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She Calls Me Out On National TV, But Watch What Happens Next

Last year I found myself on camera for a TV show – on one of the biggest stages I’d ever been on – in front of a live studio audience…

This clip is going to ‘inoculate’ you for life and have you ready should anyone ever try to embarrass you in front of others.

As a compliment to this video, get the guide that everyone’s been going crazy about…

Click here for my brother’s expose ‘The First Five Minutes’ >>







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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

446 Replies to “She Calls Me Out On National TV, But Watch What Happens Next”

  • The guide you sent out was okay (a little gimmicky, I’m getting the sense you guys are writing or thinking about writing a book on this) but I prefer this style of you walking through your actions and thought process like this. I’m not sure what you can bring to the table that is new with the subject of public speaking and interactions (perhaps I’ve just read too much already). I do look forward to your take on it and maybe making it more accessible to the general population. And by the way kudos to you for getting to the point of humor with the failure of that terrible show, it was rough to see you beat down right after that situation. Keep up with positive energy and creating

  • Thank you Matthew. This is a very helpful video. Many times these type of situations happen to me and I don’t know how to react. Please give more advice on how to stay calm and self confident when people criticize or try to prove you wrong.

  • Yes. This stuff. I love it. I’ve been looking for something deeper, something behind-the-scenes for a while now. I’m one of those people who really gets that we only have one life, and I’m always striving to make it the best it can possibly be. I’m confident in so many areas, but I need a bit of help in others. I get tongue tied in big groups and in front of an audience, and I need these skills now. All of these tips and practices are exactly what I need to learn, not just for dating but for life overall. I’m already pumped to use the first five minutes techniques. More! Is there a place to ask specific questions about confidence, influence and impact?

    1. Haha Thanks Jen. That’s very sweet of you to say (btw – I’m only responding on Matt’s post because he’s on stage today in Chicago and he asked me to get back to as many people on here as possible while he was away. I’m not trying to usurp him. Promise.) ;)

      Steve x

  • Love it. 52 years old and still learning. I still have trouble not getting too passionate in confrontations. Good refresher. Always used the trick of letting the person get it all out. Hate to say but I like how the argument tends to peter out when you don’t interrupt. Try to use the techniques of speaking slowly and I also speak softly. By not raising your voice, you make the other person have to calm down and pay more attention in order to hear you. Love your advice and glad you are branching out to interpersonal communication as well.

  • Thank you so much for sharing this Matt! Loved the video and I do hope you keep doing more videos like this one because I’m pretty sure many of us need this information. You and Stephen are great!

  • Some people posted comments criticizing the part Steve is playing in all these things. Matt, Steve, I love seeing BOTH of you active on this blog. Steve’s articles, comments, expose, etc don’t limit what Matt does, they expand upon it, and they seem to provide Matt himself with extra inspiration. The result seems to be that we blog followers get far more videos to watch and articles to read than would otherwise have been the case.
    Plus, romantic relationships are not the only important relationships. Family relationships are important too. And it is nice to get a little glimpse into their brotherly relationship.

  • I remember when I found out that you were a year or two younger than me. My reaction: Cool!
    I know people with both more years and more credentials than you who are less wise, more letters behind their name, but who say less interesting things, less thought provoking things, and give worse advice.

    1. Of course, Tarin was speaking out of defensiveness. It’s hard to hear criticism like she was hearing. Of course it’s better to learn from such criticism, but it’s still a little hard.

  • Ohhhh Matt, thank you so much for breaking it down like this, I understand completely now. Please Please Pleeeease I would love to learn more life educating experience’s like this. Honestly at least for me I can say I really get it now.
    Thanks again to you and your brother
    Regards, Phillis

  • I remember watching this on TV–I remember feeling SO _uncomfortable_ when Taryn disrespected you as she did. Instead of accepting your opinion and responding politely, she resorted to ad hominem–which showed that perhaps you gave her a little too much truth. I remember wondering how you were going to respond to that because I had no idea what I would do in that situation. I was pleasantly surprised with your response. I thought, this Matt fellow is TOO COOL. I always wondered if you’re just naturally like that, so I was happy to hear that you had to learn how to be that way. This is to say: I would LOVE to learn more about this stuff from you. I think you and your brother are absolutely great. I enjoy everything I watch/read from you both :)

  • Matt: excellent video; very insightful! I believe that no matter what age you are; there is always room for improvement.

  • Matt, I love the direction you’re going with your weekly video content. You’re not just a love coach / love guru…you have the knowledge and experience to be an all around life coach. THANK YOU for always coming through!
    As a psych and business major, along with my diverse work experience and fascination with the behavior of people in all situations, I would really love to work for you someday ;)
    Cheers from Miami :) xo

    1. Matt’s got crazy knowledge on this stuff – he can speak on every area of social dynamics you can imagine for about 6 hours non-stop! I’ve seen it. It’s an insane, freakish talent and I don’t know anyone else who can do it.

  • Hey Matt,

    So proud of the steps you’re taking with your videoclips. It just gives you so much more depth and therefore your followers (for lack of a better word).
    I think this stuff is profound. It gives clarity on how there’s other ways to react. And even better: how to do it, because you lead by an example.
    What better way to learn as to see it in progress.
    I followed this show back then (and saw the rest online, when it was cancelled) and I remember this scene being one that influenced me right then and there. Because it gave you such a strong – in control presence. I envied that to be a bit honest with you ;).
    I can only imagine sitting there with my heart in my throat wanting to respond but you let me see there’s another way to respond. Sometimes the best response is to not respond at all.
    Great great lesson. Thank you so much for sharing, Matt.

    Love, Always,

    1. Totally agree Petra. Matt OWNED this moment and won about 10,000 fans in ten seconds because of it lol!

      Steve x

  • I really do think this type of teaching is very effective! Thank you for venturing into new areas for us.

    1. Yea one thing Matt should get more credit for is being an amazing teacher. He makes difficult, intricate social techniques really simply and easy to apply.

      Thanks Nancy,

      Steve x

  • I remember this moment on the show. I felt uncomfortable for you, but your response and lack of reaction was what had me searching to find out more about you as a relationship coach. I thought, if he can have that type of reaction to the level of criticism expressed for his credentials, he must know what he is doing.

    This style of video is a great idea. I love hearing the insight on reactive behaviors that illustrate what you emphasize in your other videos.

    Great job! I will definitely be more mindful of how I react in conversations.

    1. It’s amazing how many people have told me that the moment they first saw this on TV was the moment they started to google Matt Hussey. Just shows you how effective ONE moment of an interaction can be.

      All best Olivia,

      Steve x

  • Thank you so much for continuing to pursue this style of content. It is absolutely useful in our lives and it really adds variety to your message. Obviously, we all are dealing with many different human interactions on a daily basis and it’s extremely helpful to know how to socially navigate those areas as well. Thank you for always being open to change and always bringing us your best. We knew from the beginning of your videos that you were genuinely unique and humbly honest and that’s what we love that about you. ;) We’re right there with ya, Matt! Thanks for continuing to enrich our lives!

    1. Matt’s videos are becoming some of the most unique and effective content i’ve seen in personal development videos. Can’t wait to see what else he comes out with. One thing we know about Matt in the company is that he never likes to stay still too long, so there’s always some new, unknown ground being broken.

      Thanks for your lovely comment

      Steve x

  • Yes yes and yes!!! Really want more of these topics! In every day life we are constantly relating to people and I really think learning how to communicate better our points of view, our needs is just really important! This illustrates perfectly how we can’t control what someone says to us, but we can only control our response to it and that will change the situation. We really need to “unlearn” to react at criticism and this situation is a great example of a healthy reaction, staying centered and responding from a confident&sincere place. I love the way you broke it down! Thank you for sharing this and I really hope you continue doing because this is the core of it all and really important material we all need to get better at! I’m really happy that your brother pushed you a bit sharing more of this! I have to say I now admire you even more! Keeping it to yourself would have been staying in your confront zone! I am happy to see that you are living up to what you value!
    Take care Mat and thank you for being a good example!!!

    1. Yea Matt’s always up for variety and pushing himself beyond his boundary of comfort. I think it’s definitely one of the keys to his success.

      And you’re right – most of the mental battle is learning to be ‘unreactive’ and stay equanimous in tense moments.

      Thanks Maya,

      Steve x

  • Hi Matt,

    This video content couldn’t have come at a better point in my life. I’m looking to strengthen my adult communication skills and am seriously working on putting my defensive responses to rest. I’ve started therapy to begin my quest in becoming a better, stronger, and complete individual. The reason why I started this and keep watching your videos is because I live to learn. To put it candidly, the reason why I’ve decided to get serious about building constructive, honest, and direct speaking skills is, because as a former victim of incest and childhood in a poor neighborhood, surviving is really all I knew. I’m 27 and am barely realizing the dangers of such a destructive attitude that I directly attribute to my trauma as a child. My bf recently broke up with me because of the way depression killed the giddy and happy girl he met and fell in love with; I put him down more than learned to accept him- something only a fragmented person does as a defensive mechanism. Anyway, I love how succinctly, gracefully, and professionally you handled yourself in front of your challenger in the clip. It emulates the stage of metamorphosis I want to see in me by keeping up with therapy, self help groups and your perils of wisdom. Thank you so much for what you do!


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