him out for drink and they had met up. So I also asked him out for a date which went great but he didn’t ask to see me again so I left it. By the way, I made the decision that the sneaky way she behaved, she’s not my friend anymore.

    I go to a lot of gigs, sometimes on my own, sometimes with friends. If I’m on my own, I look around to see who else is on their own, surprising quite a lot of guys are, and we already have something in common to talk about as we like the same band

    Still looking!

    1. Clara you are behaving like a man by pursuing them, texting, approaching and asking them out. This is why you are having no luck with men. Please stop and allow the men to chase you instead. Start acting like a lady and you will find men will want to date you more than once. You wil never know how much a man likes you unless you allow him to do all the work. Just look your best, flirt with your eyes &smile and draw him in with your femininity and be receptive ti his advances. And by all means never sleep with him until you have a commitment. If a man does not approach you then he is not interested enough. If a man cannot wait to sleep with you until you are committed then he only wants you for sex and nothing more. Good luck!

      1. Ok so I wasn’t planning on sharing but here goes because I saw your message JJ. JJ and Clara, I would be glad if you both read my stories. They might make you smile :). I met a guy when I was out hiking. I was not really interested in the beginning, but he was… very. He walked with me down the trail and chatted me up. I sarcastically teased him about his beliefs and told him to buzz off many times. On the way back, I went to my buss but found that he had asked the guy next to him to take another seat and brought my things next to him. Started feeling some chemistry. Didn’t give him my number. He messaged me on fb and I didn’t respond. A month later, I went hiking. Found him there. He stalled until we got to the cafe an hour later to get food and snacks and came up behind me unaware, put his hand on mine and whispered in my ear – oooh you’ll pay. I decided I liked him but knew he was a player. We had this chemistry thing going but it never progressed. Perfect story on being chased but not perfect outcome.

        The guy I am with now I will be soon engaged to. I met him at work. I was a coordinator and he was a volunteer. We knew each other formally in meetings for more than a year but never chatted until he messaged me one day from Iran (works as a telecom engineer and was setting up the elections platform there) to test if he can hack into facebook. Turned out he could. We chatted rarely and one day we started sharing music without talking. Did it twice or more, then we talked … for hours almost daily. He would have been super comfortable to stay friends on facebook but after more than 2 months of talking daily I stopped logging on for more than 5 days. I logged back on and told him I won’t be on often. He said something about too bad I will miss you. I said your choice if you would like to but phones still exist. He called that day. We talked for 3 hours and then subsequently talked for a few weeks. I invited him 10 minutes before my birthday and he was one of the first to come. I then invited him twice again to things we both like doing and he came both times. He invited me to his friend’s farm and we were together. Still are. Till today, he often smiles sheepishly and says that the greatest blessing was that I’d invited him those few times. He has walked to my house for more than an hour to see me for less than 20 minutes because he couldn’t find a cab. He has helped me with my goals and been firm and no nonsense when I needed it and supported me in ways I never thought were possible….

        So JJ I don’t know about the let the man chase you rule….. I just know that when you feel desperate or awkward or ashamed that you are extending an invite it shows. I guess my rule is, if you deep down know that if you didn’t ask him out, he would never do anything or if you gave him a small push, he wouldn’t take a leap, then he’s just not for you. Otherwise, I don’t know girl, wanna chase a guy? I’m sure you can…. Knock yourself out ;). Just wanted to share.

        1. Sorry
          Lulu, I disagree. Whoever chases first will be the man in the relationship. The first meeting and approach, sets the tone for the relationship. If a man is not man enough to get over his fears or shyness to ask me out and possibly get a “NO” response then he is not man enough for me! It shows his courage as to how he will take charge when there is trouble in the relationship or a danger in our lives that needs attending to. I want a real man who will do what it takes to get things done! His lack of courage to ask a girl out says so much about him and I don’t want a guy who has no balls !!!!

  • I met the last guy through a good friend who was his flatmate in her Christian Singles house, she brought him to church He was more gay than straight. There are by far many more bad apples than good ones out there.

  • Hey from Russia. I’ve met my boy-friend at my work actually :) I worked as an office assistant and he worked as a logistic specialist…I’d not mention the company name but it is a big international company )))

  • The last guy I dated, I met at school.

    But the last longer relationship I had started with meeting a guy at a health mess (can one say that? mess?). He was selling some stuff with his firm and I went and asked him why his product was so much more expensive than at another place on the mess. Then he started a looong explanation of why his product was of so much better quality – I ended up buying it and got his card to get some further advice :)
    I had actually decided that day that I wanted to meet someone there… And so I did…
    Though he wasn’t the right one for me, so we split up a year ago.

  • Hi,

    I’ve met my current boyfriend at work- I work in a coffee shop and at the end of the day I definitely did not look my best.. He was an electrician doing some maintenance next door who came in to check our fuse board. I smiled, flirted a bit and asked him out! All it took was me taking that chance- they are around you all the time!! 5 months on we’re moving in together- and above all he know that I’m high value- thanks Matthew :)

  • the last man I met was at my niece’s elementary school. He was her first grade teacher. My sister asked me to volunteer at her daughter’s Fall festival doing face painting on the children. He was the master of ceremonies and had the kids all pumped up and was just having so much fun with them. Towards the end of the event, he started throwing candy at the crowds. I was disappointed to not get any. He then walked around handing rulers and pencils to the children and as he walked by my booth, he said, “I saved you piece of candy. What is your favorite color?” I said, “Thanks, why my favorite color?” he said, “So I can give you a ruler in your favorite color.” He charmed me and so I gave him my number.

  • Hey Guys,

    I have got dates from Bar Salsa (near Leicester Square), from Starbucks (I used to work there & a regular sexy cust picked me;), dating sites, social dancing classes ( salsa, Hungarian Folk dance), Skype, my current workplace

    Boyfriends from: Bar Salsa, a dating site, Starbucks, mutual friends introduced us to each other, scouting, workplace

  • The last decent man that I met was at a friend’s gig. She was performing and invited a few friends for support. The guy in question was an old friend of hers whom I had never met. The minute we began to talk there was a spark. It got even better when we chatted and found that we had lots in common such as travelling and our political beliefs (yes we talked politics). On top of all of that he was extremely down to earth and unaware of how good looking he was.

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