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3 REAL Cures For Loneliness…

I realized a huge truth about getting rid of loneliness that I didn’t mention in last week’s video.

Learn this simple-yet-powerful concept, and you’ll have an essential tool to create happy, meaningful relationships and feel connected again…

►► You don’t have to do it alone. Let’s take this life-changing journey together…MatthewHusseyRetreat.com

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431 Replies to “3 REAL Cures For Loneliness…”

  • This is exactly where I am in life, learning how to love being by myself before anyone can get into my heart again. I love being vulnerable, it makes me feel alive. Maybe sometimes I’m not sure how to dial it into one specific person.. I push back myself when I feel to much at times.

  • It was great… it was a discovery for me that we’d better show our soft side to others. Thank you Mat, it was really touching…

  • I love times of solitude and times of being with others.
    Last time I was overloaded with lonelyness I got out of the house and took a walk. I enjoyed the walk and by the time I’d walked over a mile I wasn’t thinking of being lonely any more or frustrated with sercomstances. I felt rejuvinated.


    It’s Sydney Felicia de Australia. I am writing to inform that my meds are making me fat, nauseous, and angry that I’m fat. It increases my apetite and supposedly reduces my metabolism. None of my favorite clothes fit me the same way and I feel bad about my attractiveness.

    On the upside, i am less judgmental of other fat people.

  • I think loneliness is felt mostly when we are looking out at the world and not in our own self . I’ve lived alone for 15 years . I love my life . I need the quote to think straight . Lol. If your lonely , your not dreaming big enough . Your goals are not set high . Just my thought .

  • Thank you Matthew,
    I hereby commit to making it my new standard o
    Smile at people I pass and make eye contact with more often and say hello to people waiting in line next to me.

  • Hey! ‘Liberace Ned Stark…’ Thanks for keeping me company at 3:16 a.m., for making me laugh out loud!, and for being available and vulnerable. ❤️

  • Mathew thanks for your thoughts. Really! Yes just like any emotion loneliness and self doubt too are just tract pathways in our brain that are trying to give us information to help us make a good decision. And the relieving news is that those emotions aren’t the final word or even the absolute truth, it’s just feedback, it’s the brain orientating, providing data based on the millions of bits of information stored in our brains. We then get to utilize this information as well as all other forms of input to choose a beneficial and positive course of action. So what is a beneficial course of action? Choose to smile, choose to be brave and chat with the stranger on the train, choose to go for that refocusing regenerating jog, choose to believe in your worth because you are the only you, choose to find solace in your solitude for the moment and appreciate it for the present, and look forward to the times of connecting in the future. I mean, studies show that the emotions centre of our brain is not in charge, thank goodness. If we could just remember what emotion’s purpose is, we could use them as they were intended which is basically a warning sign to avoid imminent harm or pain, and/or it’s a cue to pause and take a moment to analyze and identify the problem and then choose a good course of action to take.
    It may sound a little “emotionless” to put it in these terms but if it can help you sort out those possibly overwhelming moments some of the time then why not


    Do your advices work to find husband or just relationship?

    I want a husband who doesn’t suffocate me or murder me, who understands my need for space, and doesn’t talk a lot.

  • You make everything feel so easy with your insights and practical tools and advices. I am so grateful for finding you three years ago when I was so in need for sincere advice.

    I always leave your blog with a big smile in my face and in peace with me and the world, not only because you’re sometimes funny (in a good and positive way), but also because of your good energy and useful tools.

    Thank you all (you and your team) for being there.

    A big hug :-)

  • Thank you for this video. I started reading your blog looking for help in order to find a boyfriend (which worked by the way, his name is Christian) but I continued coming back to your site because it helps me conquer my biggest fear: being vulnerable. I know that making myself/ letting myself be vulnerable will make my life richer. But sometimes it’s scary as hell.
    So, thank you for your help.

  • Hi Matthew,

    I don’t normally leave comments but I figured I would this time. I am back for another year of college and although I am surrounded by familiar faces, it has been hard to start back up those interpersonal connections. I also am rooming with a new group of girls. Some of the women’s comments about feeling alone in their home or in a crowded space have very much applied to me this first week back. I feel alone in my common room surrounded by all my roommates or at a bar where I know no one.

    I think that just listening to you and the videos of other women was truly a cathartic experience that made me feel as though it is okay to feel lonely and that it is natural.

    I already feel less lonely just knowing that I am not the only one who feels alone :)

  • Thank you Matthew.
    I think I relate the most with the sense of worthiness, feeling like you don’t belong or do not deserve to be loved. I’m usually confortable with myself and the person I’ve become. It’s the moment we stop to look around, What am I missing? And why? Am I not enough or is something wrong with me?
    Having you talking about it and actually understanding the exact moment when I feel most lonely makes me break into tears, and they’re happy tears, of realizing that even in my loneliness someone out there shares the same feeling and I wasn’t so alone after all.
    Thank you for being vulnerable ❤️

  • Superb video. Very poignant and relative to me at this current moment. I have moved away from where I grew up and am now moving back because I feel so cut off and alone. I’m still moving back, however after watching this video I’m going to practice connecting with as many people as I can to see the difference. A smile goes a long way to begin connections, so I’m going to continue to smile :-D

  • There is a good line at the end of the really-not-so-bad movie “How to Be Single?”:

    ‘The thing about being single is, you should cherish it.
    Because, in a week, or a lifetime, of being alone, you may only get one moment when you’re not tied up in a relationship with anyone.
    One moment, when you stand on your own.’

    I believe that it is neither good nor bad to be single/alone. What matters is to make the best use of it. To cherish it, to learn from it, to get inspirations and inspire and to live it on 100%. It’s not a ‘parking mode’ on our gears, its a ‘drive mode’, so let’s drive fast and have fun.

    THANK YOU Matthew for being a GPS for many of us :*

  • i am a 22 young female artiste and i live most of time alone in my workshop, They always ask don’t you feel lonely?
    Well the truth is that i have my own interior limitless word, i can live with my self for weeks. And i enjoy it.

  • Hi Matthew,

    I watched your video without even having seen last week´s video. I really liked this and support the idea of allowing and encouraging more vulnerability in our (online) lives. I don´t normally comment on anything, but to make a statement of me being one of all these people who feel lonely and melancholic and alone a lot, I wanted to write something.
    Loneliness is something very human and surprisingly common- but, actually, not even that surprising in our individualistic, smartphone- headphones- and eletronic device-loving world.

    Thank you so much for your sincerity.

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