Hey guys, check out this video first before moving on to the second one, as I use it here to illustrate my point.
If you’ve ever experienced the pain of losing someone, there is a technique you need to learn for shifting the emotion you feel when you’re heartbroken. So even if you’re not heartbroken right now, maybe you have been in the past, or maybe you want to be fully equipped with it for the future!
Click Here To Change Your Love Life Forever
Song for the day:
Thank you so much for this video! That’s exactly what I needed to hear! :D
Everything you say Matthew is so true! I had my heart smashed to pieces last year but thankfully, I have come to realise he was not the right guy for me and I refuse to let that experience spoil my life and any potential future romances :-) Thank you for all your great advice!
This was fab article and I would really love to read the first few pages of your ebook, like you can on amazon when you’re thinking about buying a book. I can not find any proper reviews on google, every link (i’ve tried about 20) takes me to the buy page which is a bit creepy, sorry. And at total odds with the positive way you come across in video and in the written word. Its like its being hard sale pushed by an American ad agency, in the same vein as those horrid span banners like; this mum has secret tip to teeth whitening, you know what i mean.
Many thanks Eve
I do love all your blog articles by the way, positive and life changing, thank you x
How funny! The first time I saw this film I felt It was about me.
I know It was just three months however for me It was enough to know I wanted to Spend my whole life with him, After around 8 months, he told me that he hardly thinks of me, no hope to be together however I felt so depressed. But I feel much better just because I heard that my pain it’s , to a certain extend, healthy.
Thank you vvery much, it made me feel released in that sense.
I love this reminder. We hurt ourselves when we forget reality and don’t manage our expectations properly.
hi matt, that’s true! thank you for all the great advice :)!!!
You’re advice is very helpful and much needed. I’m a single mother single for 6 yrs not sure what I’m doing wrong!!
Hi Matthew,
I’ve followed many of your programs and I have a lot of respect for you and what you do. I whole heartedly believe in what you teach & believe it works however I’m having bro lens still. I’m trying to put your plans in action, but can’t find the way, I honestly need to be spoon fed the shit. I need a script for my situation, some sort of guideline I can fallow. Please help me out of the dark hole that I am in. I’d appreciate it so, so very much.
My guy dumped me,not once,not twice,3 times,I done nothing wrong to him,he says hes,stressed,and,leaves,I don’t see him for two weeks I might get one text to say sorry,thats,all,then he comes back into my life,I love him,but,I’m now sick of he’s excuses what should I do if I hear from him again after weeks