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Everything You Know About Attraction is Wrong

Maybe it’s happened to you before: you knew you kind of liked a guy, but then he did one special move that made your heart do a triple back flip – now you are crazy about him.

How does this happen??

It’s not about fancy tricks, it’s about understanding this secret of deep, lasting attraction…

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549 Replies to “Everything You Know About Attraction is Wrong”

  • When he looked at me the 1st morning after and said you don’t need makeup to make you beautiful to me.

  • matt,the meaning of your video is so important.i learned something i never knew , Microattractions is certainly the basis of my story, someone i shared 8 yrs of life with had four major moments of devotion and character towards me that now i see so clear. 1st was with the loss of my mother, a hummingbird ,its sign ,and this man knowing before i did that I was being prepared to be alone with my mom as she took her last breath. i met him july 26th my mother passed sept 26th 2 months in to our dating,, , 8 yrs later we together lost a best friend on sept 26th, the person was a childhood friend of mine, and his best guy buddy years later. 2nd.was taking my son across country wth his best friend to college in california, i was a single mom never without my son in 18 yrs of his life i was with him every moment a stay at home mom working from home, the 1st night back to indiana i was to be alone without my child for the 1st time ever, he had gone to his house on our return back from taking the kids to california, 1 hr later my doorbell rang, i was shocked as i opened the door to see him standing on the porch, i asked did he forget a bag,he kindly said, this is your 1st time alone in 18 yrs without zach, i couldnt let you sleep alone tonight. that moment i knew i would love him forever no matter if we stayed together, he would hold my heart always.3rd i was in a horrible motorcycle accident, we had not dated in two years he was told at his work, and left work to come straight to my side, i didnt remember much of the moment, but months later he came and got me and my wheelchair and took me on and outing to Halloween shop because we both loved it, he pushed me around, helped me even in the girls bathroom and held door open to come get me. 4th, my father passed the next year, he drove from our motorcycle shop as the funeral home sent their people to get our father from home threw hospice, the funeral homes unit to place him inside the vehicle got stuck, he went to the ground fixed what was wrong as my brothers and i stood in tears and helped them load my father, this man has stood so high in character its beyond words the blessings i feel for having him in my life during 5 years of uphill days.I guess it would be clear to say i have major Microattractions for this soul ill always love..

  • I was dating several men but while on a date with one of those special gentlemen I experienced my micro attraction moment. While walking into a lovely venue downtown a homeless man paused and requested assistance. My date reached into his interior coat pocket, gave the stranger an envelope, shook his hand and wished him well. After this exchange I asked my date what was in the envelope; he said nothing but reached into his coat pocket again and pulled out an identical envelope and handed it to me. The envelope contained gift cards to three restaurants downtown, a certificate for a hotel room, a gift card to a drugstore, the phone number to request housing assistance, $20 cash and a note that said…”You Deserve!”
    Stunned and overwhelmed I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with his respectful kindness.
    Thank you Matthew for sharing your goodness!!! You have helped me more than I could possibly say!

  • This guy took me to a movie that he really wanted to see. In the middle of the movie I got cold. He noticed and excused himself. A moment later he draped his jacket over my lap. He’d left the movie he wanted to see to run out to his car to get his jacket for me. It was so incredibly thoughtful.

  • my boyfriend works in another state for now!! He told me I bought my airplane ticket to be with you next weekend for your birthday.

  • My grandpa was really sick and in the hospital. I didn’t want anyone outside my family to know… he came by my work and we started talking I was about to cry and he got closer and hold me so tight. That was it. It was all I needed.

  • This is great Matthew and I can think of many moments like this. However, and feeling a bit bad raising a bit after such a positive piece, what about those moments of unattraction? The moments where you think “oh! I don’t like that?”. If moments of micro attraction are so important are moments of micro unattraction as important? Are they red flags or are we being picky?
    Love your work and it’s helping me enormously – can’t believe I have been doing ALL the things you recommend we don’t do! But I’m learning now so thank you.

  • We were having lunch, and I was telling him a health problem my brother was going through and how my family and me felt about.

    After that I was telling him that I had to be strong in front of my family and he said you know what I want a woman who is a good person instead of having a successful woman, a woman who feels, who is sensible, and you have strong character.

    I can say this is a micromoment.

  • Thanks Matt for the great video. For me it’s when the guy I was on a date with literally told me he never went to school, for me that was so honest. I mean I was shocked with how he was straight up with me, I mean everyone tells a girl they have major academic qualifications just so as to impress them. I found his honesty attractive.

  • My guy always returns our empty glasses to the bar on leaving, he told me, he felt it would make life a little easier for the 1 person who probably felt undvalued at work, in the moment they would have to go collect them.❤ keeper!!

  • We were going out on our second date. He picked me up so he would have more time with me chatting in his car on our way to his favourite restaurant. On the highway, we witnessed a 5 car pile up accident, in fact he himself had to brake suddenly to avoid crashing into the car in front of us. As we drove past the crash, he stopped the car and told me he was a trained first aider and wanted to make sure the people involved in the crash were all ok before we drove off. That moment was when he pulled at my heartstrings, the fact that he was genuinely worried about the welfare and safety of total strangers.

  • What drawn to him and he drawn to me is giving support, sharing ideas and feeling and faith. be involved with each other, support him and listen him also when he listened me

  • He had spilt sunflower seeds and was cleaning them up but kept spilling them everywhere we both were laughing bout it it was the way he looked up at me every time they spilt out the attraction was so strong after that day

  • Thank you Matt for your video and support.
    I felt very special when the guy I liked texted me with news that he’s very happy about his work and shared with me his emotions. He also told me that I’m the first he announced it to. It really touched me.

  • I wrote a blog post where I shared my most personal deep thoughts and feelings about a subject. Almost everyone who I thought would appreciate it and support me actually criticized me a bit disrespectfully for my way of thinking. This guy not only didn’t criticize me, he thanked me warmly for the fact that I shared my outlook with him and said that my point of view was very much appreciated, interesting, enriching and valuable. And even though as it turned out later, he himself had a different opinion on the subject, the fact that he respected so much my right to be different and also found my perspective unique and enriching, made me incredibly attracted to him.

  • When a guy comes round to see you but stops to have a conversation with your parents first. Not just to greet them, but is interested in what they have to say and doesn’t feel awkward.

  • He was a divorced father of two children and when he spoke of his relationship with them from birth until now ( preteens ) my heart melted. I knew he was for real.

  • The time I visited him in his house n he had cooked for me nicely .and in a romantic way hi sung for mi

  • Yes! You are right Matthew the little things do mean alot. You have an old thinking head on young shoulders! People are too caught up in material thing nowadays, but when you need someone by your side that don’t mean a thing! I Was on a date once where a guy pushed my bright pink trolley for me,and that was one of those moments. It made me laugh too! Look foolish for me!! Yes! we have alot to offer if we dig deep and character is important. You have enlightened me in this material world we live in!

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