What do you really want from 2018? To finally get back in the dating game and find someone amazing? To execute on that business you’ve been thinking about? To produce excellent work and create something people love?
If the answer is “yes”, I’m about to give you the most important lesson you need to learn before you do anything else.
►► Download Your Free Guide NOW at → HowtoGettheGuy.com/behindthecurtain
Thank you Matthew and Stephen….I really need this material you attached:)
Matthew has gone a really long way from who he was several years ago to the public person he is now. I guess whenever he feels like moving from advice on love life, he could become the most successful coach on intrapersonal transformation and building a self-brand. In fact, he could be successful in any area, because he is a hardworking man, who literally sculpted both his mind and body. He is a living masterpiece and role model for smart people who wish to improve their lives by reinventing themselves. Bravo!
The https://matthewhussey.com/behindthecurtain says it’s not longer accepting submissions…anyway to get the techniques now that it’s closed?
Hi Katarina. Try this link: https://matthewhussey.com/first-5-download/ – Mars
Thank you, Matthew Hussey. Your advice was exactly what I needed to hear to start this new year and tackle all the challenges ahead.
Your videos are amazing,it helps me a lot to make right decisions in many circumstances
Hi Matthew
I would like to thank you for all the insights into relationships especially the psychological stuff and interactions between the sexes. I was hoping to find a way to solve ongoing issues with the opposite sex since I was a teenager. You will be surprised that I am now 72. After being married nearly 30 years with 3 children and then divorced (my decision). I became obsessed with a man who I realized now is a Narcissist and wnomaniizer (pathological person) on and off for 20 years. Thankfully all that is behind me now and would like to thank you for giving me the information that helped me through a difficult time. I’m still amazed that at my age the same problems persist. Age has no barrier when love is involved and can be quiite demoralising if it doesn’t work out. I often think ” what if” but I realized I am too sesitive and don’t like to disappoint anyone. It usually happens that I am the one who is disappointed. Things are looking good and feeling positive now so thank you Matthew. Sorry I just unsubscribed but wanted you to know how much I appreciated your emails. Susie
Matthew Hussey, thank you sooo much. :) <3
Your knowledge not only resonates with my knowledge, but complements it "just as" or "really better than" I would complement. Add to this, in just few minutes you share many complements by videos, texts, … Complements that would demand me days, weeks, months, years of observations, readings, talkings, … to achieve. The only difference to me is that all previous and new knowledge I have I also complement with spiritualistic knowledge, considering that I'm mystical :)
You contribute to my evolution just as my best friends and I like you just as I like my best friends. :) <3
P.S. The knowledge you share is wise and full of sincere wish to help or sincere fraternal love, leading us to evolution, so that it is spiritual too, just that without explicit religiosity, what makes it more universal. By the way, you not only work with intelligence, wisdom, kowledge, fraternal love, … but intuition so that some call you “guru”, I adore when you go into the persons’ problem with so clear vision about it and its solution. You are great. God bless you always. :) <3
Hello Matthew,
I recently started watching your videos and I’m hooked! I even sent some to a friend :)
I’m hoping for some direction on a particular issue. I want to talk to the guy I’ve been dating (only a month) about what he wants. I’m developing feelings but don’t want to over invest. I’m getting lost sorting through the videos and blogs. Can you help point me in a direction to help me talk to him so I come across confident but NOT anal or controlling?
Thanks so much for all you do!
Hey Matthew!
Love your videos on yt and used many of your advices. But I’m in a very special situation and now I don’t know what to do.
I live with 2 guys and have fallen in love with one of them without noticing it. We have always been flirting a little but lately it feels like quite a lot. He does hug me in front of our friends and I’ve even been sleeping in his room every night the last 2 weeks were we lay around and cuddle for hours. He will also kiss my hand or forehead, or take my hand in his if I sleep a little further away from him. I do know he finds me attractive because he has suggested having sex, but about a month ago he asked me if I liked him and because I didn’t want to ruin anything I lied and said I didn’t like him. After I said that he said it was good because he was worried. So now I just walk around confused all the time…
Can you give me some insight as to what he is thinking and what I should do? I really don’t want to make it feel strange when we’re together or with our friends..
Hello Matthew. :)
Im 20 years old and in college.About 1 1/2 years ago I started crushing on this guy that goes to my college but doesnt study my degree, and I totally went crazy over him. Ive only talked to him like 3 times and it was a “hello” type of conversation. In my mind he is this amazing person and he actually seems so interesting and misterious, but i have never talked to him. During this time all my friends that are friends with him tried to introduce me and set me up but i was just too scared to attempt a conversation with him. Around 10 months after i started crushing on him i decided i was going to let my friends introduce me to him. The thing is, i was so scared and freaking out i stalked him a bit and i saw what topics were interesting for him so i made research about them so i would come as interesting to him aswell (it took me 10 months to make that choice because i was debating hard in wether i should do it or not, because i felt that it was way too much to get a guys attention and i wanted to do those things for myself, not because of him; the latter ended up being why i did it). I spent days studying subjects and practicing on the mirror and when the day finally came and my friend called him so he would come to our classroom, he told her he was on a date with this girl and totally knocked me down. I never got to introduce myself to him. Now, he is dating someone else and I’m more scared than ever to talk to him. I dont think i can move on from him unil I can talk to him and find out if the idea i made of him in my mind is true or not. But the thing is, Ive been crushing on him for almost 2 years and i think he knows i like him, so it makes it even more difficult for me to talk to him. (He is kind of cocky). Also i feel kind of bad talking to him because he is dating someone else and i dont want to come up as the slutty type of girl. I’ve thought plenty of times to make a risky move and try and steal him from his girl (not caring a pickle about my reputation) but thats not me (and i mean if i cant even look at him without panicking how could i steal him). What should i do? Help me please :(
Btw. My college is really small and he is the only one that has caught my attention
Hey Matthew and wonderful Team,
thanks for all specific advices I got from you.
Being a coach and TV actress myself, I am a free, single and happy she-wolf. Yet when it comes to dating (I think it might just be more fun to share my great life with someone), I am a bit picky:
I am into people that aim for something higher -not for getting rich- but who are working on manifesting projects for a greater purpose.
So here is the thing: These guys on big missions quite often are not into having a relationship.They are happy lonely wolves as well. And I am a great muse to them – a concubine, company, lover, sparring partner – and I like that role as well; I get good times and inspiration out of it too.
But do you know if there are guys out there who actually love and live the big picture and who don´t feel a relationship with a woman would hold them back from their mission?
Ah Matthew – honestly I am not being drawn towards the kind “microcosmic” guys that look for a wife in their lives (little wife, little paycheque, little vacation, little car, beer, soccer etc). Believe me, I´ve tried it – and believe me, I am aware I sound arrogant ;-)
I feel good with the decision of being a strong woman on a strong mans side – so I guess I am ready.
Any idea? Can´t you just create an event for amazing men and amazing women to actually meet?
Thank you a lot and good luck with all you do!!
Mathew, you are so authentic. I love your insightful materiel. What do you have to say about long term friends that are now becoming more oriented towards love. How can we maintain the friendship and take it to that next level, when the rumor is you will lose the “friendship” if you go there. I’ve also included my biz web, just for fun… Love your thoughts on that too
Hi Matthew. I am Amy, from Houston, TX. Yes, I do have a little Southern drawl. I have something special I wanted to share with you.
Don’t worry: Its good…no need for cops to be called for stalking….lol…just some serious encouragement for someone who could probably use it….I promise.
Today, as I was watching this video I saw something so profound and so beautiful. It was actually one of the best videos I have ever seen. It reminded me of one a few years ago about keeping your promises. And a promise of a picture you made with a young lady, that by drastic measures you kept. And it was such an awesome lesson illustrated so well by your actions and extremely humbling and a place in my life i needed to put some serious growth especially in the small areas (that are never really small).
When you were telling the pinky promise story, your eyes showed exhaustion. And I noticed from the last couple of videos you must be on tour here (US) again. So I wanted to make sure that you know ea few things…and this goes for your whole crew. I think in the thick of it people rarely take a step back and see how great they are doing and I think me are especially tough on themselves.so with that here a few heart felt words to encourange you.
I fear you sell yourself short when you call yourself a dating coach or take the role of your area of expertise is teaching women how to date men. Of course, I don’t know you. Maybe your a confident humble dude…maybe you’re a arrogant a***** I get that that is a brand and that is your book and those “5 texts for this occasion” and “5 gifts for this holiday” are a genius and very VERY HELPFUL. I just know you are SO MUCH MORE.
I loved the video you posted about showing 52 people (or less) you love them this year. The reasoning behind that was genuis. SERIOUSLY…It was total man logic (“you’re thoughtfulness won’t be diluted and their attention won’t be distracted”). Guy logic or not it was brilliant. I do something similar but just because there are 52 weeks in the year. Period. The end. No cool reason. I suck…hahaha
Occasionally, topics come up about living life. Like one podcast where a girl I think here name was Ramy (because my name is Amy and Iwondered if hers was spelled just like mine with a r like Ramy… I have a wild and weird and crazy beautiful brain and if I just remembered that girls name after all this time…wow. okay…have to fact check that in a minute)there have been so many podcasts and deeper videos when your talking about character and I love hearing you talk about passion and becoming people of integrity who are real. I love that you talk about that beause it means you already are that even though you “blue Hefner.”
So because this matters to me. Because I really believe with all my heart that you and all those who work together with you are working not only to help people find love, but to help people connect, to grow, to change, to love, more, bigger, selflessly, healthy, and to love themselves. That matters so me and I am pretty sure that it is what matters to you too.
I care about encouraging others, and I care about encouranging you. I would love for you to walk away from reading this email feeling supported and pumped up and know that you are not alone in the passion you have for the work you do. It’s awesome to know (or at least deep down hope) Matthew Hussey is on the same road in life we all are trying to figure it all out, having fun while we do it, and being more genuine, being truth tellers, living with and leading with deep convictions, showing mercy and compassion, and not just theoritical talking about love and sex and life but getting off the bleachers and getting out there.
And for this video…
You do stand out.
You are an original…God broke the mold with you bucko…well after the Harry Potter guy…wait who is older? Aren’t yall both British. You could just be one person????
The world is F**** lucky,better, and richer to have your point of view to to know your truth, to know your heart,hear your voice,know your experiences, and be exposed to the things that interest you!
You’re Awesome.
I’m so ready for these changes. Thank u for all u do. You’ll never know the hope you’re bringing me, after the richest year if my life.
Everything you said is right. Your program is very good and a lot of women will learn and benefit! And I hope every single woman will have a bright future and find the right one.
Thank you very much.
Mathew I’ve been following you for sometimes now. This is one of your best videos, because it was the best advice yet!
Most people will always be just who they are, now or latter.
Being the best person of who you really are is great advise.
Thanks again. :^)
Hi matt,been following you for almost a year now. I met this guy and though it was not love at first sight, he made the first date very special and although he was not into LDR (coz i met him while on vacation) he kept our contact. Months later things changed and we got together…it was so intense at first we video all the time and chat all the time…after 2 mos it kinda fizzled a little and i found out he flirts with some girls online. I confronted him and we had a huge fight but later when he saw how hurt I was he felt really bad and said they were harmless comments and it was normal for him and we talked and got back together. Now he is flying halfway around the world to see me but I still have doubts…I found out that on his way here, he is stopping by another country supposedly for work but I find he searched a room booking for 2 at that area (thougj not confirmed it was booked) i tried to call him to video with him so i can verify but he makes excuses that the place he stays at have connection problems. i also find out he keeps some things about his past from me and lastly when i asked him what he felt he said he wants a serious relationship bit not sure if I’m the “one” and that he does not search anymore he even confessed he was worried to come here coz supposedly he thinks i can be too sensitive when we fought after i confronted him. It is possible that maybe he had a bunch to choose from and I wanted to show him my worth before I leave him but my 1 friend tells me that it is a waste of time but I have prepared so much for this meeting and he too (ie expenses) and most advice me to see him and find out so that i won’t have “what ifs”…upto now i decide to meet him for all the efforts we both made and could not help but wish that i made a mistake and that i am just paranoid.
Hi Matt
Absolutely love your work! What do I do if my partner and I seperated because he joined the army and didn’t want to make me do long distance and now he’s back for two years and single. I believe I love him we still talk everyday and are best friends but he does do things I don’t often agree with he’s amazing like definetky a good one we get along so well and there’s that real spark everytime we are together but flawed and I don’t know whether to move on and how to do that because I’ve tried once and the man I went out with was definetky not a match or do I get him back.
Thanks for the video, I am curious about finding out it’s content. There are a lot of people who do their best and standing out is not as easy as we want it to be