Quick Secret To Success: Stop Starting Things And Start Finishing Them Instead

Something that really frustrates me right now is seeing people start things and not finish them.

In this video I tell you why that is, and how to get something back underway and done through to completion.

Question Of The Day:

Find something today that you’ve not finished, and actually finish it. What is it going to be? Let me know in the comments below!

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40 Replies to “Quick Secret To Success: Stop Starting Things And Start Finishing Them Instead”

  • It’s so hard to finish something if you’ve lost the love for it. Or think you’ll finish it crappily.

    Hmm. I haven’t started any projects lately. That could be a problem! I’ve been meaning to make banana bread. Poor bananas are black, but they are sweeter that way.

    I hope your videos never become too polished. I like the homey aspect of them. I’m going to go and think of some projects! While baking banana bread. :-)

  • HA! Why must you be my conscience and my mother at the same time on this subject? She says the same thing to me for every project I put on the shelf after putting a lot of effort into it to watch it like, dissolve in my face. You simply get flustered with the idea of continuing along in the process of something that may be a worthwhile venture but is crushing your hopes the more the results bear no fruit. I am well aware of the need to dig through a couple of setbacks to move toward a finished state but wouldn’t it be better suited, when you have gotten too close and too engrossed in something, to take a step back, relax and then proceed with its continuance? Sometimes, you need a break from the self-induced (or other factored) pressure to complete. I don’t think that concept is addressed enough. I do agree with what you are saying because it is a relief when you finish but it ain’t so fun if you’ve lost momentum and a willingness to see the end result along the way.

    Anywho, this is the best weather we’ve had in Chicago basically the entire winter so I hope you weren’t too chilly and got some great food!

  • I read recently that Pessimists talk about why things are not the way they should be and what they don’t have. That’s probably why i don’t complete things…what would i talk about then. NB I’m not happy to call myself a pessimist, just self aware and working on it, naturally :)

    As an aside, i attended the event in London yesterday and even though I’m familiar with the material,i still took away several fresh insights on how to apply it in my daily life. It’s was almost mesmerizing watching your Dad and seeing how similar you are in terms of your hand gestures and vocal inflections. And I laughed when he said he gets accused of trying to be you before people get ti know who he is…

  • Right before you said, Some people just don’t know how to finish things. I was thinking most times thing I do are unfinished it’s because I have no clue how BUT that doesn’t mean I don’t continue trying. I will say that when I do stick to something and complete it I feel AMAZING. I would like to add if for some reason you find yourself struggling to finish something don’t be afraid to ask for help :) Who knows you may learn a new way of strategizing :)

  • I’ve recently started a website and kick my butt into writing a few posts. I have been delaying connecting the site to social media site out of fear. DONE. Thank you Matthew!

  • My phone went wonky, dropped me out of you tube and went back to your webpage near the end of this week’s episode. It took me about a minute to realize that it wasn’t over and “half finished”. That whole minute I kept thinking, “What a brilliant ass. Way to make a point.” Then I realized it was my phone that was brilliant and I was a bit disappointed. Still, great talk this week Matt. Keep them coming.

  • A point very well made, Matt. So many people, especially young people I find, lack discipline and willpower to see things through, perhaps because many things have come too easily to them. It’s good you are getting more into these broader areas because they certainly impact on our capacity for healthy relationships. I’m hoping to finish today a module of some online training.

  • I finished my short film yesterday that we shot a year ago – the work of about 15 people and we are finally DONE ;)

  • So true. I started reading your “Get The Guy” book, but I have yet to finish it! haha….will get on it now ;)

  • The Musical The Book Of Mormon is hilarious. Enjoyed it thank youtube. I needed to get at times used to the language though.

    Right. Finishing is a process and everybody has his or her schedule on doing so. Thanks for your encouragement!

    The weather is great today. I’ll be out with a friend for ice-cream and a walk. I’ve started reading your book. I’ll pick it up again in the evening.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  • Matt & Readers,
    I always get so much out of your messages when you are more yourself, and you are just trying to communicate with us. Especially when you toss in a few swear words, lets us know you are being honest!
    I am off to finish rearranging my storage unit, got to enjoy finishing the little things right!
    See you next week

  • Soo true… I know soo many people who start things, for example college or school, who never finish because they don’t want to push themselves. Thank you for the inspiration

  • Just a question, what happens when you actually do lose interest and despite the effort of forcing yourself to finish, it just doesn’t mean anything to you or exite you as it did before anymore?
    I mean personally I am a finisher most of the time but I’ve also been faced with activities or projects that I started but haven’t finished despite several attempts to do so. As a matter of fact in some cases (like horseback riding for example) each time I tried giving it another chance I ended up ‘hating’ it even more.
    Nice video nonetheless!

  • Hey matthew! Great video. I will def. follow through and finish the task. I think you should do more videos on tips of success etc. You’re really good at motivating people! Appreciate it.

  • Love your videos Matthew- specifically I love the way you think. I am totally guilty of only starting things and leaving it there. Laziness and lack of commitment are two big reasons why I think I don’t follow through.

    There’s another reason that may explain why people don’t follow through with things: it’s the fear of losing yourself in whatever “the project” is. It’s like analysis-paralysis..when your mind begins to calculate the investment of time, energy, and emotions it may require to get something done, alarm

  • Love your videos Matthew- specifically I love the way you think. I am totally guilty of only starting things and leaving it there. Laziness and lack of commitment are two big reasons why I think I don’t follow through.

    There’s another reason that may explain why people don’t follow through with things: it’s the fear of losing yourself in whatever “the project” is. It’s like analysis-paralysis..when your mind begins to calculate the investment of time, energy, and emotions it may require to get something done, it’s almost as if you become paralyzed and stop because your are worried that once you give it your 100%– you give it that time, energy, emotional investment, etc. you’ve lost yourself to whatever “it” is, and there may be no way to get back.

    I don’t know if any of that made sense (lol), but I think people do this in relationships too.. What are your thoughts on this?

  • :)♥:) Truly Amazing Matthew Hussey :)♥:)

    :) May I say: I ♥ to finish :)

    :) After watching your video ♥&♥ reading your blog I see the beauty in finishing everything that’s positive :)

    ♥ I agree Matthew Hussey ♥

    :) If human beings finish something positive they create LOVE ♥&♥ PEACE :)

    :)LOVE ♥&♥ PEACE is always enjoyable :)

    :) If it is possible to create LOVE ♥&♥ PEACE after finishing something positive,
    why not finish everything positive? :)
    Why doesn’t everybody finish everything positive? :)

    :) I hope soon everybody will know ♥&♥ start finishing everything that’s positive :)

    ♥ If everybody knew of the LOVE ♥&♥ PEACE that is truly ♥ enjoyable after finishing everything positive
    ♥ I believe everybody would loooooooooooove to always finish everything positive :)♥
    ♥&♥ we’d live in a world of LOVE ♥&♥ PEACE

    :) With all my heart I hope everybody finds the beauty in finishing everything that’s positive ♥&♥ falls in LOVE in finishing everything that’s positive :) ♥&♥
    finished everything positive in future :)

    ♥ God bless the wonderful hero & planet earth :)♥
    ♥ May everybody find beauty in Finishing everything that’s positive ♥&♥ LOVE ♥&♥ PEACE :)♥

    :) Yes, let us enjoy everything positive :)

    :) A lovely thank you to Matthew Hussey for all the beauty :)


    1. When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,”

      (John 19:30)

      Jesus said it too :)
      He shared everything that’s positive with us : true LOVE & PEACE :)♥♥♥

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