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Where To Meet The Best Men – The Results!

Pretty varied locations right? You can meet a guy anywhere.

Click hereto see last week’s video (part one) and to read the comments.

Before you go you…

Question of the day : )

What is the the best line a guy has ever said to you?

Can’t wait to read your answers in the comments. The best will be read out in next weeks video.


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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

185 Replies to “Where To Meet The Best Men – The Results!”

  • Your going to look so beautiful in white. He was implying a wedding dress, due to my current level of purity that I’ve chosen to maintain.

  • “I don’t normally do this but I just have to tell you that you have the most amazing eyes.” That worked. The best (non-cheesy/gross) line, though, is someone who simply smiles and sincerely says, “hi, how are you?”

  • Nobody has ever used a pickup line on me. Nor has anyone ever asked me ‘why’ questions (unless they were under the age of 10). Only very undesirable blokes have told me that they fancy me. And in each case they were very direct. “I fancy you” or “I like you”

  • “We were just talking about you.” I wasn’t sure that I heard him correctly and responded with Excuse me? He smiled and said “You don’t know me, we’ve never met, and I don’t want to take you away from your friends but I must tell you that when you walked in the room tonight, everyone’s focus shifted, especially mine. I have to know your name.” Whether it was true or not, it was quite flattering…A pick up line that I won’t forget.

  • Many American men like to go for the humorous/corny approach to pick up lines which is always quite amusing, but my favorite approach is when a man approaches me with precious sincerity :),” Vos yeux sont pleins de charme.” ( your eyes are full of charm) has probably been my favorite. Something about being told you are charming makes it impossible not to smile :).

  • I’ve been told on two different occasions, in two different countries, that I have nice teeth. Guess I have nice teeth…or is that a common pick-up line now?

  • This woman was looking to move into town & she was low on funds so I wanted to help her out. I was shocked how beautiful she was & had such a great personality. She was dressed for a job interview when I met her. She was INCREDIBLY thankful…& to boot, her step son (whom I ended up meeting later) was as hot as they come! I learned a few valueable lessons from this: very attractive people either produce, or associate with other attractive people, so make friends with hotties!… Oh.. & be nice to older people, they may know something you don’t. ;)

  • Matthew,

    I listened to your video blog this morning before I went to work. Quite unexpectedly an old acquaintance that I had palled around with in High School was in my office and dressed very sharply I might add. I have run into him over the years off and on and even chatted once about his single brother. Today he seemed different, professional, strikingly handsome. We got to chatting and he mentioned he had been at our business the evening before and noticed that I worked here from my photos. First ding went off in my head..I asked why are you dressed so nicely today. He responded that it’s always good to dress up. He asked if I could chat with him, so I took my break and asked him how things were going. He rated life an A-, and divulged his marriage had ended due to infidelity on her part. Second ding went off in my head..I gave my condolences about the situation. Then somewhat surprisingly I forwardly said “Perhaps if we are both single we could date”. He didn’t skip a beat and pointed out he wouldn’t date a friend and that also I worked for his biggest client. Very sound logic, so I was no worse for the wear. When finished up and gave each other a hug goodbye. No sooner than how long it took me to walk to my office I received a phone call from him. Immediately he pointed out that all the while we were talking and he made that statement of how he wouldn’t date me, that his mind was screaming at him “Yes you would you idiot!!”…So he just had to call me to set things straight. I haven’t gotten much done at work today because I feel a little giddy inside at this whole surprising turn of events. Plus we have been flirting by text all day.

    This experience has taught me a few things. First, pay attention to signs a guy puts out… like dressing nicely around you (when his job doesn’t require it), asking if we can chat for a while, and divulging personal information that indicates he’s single…Second, it certainly cannot ever hurt anything more than a small ego bruise to flip a handsome man a compliment or insinuate wanting to get to know him better. And lastly, that even when logic dictates a man shouldn’t date me, that if he’s really that into me, he will..That last one was a real eye opener because previously and recently I have always made excuses for men not calling, or saying they don’t want a relationship. Things like he’s broken and doesn’t trust a woman so he’s pushing me away because he really really likes me and doesn’t want to get hurt….(which may or may not be true) but regardless, why did I waste my time trying to be desperate and convince someone how awesome I am and how we really belong together….Uh, uh….Hell NO, not making that mistake again…..If a man is just not that into me then his loss and I’ll keep my eyes and ears open for meeting Mr. Right, where and when I least expect it.

    Much love to you Matthew. I just adore the shit out of ya. If this doesn’t work out with the new guy I’m coming for you! ♥

    Best line -kinda. More like a best “move”… In a bar, Main street in Venice, Cali, killing time for traffic to die down, yes alone…Guy comes up to my barstool, orders a drink, says Hi and whatever else, it was happy hour, bar packed, he genuinely asked to see the new Galaxy cell phone I had in front of me, explaining he might convert from his iPhone and could he see it, his face not wavering…”Of course” and handed it to him, and in response to his shock I didn’t have a passcode on my phone, I explained If someone wants to see what is in my phone, what they see is not my issue, he began pushing buttons on it, checking it out…THEN …BREAKING THE SILENCE was his cell phone ringing in his pocket. He pulled out THE SAME PHONE AS MINE, clicked it off, clicked mine off and handed it back to me. I was completely confused, ‘something just happened’ ‘huh?’ ‘what did he just do’ kinda thoughts were swirling… And through a foxy little sly smile he says: “I’m gonna call you, and you’re going to go on a date with me.” Thank God he was gorgeous, too, cause gotta tell ya -No matter if he even looked like Woody Allen, I was going! (Lightbulb! Hmm, so that’s how ol’ Woody gets the teens -interesting.)

  • Met 1 guy from taking an inner city train. He chased after me. That was in early 2011. Relationship lasted 5 months, went 1 year before I heard or seen him again, ran into him another year later; occasionally get creeper texts just to hook-up for sex but have since declined.

    Met another guy from getting lunch at MY local neighborhood coffee shop. (Sunday, August 31, 2014). He was getting lunch with his cousin from out of town, whom long story short played sports with my grade school classmates in a totally different city, so we have something in common. He realistically doesn’t like me because I’m too smart for him but puts up with me since his cousin and me have some mutual “friends” from childhood.

    Met a guy who was returning to his workshop while I was leaving the beach and heading back to work. Relationship lasted 2 months. (2010).

    Met a guy at a bookstore coffee shop (since has closed) (2009-2010).

    Met a guy who was the mutual friend of another mutual friend of a friend. Summer fling 2011.

    Met a guy who’s local at a tech conference. Lasted 4 weeks (Oct-Nov 2013).

    Former neighbor (2013). This was my most turbulent to date. On and off and once it was off, he secretly stalked me to the point I forced him to move.

  • Hey Math :)
    Thanks girls for ideas :D

    It doesnt happen often to me as i may look buisy and serious or scared that if guy come i dont understand if he likes me or trying to get in pants. As i got some rude approaches from drunk guys or player.

    Some cute ones

    We were doing some common project ‘well that is a real woman, brave, energetic, well done’

    ‘What woul ladie want? I said ‘carefull, ladies might want a lot’ he necame very energetic ‘just say i will do it’

    The thing is he is married so im probably relaxed and confidented arround and dont want any attention like this. Still nice words

    My last boyfriend was really cute. We worked togeather and he kept thinking loudly and telling all incredibly tiny things he notices about me,

    ‘You twist so nice’
    ‘Your voice is beutiful’
    ‘You wor so fast, you spin so soft’
    ‘Your hair looks so soft, your eyes are so bright’
    ‘There are some light inside of you. Youre different than other girls’

    When finally came and told everything all scared and bluahed it was scary and cute:)

    One after
    ‘No one ever asked me questions you do. Ive never thought or talked about that’

    ‘You make me feel strong and week at the same time’ these are my favorites.

    And i said once ‘when im with you i feel home’ he liked it a lot

    One guy in studyclass left short poem on my desk after we had a task to play interview. I didnt know him and was scared as he looked big and angry. Still i decided to be playful just for fun and played that interview. I was amazed as poem was about things i told him on interview.

    Onec i ran into guy inelevator asked if he is going down. And he said hes goin up and asked to join. I did he said he would take me for a drive in city as he is post man. But i was in a hurry and got confused didnt know if it was a playful joke. Just laughed and got confused

    Its nice to remember:) and i notice i get attention like this from guys i dont want to be at first or from married or the ones in relationships. One boyfriend of my friend told he is sure all guys are chasing after me. That was nice:) although its not true

    I cant get this attention from guys i want. I become scared or think they dont like me or being selfprotective or serious pretending i dont care about them. No i try to let myself blush and play show if i like u guy;)

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