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Are You Having a Complicated Christmas?


If you’re dealing with loss, sickness, or loneliness, this time of year can serve to magnify whatever you’re going through. 

So in this weekend’s new video, I wanted to do something a little different . . .

While this message is for anyone who needs a boost during the holidays, it’s especially for those in the middle of a “complicated Christmas.”

And today I want you to know that you’re not alone.

Listen to this message and please do drop me a comment after you watch. I’d love for us all to feel more connected and help people know that others understand what they’re going through right now.

Happy holidays,

Christmas and the holidays in general are a great magnifier. They’re a magnifier for joy if you’re feeling a lot of joy in your life right now, if you’re in an amazing relationship and you’re excited about sharing the holidays with that person, or if you have incredible family around you that you’ve been looking forward to seeing. So if you’re already excited about that, the holidays become a wonderful magnifier for all of those wonderful experiences.

But they can also be a magnifier for pain. If there’s someone in particular you’re missing this Christmas, if there are people who have left your life either through death or through breakups, then it can be an incredibly painful time and one that reminds us of what we don’t have right now. 

And that extends to family and friendships. If you feel particularly lonely right now in your life, the holidays are a time when you feel even more lonely, especially when you go online and it looks like everyone else is having this Hallmark Christmas or you’re watching the actual Hallmark holiday movies and you’re seeing all of these quintessential, beautiful happy-ending versions of the holidays. It can be this really stark contrast with what we find ourselves experiencing today.

I wanted to reach out and say, if you are having a complicated Christmas, that you are not alone. That despite what people are putting on social media about what an incredible time they’re having over the holidays, the reality is that so many people are having a very complicated version of the holidays. For some people, it just feels dark and sad and scary and lonely. 

For other people, it feels like it’s this weird mixture of things—you know, they’re having a lot of joy in their lives right now with some people, but maybe there’s someone really important missing. Maybe there’s something going on internally that you feel like even though everyone is having a wonderful time around you, and even though you may not be voicing it to the people around you, there’s something for you internally that feels broken.

And if that’s the case, I want to reassure you that you are in good company—that there is a wonderful club of people who are all themselves experiencing their version of a complicated Christmas. And they may not be posting it online and it may even be the very same people who are posting the most positive things online about the day they’re having. But I assure you, you’re in wonderful company.

This is an invitation to not feel alone, but instead feel in that company like, “Wow, there are so many people in life who must be experiencing their version of this right now. And if that’s true, then I get to decide what kind of energy I want to represent in that club of people who are all having their version of a complicated Christmas.”

This isn’t a message of gratitude, of saying, “Even though you’ve got it hard right now, look at how much you have!” And it’s not even a message of hope, of saying, “Even though this is where you are right now, think of how much better it will be in the future!” Some things will be better and some things will never be the same.

There will be some aspects of our life that may never change back to the way we want them, or there might be someone you lost in your life that you can’t get back. There may be a message of hope in that you’ll feel better one day, but life to an extent is always going to be complicated. And rather than live in a place of hope for the future, one of the things we can do is lean into a radical acceptance of the way things are right now, and that life is the way it is: 

“There is something that in my ideal world would be different, but what I get to do today is I get to decide whether I am going to be the author of magic or a seeker of magic.”

Seekers of magic wait for things to change. They wait for the conditions of their life to be right/perfect before they decide to bring a certain energy.

Authors of magic decide to create magic wherever they are, without that family member present, without that relationship in their life anymore, or with whatever problems they’re facing in their life right now. Authors of magic decide to create magic where they are.

And there are so many ways to create magic. If we’re completely on our own this Christmas, maybe we use it as a time to create something that brings a little joy into our own lives, or to treat ourselves a different way than we were going to treat ourselves today. Instead of beating ourselves up, we are as compassionate as possible to ourselves today. 

Or maybe we create magic by giving that compassion to somebody else. Maybe the pain you’re in could be an invitation to connect with somebody else who’s experiencing a similar pain but doesn’t have the strength you do in being able to reach out. So even though you’re experiencing the same pain, you’re the person who’s got the courage or the strength to actually reach out and connect—to make someone’s day a little better.

I want you to know that whatever kind of Christmas you’re having, whatever kind of holidays you’re having, you’re not alone. There are people out there who are having the same experience. There are people out there who need your light and need your energy and need your magic, because they’re not strong enough to be able to give it to themselves or to find it in life right now. And I hope that instead of wishing for it to be a different way today, you just make a decision to say, “With whatever situation I’m in right now, what’s my own modest little work of art that I could create today? What’s my own modest way of injecting magic into my day?”

I wish you a very Merry Christmas, a beautiful time over the holidays, and a Happy New Year. But this is me just reaching out and making sure that you know I see you and that we’ll be all right. And we’re going to start the year beautifully next year together.

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90 Replies to “Are You Having a Complicated Christmas?”

  • Thank you Mathew for your absolutely magical message and the great amount of love that you always share amongst the lonely hearts Greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you too xx

  • Wow! Thank you Matthew, so much. Lovely message, and I stay with this..” Authors of magic decide to create magic where they are.”

  • Dear Matthew,
    I have a very happy holidays this year, I have a great family and I’m in successful relationship (thanks to you also). But my sister lost her biggest love this year due to death.
    I will show her this AMAZING video and I hope she will find a courage to move forward. THANK YOU for this super powerful message.
    Happy Holidays

  • Mathew and Team Thankyou. I find myself in a complicated christmas. After 32 years my husband declared he wanted a divorce. Having lost a boutique architecture firm I created to a business partnership gone rogue. A period of my life were I faced the pain of my past in an unexpected friendship that mirrored my childhood experience of diminishment and shame, and at one period even threatened my life.

    I find myself in a very strange and unfamilar place. I built my life around creating a loving and accepting family and kind compassionate marriage for myself and my children. My husband and I waited to have children till we were older and when we did it was with intention, deep attraction and love for each other.

    Create a family we did with rituals around the holidays that are rare and unique. My children grown now experienced a life, in stark contrast to my own childhood experiences.

    But inside I was as lonely and unhappy as I had ever been. I was in constant conflict and turmoil. Striving to rebuild attraction between my husband and I . Not accepting what was right in front of me. A romantic heart a creative mind always seeing possibility keeping me stuck. A love for the life I had sacrificed and strived to create. Keeping me in a level of anxiety and incongruence. Once the searing pain of heartbreak of facing what I knew inside to be true ..that we no longer were happy together and no amount of growth self reflection change and determination would reconnect us. Suddenly I was free to create in new ways.

    I cleared, repaired and packed up my things. I moved out but remained connected to my children. I embraced pain, sorrow and a lost identity as a time to create a new experience writing my values of who I wanted to be in the world. I made it okay to be both in sorrow and to be experiencing new happiness in small moments. I got a new job as a landscape architect , i created clients for my new mission . I’m spending time in self reflection. Building new patterns rewiring my mind. Every day I do hard things staying aligned with my long term goals and values of equinimity , connection, growth, presense impact, unconditional love and brutal honesty with myself.

    Though my heart feels a searing pain that everything I built my life around has crumbled. There is also a peace in my life of no longer feeling anxious about me, of feeling not enough and always having to hide parts of myself because they werent something aligned with my husbands values or desires. I am feeling a connection to myself, the things important to me.

    Then there is unexpected moments of joy. My children invited me to be a part of the xmas eve game. They led and created the game. Surrounded by the family I built my life around . I sat next to my former husband not as his wife but as a separate and unique person.

    New things and experiences emerged within the pain.
    I made homemade woid gifts for my children and family. I created gourmet paleo dishes from thin air. I invited my children to new rituals and experiences. I went to social events to connect with new people doing things ive never done before, i got out in nature (a lot) and found some new hiking buddies). For the first xmas in two years was able to see my daughter in law.

    It hurts yet is beautiful at the same time. All the deep work, the walking the fire , being courageous and taking action is somehow paying forward on a new created life. It doesn’t take away the pain. It does create the ability to move thru to not get stuck there or have it stop me from living life. To actually see the truth of life as it is. There is this strange and beautiful awareness to this.

    Im oddly at peace in my heart in this strange space im in. Knowing I am still a creator of my life. That this Is a time of growth and healing for me. That the darkness and sadness has a deeper purpose and meaning .

    Im not sure what awaits me in the new year. But there is a clean slate from which to build from and an understanding a consciousness that I choose the meaning I hold for these experiences.

    Its complicated , messy , painful and beautiful all at the same time. Its life.

    Im so grateful for this team the beautiful work you all do for people. It’s an act of passionate creation I deeply admire. Im in a different place than I would be had I experienced these life events without this connection.

    Thankyou. From my heart to yours.

  • That is so right on, Matthew. Thank you! I was a seeker for most of the last 6 years following the traumatic and unexpected death of my husband. And after my son took his life 2 yrs ago, I doubled my efforts, while simultaneously trying to prove to myself and others I was worthy of their love. I just wanted to bask in the glow of a man’s love again. Through a series of breakthroughs this year, I have come to value my self so much more and no longer work so hard at being there for everyone else. Despite my experiences, I cannot walk their path or force outcomes. I am learning to bask in the glow of loving and taking care of me. Every day – even during the holidays – I get to choose how I think about my day and environment and how I can make it richer and more meaningful in any given moment. Thank you for the reminder that we are not alone!

  • Thanks Matt, missing my dad this Christmas, but, am comforted knowing he’s in a better place.
    Thanks for the words of comfort and encouragement, God bless you and yours.

  • What a beautiful & such motivating message that I needed to hear! From losing a mother last year at this time, filling her shoes as the Mother Bear of our family, a single parent of 2 high schoolers, caring for a Father that has dementia & has mobility challenges, then being in a relationship that that has communication & consistency issues, being given gifts & taking it back (smh) etc. This really spoke to my soul! Being my own author spoke to my soul & is exactly what I needed!

    Blessings to you Matthew & your family, esp for sharing such an amazing & encouraging message!!

  • .You have such a beautiful heart and thank you for this beautiful message for all who need it. I know I did. Thank you and here’s to a more heart filled New Year.

  • Bang on as usual Matt. And beautiful illustrations. I’m having a complicated Holiday season but it’s not my first. So this year I organized a group hike with my friends for Boxing Day. Ended up with 7 of us and the weather cooperated. So nice to be with a bunch of lovely people and out in nature. I’m smiling now.

  • I’ve been hearing an exciting message from multiple places lately…to take the less than ideal circumstances you’re in and create something meaningful from them…to use survival as an opportunity for creativity…and through that hopefully find moments to thrive. I appreciated this in your message as well. Thank you.

  • Hi Matt, this video touched me so much! It talked from the bottom of my heart! Thanks for putting it together.

  • Thanks Matt, it’s true what some of us are going through thank you for the concern always even as help us God is always with you and many blessings this year your encouragements really touch me

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