Learn More About My New Book, Love Life

Make New Friends: Your 4-Step Action Plan

Why does it seem so difficult meet people as an adult? When you’re in a new city, job, or situation, it can feel embarrassing to try to make new friends. Well, guess what? We all feel this way, and yet most people do want to enjoy a great social life with fun and interesting people. So it’s time drop the shame. I’ve got 4 tips to help you connect with new people and strike up friendships. Before you know it, you’ll be out on the town with your new crew! 

My “Beyond Beauty” Challenge

There’s a disturbing new trend on YouTube that’s indicative of a larger social problem; perhaps you’ve noticed it too. I’m going to tell you all about it in today’s episode of LOVE Life, and then I have an important challenge for you. Together, we’re going to make a small yet significant step in tackling a destructive issue that plagues young women – and many adult women as well: the Beauty Obsession.  But for once we won’t spend time talking about all of the obvious places it comes from; we’ll get right into the (surprisingly simple) solution.

The Surprising Reason Why Condoms Are Sexy

The beginning stages of a new relationship can be incredibly exciting; Along with intense passion for your partner, you start to form feelings of connection and trust. But wait – before you confuse those feelings of trust with physical safety and decide it’s time to stop using a condom, listen to this episode. I’m going to explain why I believe using a condom is actually sexier than throwing caution to the wind. I’ll even give you a line to say to him that will make you more intriguing and irresistible to him than any other woman he’s ever been with.

The Formula to Transform Friendship Into Desire

You’ve been friends with a guy for a while now, but you want more. So how can you cross over from “one of the guys” to “girlfriend material” without risking rejection? It’s a simple formula: Femininity + Sexuality + Challenge = Desire. I’ll show you exactly how to put these elements into place in today’s episode of LOVE Life, plus give you a sneaky bonus tip that will drive him crazy wanting you and give you your pick of other men in the process!

How to Break the Spell of Complaining

Are you addicted to complaining? In this episode of LOVE Life, we take a look at why it’s dangerous to seek significance in the sympathy of others, and I’ll reveal the most rewarding way to get validation through actually solving your problems. It may not be instant gratification, but I promise it’s the most fulfilling way to live.

4 Tips to Charm Anyone in 2 Minutes or Less

If you think all charming people are just born that way, think again! You can actually learn to build rapport with others and make them feel fantastic around you, and I’ll teach you how with my 4 simple tips. The best part? This is something you can do right away – in the very next conversation you have with someone – to charm them in 2 minutes or less. Ready, set, go!