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Are You Having a Complicated Christmas?


If you’re dealing with loss, sickness, or loneliness, this time of year can serve to magnify whatever you’re going through. 

So in this weekend’s new video, I wanted to do something a little different . . .

While this message is for anyone who needs a boost during the holidays, it’s especially for those in the middle of a “complicated Christmas.”

And today I want you to know that you’re not alone.

Listen to this message and please do drop me a comment after you watch. I’d love for us all to feel more connected and help people know that others understand what they’re going through right now.

Happy holidays,

Christmas and the holidays in general are a great magnifier. They’re a magnifier for joy if you’re feeling a lot of joy in your life right now, if you’re in an amazing relationship and you’re excited about sharing the holidays with that person, or if you have incredible family around you that you’ve been looking forward to seeing. So if you’re already excited about that, the holidays become a wonderful magnifier for all of those wonderful experiences.

But they can also be a magnifier for pain. If there’s someone in particular you’re missing this Christmas, if there are people who have left your life either through death or through breakups, then it can be an incredibly painful time and one that reminds us of what we don’t have right now. 

And that extends to family and friendships. If you feel particularly lonely right now in your life, the holidays are a time when you feel even more lonely, especially when you go online and it looks like everyone else is having this Hallmark Christmas or you’re watching the actual Hallmark holiday movies and you’re seeing all of these quintessential, beautiful happy-ending versions of the holidays. It can be this really stark contrast with what we find ourselves experiencing today.

I wanted to reach out and say, if you are having a complicated Christmas, that you are not alone. That despite what people are putting on social media about what an incredible time they’re having over the holidays, the reality is that so many people are having a very complicated version of the holidays. For some people, it just feels dark and sad and scary and lonely. 

For other people, it feels like it’s this weird mixture of things—you know, they’re having a lot of joy in their lives right now with some people, but maybe there’s someone really important missing. Maybe there’s something going on internally that you feel like even though everyone is having a wonderful time around you, and even though you may not be voicing it to the people around you, there’s something for you internally that feels broken.

And if that’s the case, I want to reassure you that you are in good company—that there is a wonderful club of people who are all themselves experiencing their version of a complicated Christmas. And they may not be posting it online and it may even be the very same people who are posting the most positive things online about the day they’re having. But I assure you, you’re in wonderful company.

This is an invitation to not feel alone, but instead feel in that company like, “Wow, there are so many people in life who must be experiencing their version of this right now. And if that’s true, then I get to decide what kind of energy I want to represent in that club of people who are all having their version of a complicated Christmas.”

This isn’t a message of gratitude, of saying, “Even though you’ve got it hard right now, look at how much you have!” And it’s not even a message of hope, of saying, “Even though this is where you are right now, think of how much better it will be in the future!” Some things will be better and some things will never be the same.

There will be some aspects of our life that may never change back to the way we want them, or there might be someone you lost in your life that you can’t get back. There may be a message of hope in that you’ll feel better one day, but life to an extent is always going to be complicated. And rather than live in a place of hope for the future, one of the things we can do is lean into a radical acceptance of the way things are right now, and that life is the way it is: 

“There is something that in my ideal world would be different, but what I get to do today is I get to decide whether I am going to be the author of magic or a seeker of magic.”

Seekers of magic wait for things to change. They wait for the conditions of their life to be right/perfect before they decide to bring a certain energy.

Authors of magic decide to create magic wherever they are, without that family member present, without that relationship in their life anymore, or with whatever problems they’re facing in their life right now. Authors of magic decide to create magic where they are.

And there are so many ways to create magic. If we’re completely on our own this Christmas, maybe we use it as a time to create something that brings a little joy into our own lives, or to treat ourselves a different way than we were going to treat ourselves today. Instead of beating ourselves up, we are as compassionate as possible to ourselves today. 

Or maybe we create magic by giving that compassion to somebody else. Maybe the pain you’re in could be an invitation to connect with somebody else who’s experiencing a similar pain but doesn’t have the strength you do in being able to reach out. So even though you’re experiencing the same pain, you’re the person who’s got the courage or the strength to actually reach out and connect—to make someone’s day a little better.

I want you to know that whatever kind of Christmas you’re having, whatever kind of holidays you’re having, you’re not alone. There are people out there who are having the same experience. There are people out there who need your light and need your energy and need your magic, because they’re not strong enough to be able to give it to themselves or to find it in life right now. And I hope that instead of wishing for it to be a different way today, you just make a decision to say, “With whatever situation I’m in right now, what’s my own modest little work of art that I could create today? What’s my own modest way of injecting magic into my day?”

I wish you a very Merry Christmas, a beautiful time over the holidays, and a Happy New Year. But this is me just reaching out and making sure that you know I see you and that we’ll be all right. And we’re going to start the year beautifully next year together.

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90 Replies to “Are You Having a Complicated Christmas?”

  • Thank you for this message. After Halloween I go into Grinch mode. I haven’t been big on Christmas for many years now, that’s definitely my mom’s thing and I tolerate it for her. November and December are a constant reminder of what is lost and this year was especially worse. My dad passed in 2000 when I was in high school and his birthday is December 8th. My best friend suddenly fell ill and passed on the 15th of December eleven years ago. Those reminders seem to sneak up on me and some years I feel the pain worse than others. This year was bad. I also unexpectedly lost both my horses this year, one I’ve had since 2000 and one I hadn’t had even two years. This year I was really hoping to have a partner to lean on but it wasn’t in the cards which definitely makes me feel alone.

    So, thank you for the beautiful reminder that not everyone is having a Hallmark Christmas with their families and loved ones. It was a nice shiny beacon that wasn’t an empty platitude. I will take that with me for the remainder of the year. Thank you!

  • Thanks for normalizing “complicated”!
    For a number of reasons I find myself alone this Christmas. This is not the first time – it’s been a sporadic thing. Some people in my life who discovered rather last minute that I was going to be on my own are either expressing sympathy like its a death, or scrambling to try to include me in whatever they are doing. The latter are kind gestures, but I feel like a last minute intruder.
    I am authoring my own adventure. Taking myself to a city about an hour away that I’ve not been to in years, to a lovely restaurant that I’ve heard great reviews about for Christmas dinner, and then going for a walk to see some touristy lights and displays. I don’t feel upset or lonely about this one bit. In fact, I feel empowered and excited because this is different. I wish everyone else would stop having a pityful spazz about it. I got this!
    Best wishes for spectacular holidays to Clan Hussey and Hussey Followers!

  • Matthew you are really wonderful and this message was the best thing I could ever start my day with
    I just decide to write the magic ang give light and energy to others who may feel down in this Christmas .
    Thanks a lot.
    Wish you the best Christmas

  • Thank you for saying what many people need to hear. I’ve had some lonely Christmases in the past (the year I separated from my ex-husband, for one) and I was fortunate that social media wasn’t at that time what it is today.

    Most people only post what they want the world to see. It’s all about optics. That’s hard to recognize though when you’re going through a rough time and it looks like everyone else is doing so well.

    Thank you, too, for not using platitudes or toxic positivity. Those can be more harmful.

    May all who read your post and comments find what it is that they need to feel seen and a little less alone.

    Peace be with all.

  • Thank you for your kind message. I am not in the right mood for this holidays. It remainds me of the losses I have had. Now, I choose to focus on the love of my daughter, my brother’s family and my friends.I am grateful of what I have.
    Best wishes for you all.

  • Wow… I must say Matthew, you are such a truly caring person. I went to an old friends house party (Sun 12-24 2023), and had a great time- with all there. And tomorrow we will meet again to watch the Chiefs game together. But even though I had nice plans……and enjoyed myself as well …. I was very touched by the video above. I believe you are reaching past the role of a dating coach, but where to, I’m not sure.

  • Thank you for your video! Christmas hasn’t been the same since my parents split up years ago, and when we get together with my dad and siblings, it’s not the same. And I’m always being criticized by my siblings, for speaking too loud, or because of different opinions, and I’m sick of it. Two years ago, before I left for a year abroad, they made me cry, and I’m so done with that toxicity. So now that I moved on the other side of the country, I’d rather be alone. But I do feel lonely, unappreciated and sad, because I wish things were different, and just being loved for who I am. Plus it hasn’t been easy at my new job, I’ve had to deal with a difficult colleague for months now, and it’s taken its toll (hopefully he’s been dismissed and will be gone soon). It’s good to know I’m not alone and again thank you for your kind words

  • Sending love, comfort and healing to everyone that may be having a very complicated Christmas and holiday season. Thank you Matthew for such a beautiful and honest message of quiet support for all of us (including myself) who are devastated, heartbroken, in fear, in pain. I appreciate the sentiment of radical acceptance and being gentle with ourselves while working through difficult feelings, rather than a hollow message of cheering up and being grateful. Some things will never be the same. There will be some things in life that we will never be able to “get over”. And that is okay. We still always have a choice of how we can show up for ourselves in each moment. Love to everyone who commented; some of your messages brought tears to my eyes and eased some of my pain. Thank you.

  • Dear Matthew,
    Thank you for your Special and Wonderful Message! It sounds like a hymn to life!
    This year I am having a complicated Holiday season after 3 losses in our family. But you and your movies are so helpful and essential to help me feel much stronger and cope with sadness in my life.
    I appreciate your touching “invitation not to feel alone”.
    Let me wish you and your family and your team a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Much respect,

  • Thank you Matthew and team! I’ve always had a complicated Christmas, be it due to much poverty & abuse in childhood, or keeping myself in relationships that I knew are not good for me, basically because I loathed to be alone especially for the holidays. My kids when they were smaller(single mom) seemed to fill that in to an extent, being very busy around them. But now that they’re teenagers and they would rather spend their time with anyone else than their mother (which is normal and I understand) the complicatedness started creeping in again…
    I am a very introverted person in personal situations and never learnt how to connect, I don’t have friends either.
    I do have a powerful presence though, I do have the power to create, to uplift and help others. It’s just that before I also did that with a bit of a hidden social contract, wishing that then I will be befriended as well.
    For 2024 my inner promise is that I will help others break free as well, by what I do , without expecting anything in return.
    Magic holidays everyone!

  • Thank you for the message. The magnifier it truly is…I orgonized a fantastic party for many friends and their kids but felt lost after, overwhelmed and lonely. Luckily my kids kept me going and I assured that they had a fantastic Evening fueled by love from me. I also will assure that oncoming days will be spent on selflove;).

  • Thank you for the thoughtful message for those of us who sometimes feel disenfranchised. I have grown a lot in 2023 with the LLC opportunities for learning and I believe I will be an author of magic in 2024 thanks to that growth.

  • Dear MH team,

    Thank you for your thoughtful video. Watching your message with my cat bombarding me with affection was a great reminder of what all I am currently grateful for. Sometimes, I feel stuck or lonely between working full-time and grad school, plus the memories of losses during the holiday season. But not today! Thank you for the thoughtful nudge during this complicated season.

    Have a lovely holiday!

  • Best message I’ve heard to get through the holidays. Lost my husband & soulmate a few years now. There’s always going to be a void & a place in my heart for him. Life is complicated & unpredictable. Met a man who I’ve gotten close to but his life is also complicated. Maybe with the magic I’m going to create suggested by you, the equation of 2 complicated lives = 0! It’ll cancel each other so we start from scratch & create a new fresh life. Bless you Matthew for giving us hope & a future!

  • Hi Matt, this is a huge thank you from a sort of lonely and not that healthy person in France. I often listen to your youtube videos but this is the first time I am leaving a message. You are a very kind person and I would like to wish you everything of the very best for 2024.

  • Thank You Matt!

    I have You and Your Encouragement. My Mom exited earth four years ago.

    On One of Her final days, She and I were watching some show on Channel six (NBC), one of Your shows was aired. There was Your image.

    My Dad was the only man She looked. Yet, She looked at You on that Show.

    A few days later, She exited earth and returned to Her True Home (Heaven).

    Before leaving, She knew You can help me through my tough time. You did help me.

    Now, I understand and know why You are the second man She looked

    Thank You Matt!

  • My intention is to be more vulnerable and get in the arena, even if it’s risky, because the payoff for being brave may be totally amazing and I’m already kinda sad, so what have I got to lose, really?

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