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One Crucial Conversation Skill Most People Don’t Use

What makes a great conversationalist? Sure, being knowledgeable about a lot of topics and sharing about them in an interesting way is a great start. But there is one crucial conversation skill that most people don’t use. The funny thing is, this skill is so simple to implement; it actually takes the pressure off of you, helps you to grow, and makes the person you’re speaking with feel amazing about themselves around you. You don’t want to miss this quick but useful tip in today’s LOVE Life.

Love is Not a Transaction

When your partner is acting selfish, it’s only natural to feel resentful. Why should you be giving, giving, giving when all they’re doing is taking? So you withdraw and focus on your own needs to protect yourself. But this is the beginning of a dangerous pattern, as we explore in today’s episode of LOVE Life. Listen closely because I’m going to share a totally counter-intuitive, yet completely simple approach you can use when your relationship starts to feel like a transaction. Do this and you’ll immediately break the negative pattern and discover whether your partner is truly capable of meeting your needs.

Before You Date Your Co-Worker, Try This First…

Statistics say that 2/3 of people meet their partner through friends or work. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best way to find the right match for you! Before you start dating Dan from Accounting because you’re bored and think you don’t have any better options, STOP and listen to today’s episode of LOVE Life. I’m going to tell you how you can open your world up to more opportunities with much more exciting men. Bonus: If it doesn’t work out, you don’t have to pass them at the water cooler!

Have An Opinion, Dammit

“I like that restaurant.” “Ehh…I didn’t really like that movie.” Listen, anyone can say these things about anything. Liking or disliking something doesn’t mean you have an opinion. Having a compelling reason why you do or don’t like it is what makes you intriguing. Want an example? Boy, do I have one for you in today’s episode… Warning: I go on a bit of a rant, but I think you’ll find it amusing (or perhaps you’ll just think I’m a little crazy). Either way, I guarantee my advice will make you a lot more interesting to the guys you date!

The Truth About Your “Perfect Man” Checklist

If I asked you to list the characteristics you’re looking for in your dream man, what would you say? Whether we want to admit it or not, most of us have a mental checklist of what we want in our perfect partner. Is it helpful to be so focused, or could it actually hinder us from finding the person we’re most compatible with? In today’s episode, I tell you exactly what I think you should do with your checklist, and explain why the qualities that will truly bond you to a great guy might be the most surprising of all. 

When Your Friend Ditches You for Her New Boyfriend, Say THIS…

You love your friend. You want nothing but the best for her, including an amazing relationship. So why does it feel so sucky when she falls hard for a new guy and wants to spend alllllll of her time with him? You don’t want her to make a mistake, of course, but could there be something else going on? In today’s LOVE Life, we explore what happens when your BFF takes a “Boyfriend Hiatus” and what you can say to her to bring her out of it to spend some time with you. But be warned: she’s not the only one getting a reality check in today’s episode!