Where To Meet The Best Men – The Results!

Pretty varied locations right? You can meet a guy anywhere.

Click hereto see last week’s video (part one) and to read the comments.

Before you go you…

Question of the day : )

What is the the best line a guy has ever said to you?

Can’t wait to read your answers in the comments. The best will be read out in next weeks video.


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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

185 Replies to “Where To Meet The Best Men – The Results!”

  • “Wow, your one of those secretly sexy people. I had no idea” from a male aquaintance. In context, we would only run into each other at ‘jeans and tshirt’ casual days. This line came from meeting at a party. It didnt go further but made me more aware of how I was being percieved in that social circle.

  • A friend and I were at a gig.
    She saw this cute young man.
    As we move closer to him……
    She said with a beautiful smile.
    ” Hi !!! could you please make me a cougar ? ”
    we laugh, he introduced himself his friend came over and the four of as had a wonderful time talking. Nothing more eventuated. Point is, we are in our late forties and still can meet new people and have fun. Age; is a number…and for the records, we are not cougars.

  • we were walking on a night out in town with heaps of friends, he muttered my name and added -star to the end, and said he’s been secretly calling me that for the last few months. we didn’t work out as he was leaving for good in one month…

  • Hey, Matt!!

    So I’m sitting in art class on the first day and a guy walks in, choosing the empty stool next to me. After a moment, he asked: “I’m in the right class, right? Art 20, drawing?”
    Me: “As far as I know, this is it.”
    He smiled and said: “I’d hope so. It’d be nice to see you again.”

    I mentioned this last time, but I’ll mention it again. The time a guy in my friend’s band stopped me as I was leaving to ask if he knew me from somewhere. Same line our mutual friend used on my friend “Jess” whom I met him through. Just a tad déjà vu.

    The one I got a kick out of?: “I never get the ‘good girl’. I’m just not good enough. Probably because I’m not good with kids. Me and you, though? That would be one damn good looking kid.” No joke haha

  • Older guys so do use lines to older women. Said to me, just in the last few months:
    At a Tube station: You have the best smile of anyone I have ever seen.
    On the train: You look hungry. I have some chicken. I’d love to see your mouth happy.
    At a museum: I am working up the courage to ask for your phone number
    At a pub: if I asked you out for coffee, would you say yes?
    It’s not about age. It’s about attitude. I am twice divorced, 58 years old and no sweet young thing. But i love myself very much and I am looking out for something perfect. Until then, I date pretty joyously. And I suffer badly from depression and am really upfront about people needing to accept that and deal with it. The key is, for me, being myself and thinking I am worth effort. And having a lot of fun, especially when I am by myself!

  • a guy who was flirting with me over text and i fell asleep on him and took a nap. i woke up to a text that read “are you still sleeping?” and i replied “yes” then he said “maybe i should come and wake you up” i asked how he planned to do that mainly b/c he lives on the other side of town and his reply was “with a kiss of course sleeping beauty “

  • the funniest is probably a pick up line. this random guy comes up to me and says “I may be tall and lanky but at least i’m not short and stanky so do you wanna come to a party with me where we can do the hanky panky” i just looked at him and walked away

  • At Trader Joe’s this guy asked me, why I was buying only seaweed for my groceries. I said that they were that good. Then he asked me if I would like to share some of his cherries. He opened the bag and gave me some.

  • I was chatting to a cute and interesting friend of a friend at a pub when went off topic in conversation and asked me: ‘Want to see my tattoo?’ Then he unbuttoned the top part of his shirt to show me the tattoo on his chest (which indeed was very interesting) and then buttoned it back again before anyone else noticed.

    Sometimes I think some of the best pick-up lines men can make are ones that make you laugh(not for bad reasons though) and signal that you two may have something in common. The man DOESN’T have to say anything particulary about you either, he only has to give you something to spark interest in him. Think about what sets you apart as a man and put it on display right away.

  • Well I must say your guy can be unpredictable. There is this guy am in a relationship with but he wasn’t certain that about our relationship, that we have a future or not. (Being an Indian girl I have this problem of family approval.) He always said that if his family wont approve me he may end up with same other girl. But last week he surprisingly committed to me saying the Christian vows of marriage. That was really touching and finally we are together and will try as hard as possible to convince our families.

  • It was many years ago the best line a guy said to me? “Your face should be minted on a coin!” This was someone that i had just been introduced to by a guy i had gone out with that night for the second time (and new i wasn’t feeling him). The new guy was really nice and a total gentleman and proceeded to become my boyfriend over that spring and summer.

  • Amongst all of the morning cafe caos, my usual barrister slowed down and very purposefully gave me my takeaway coffee. He really looked into my eyes when I thanked him.

    As I walked out the door and about to take my first sip, I was completely gobsmacked to see his number written on the lid!

    At this time in my life, I had no idea that I was even noticeable.

  • Could you touch on how or what are the positive reasons for approaching a guy first?, be it discreetly or directly.Because it seems that I have just become more scared in approaching a guy say that I might see on the street. x

  • Hey Matt!

    I don’t really remember any of the lines that guys have told me, but once i used a line on a guy that worked like charm! I was in a bar with some friends and I saw this really cute guy. I went up to him and I said “nothing good comes out of you.” He answered “like what?” I said “like a kiss” and he kissed me :)

  • • “Do you know that you are very different from the rest of the women here? For them, they look like they are something but they are nothing. You look like you are nothing but you are something.”
    • “I’m 44 years old and I have seen many women in my life and let me tell you that you are really special.”
    • “You looked quiet and reserved and now that I am having a conversation with you I’m quite surprised because I find you’re very interesting.”
    • “Do you know that you have a body of a model?”

  • This is a bit of digression, but I’m very surprised by all the pick-up lines that these women recieve so often by strange men. I live in Norway and that is not a part of our culture at all. Men seldomly even ask women out on a date id he doesnt’t know her a little bit beforehand. And the ones who give compliments to you on the street are mostly creepy turks( no offense to the turks here). A good looking, normal man would never talk to you for no reason(sober) in norway. We barely greet our own neighbours in this country and we do not conversate with the person sitting next to you on a bus, plane etc. You would be percieved as a “weirdo” if you do. So I decided to try to meet someone from southern europe, and I did. Yes, They’ve got all the wining, dining, compliments, passion thing going on, but SOME of them got a terrible womens view (directly translated from norwegian). He wanted to control me and critisized me after he was done with complimenting me. So I broke it off and thought, yes we are a cold country but the men/woman equality is so strong here that it makes up for it. Like I said, this was a little digression, but I was just so surprised by all the pick up Lines here.

  • heard a lot of them, but recalling it actually makes me sad, because they never lasted and always brought some kind of heartbreak. The one I love is “You’re really beautiful”, “My sunshine”. “Your love is like a water to a thirsty man”, “I love you more”, “I will never let you go”, “I love you more than anything”.

  • Lines just turn me off. I think they are cheesy.

    I appreciate more a guy who comes and talks to me and starts out with
    a joke or saying something funny about something in that moment.
    That’s more real to me then saying some stupid Line that doesn’t make any sense.

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