She Calls Me Out On National TV, But Watch What Happens Next

Last year I found myself on camera for a TV show – on one of the biggest stages I’d ever been on – in front of a live studio audience…

This clip is going to ‘inoculate’ you for life and have you ready should anyone ever try to embarrass you in front of others.

As a compliment to this video, get the guide that everyone’s been going crazy about…

Click here for my brother’s expose ‘The First Five Minutes’ >>







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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

446 Replies to “She Calls Me Out On National TV, But Watch What Happens Next”

  • Hi Matthew, you’ve responded to me in the past before which opened up an awesome debate I have to say firstly. Second, I think your response is brilliant because the moment she opened up her mouth, the first thing I thought was, ” omg she’s doing exactly what you said”.
    I love the way you paused and took the time to quickly analys the situation with out humilianting her the way she tried to make you feel. I’m a fast responder and I always wished I took that time to say that awesome come back I meant to say. I will take note just from watching this video.


    Love Jenn

  • I love this kind of content! Especially because I teach a class and if someone disagrees with me I want to know how to handle it!

  • Hi Matthew
    I really enjoyed seeing how you are breaking down the content about influencing using a real life examples. It’s much more insightful and puts into things into a real perspective, something you can’t achieve reading a book or blog about it.
    I have to say that I got ‘lost’ with your recent post written by your brother. It was too much information at once. I usually read/ watch your material when I’m on the go, so quick snaps of information which I can drilled down into later work better for me (and maybe for other people too!). Thank you for sharing and putting your time and effort into it, M

  • Matt
    People skills are something I sadly wasn’t born with….please keep this stuff coming. What works in the boardroom so often also works in the bedroom.

  • Hello Matt ,

    There is just One word to describe how you’ve handle that “CLASSY”

    I can imagine you couldn’t believe how something you hesitated to publish at first could end up being a start of such influential contents … And we have Stephen to thank for that

    I’ve been a fan of all of the topics you cover about relationship and love life , yet I can tell you for sure your latest too videos aren’t the only ones covering such topics .. You talked about social anxiety , enhancing our conversational skills , confidence …. And I can go on and on , whilst talking about all of these subjects the focus was about how to grow as people regardless if any individual wanted to use any of mentioned technique to improve their love life .
    So I’m just proving that you are already had the diversity thing going on , this it taking it to the next level in more more mooooore advanced way “and again thanks Stephen for starting up this whole thing ”

    Now please be our Kanye West :) … Don’t be afraid to innovate ” those are your own words :b”


    1. Classy is the word indeed.

      And truly, your thanks should go to Matt as much as me. They are his techniques after all, and he agreed to give them away!

      Huge love back to Sudan! Would love to come one day.

      Steve x

  • You’re brilliant, Matt, and definitely the boss in that situation.

    Thank you for sharing your insightful tips on how to skilfully master a confrontation while staying professional and unemotional. It doesn’t happen often but it’s good to be prepared for any scenario.

    Please share more of these videos!

  • I remember watching this when I was watching the show at the time and being flabbergasted by her response and respecting your incredibly restrained, mature, and well-suited response. This type of material/advice is incredibly useful and pragmatic, and I’d love more of it. I did enjoy the play-by-play and commend you on commenting on what you’d even do differently and why. Thanks so much for this, Matt. Hope to see more life advice soon.

  • I haven’t even watched it yet because I know exactly which clip you are going to show :) I wanted to ask if you expected that but…So here we are 2 years later when are you gonna give me a shot? Seriously, what do you have to lose? I could very easily go and do something else but it’s not where my heart and passion are. I love helping others and I’m a no nonsense kind of lady.

  • MATT! This is so insightful.

    freight train of realisation when someone realises their own behaviour, which wasn’t recognised until it was called upon.

    This must have been so useful! especially to positively effect change.

    We’ve all been here at some point wow more insight into our intricate clockworks pleasssseeee :)

  • Thanks for the play-by-play video Matthew. There have been countless times now where I wish I had a good comeback for someone who was rude to me. It’s always hours later, right, when we find the perfect words we could have said – shoulda, woulda, coulda moments.

    What a fine example of how your calm and intelligent response diffused the situation and boosted your credibility. Impressive!

    Maria xx

  • I forgot to add I know what happened because I was there every week trying to get you to give me a job/internship/a chance. Did I go about it perfectly NO but I’m still trying. I think that says something :)

  • Hey Matt
    Loved this video as I do all of them because you always teach as well as entertain ;-) This is going to help me a lot with my teenage daughter, I may get the last word for once! :-P

    More on human dynamics please :-)

  • This is great Matt. I always wish I could have a good comeback – but I tend to go silent & hold it all in, then feel bad myself while the other person moves on happily! Good to see how to handle it by being in charge without personally attacking back.
    Love these clips – thanks. :)

  • Great article Matt!! Also all GTG users, did the MOST EMBARRASSING THING while simultaneously watching this video. told someone I liked them, got rejected. He said he knew all along. EMBARRASSING right? I’m actually feeling quite empowered to change my love life… thanks Matt for the article and video on that.. and this. Do something that terrifies you today. It feels good, I promise.

  • Hello!
    I am enjoying the past two videos. I’ve noticed that friends of mine who study human persuasion and or who have read “the art of war” are better at handling difficult social issues.The methods you showed here I can use in my work place. Thank you again…and more please :)

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