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I Suck. Here’s Why…

Your responses to my last blog post made me think…

Song For The Day

Comment below! Bath time song or summer driving?

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218 Replies to “I Suck. Here’s Why…”

  • Hey Matthew,

    here another male reader feedback:

    I really appreciate all your videos (21convention and all the other free stuff that is available on youtube)and you’re an inspiring rolemodel for me since 2011 when I saw your videos for the first time.

    My questions is: Do you still give “guy advice” or do you completely focus your business on females only? I’m asking this because I love your videos about confidence, the psychology of successfull people and all that stuff and I’m eager to learn more from you.

    So is there hope for us guys left that you’ll do something for “us” in the future again?

    And are there any products for guys out there?

    Have a great day, Matthew and keep pushing forward, you’re awesome.

    PS: Is there any chance that you’ll do workshops/seminars in Germany, too?

    Andy, 20, Germany

    1. Hey Andy! Great to see a guy over here. (If more guys were smart they’d be looking at this site to understand women better!)

      I will def be doing more stuff for guys down the line. I have a unisex programme coming out over the summer which you’ll love. Subscribe to my mailing list on http://www.matthewhussey.com to be updated when it comes out.

      Thanks man


  • I am very proud of you! I have been a big fan and truly enjoy the information you and your team put out there. I use your tips just to help me with my confidence, appreciate what you do. Life is always a choice so choose wisely but never over think or you’ll miss the beauty.
    Thank you again for what you do.

  • When I saw today’s email pertaining to your “last blog,” I thought “What blog? I haven’t seen anything from him in a long time.” And then I remembered I did see the “Seconds” video a couple of weeks ago.

    While I appreciate your heartfelt apology and how open and honest you are about where you are, I think it’s unnecessary, Matthew. You’re a busy man, building his business and you have the same 24 hours in a day any-one of us has. I think you’re doing your best with what you have and while there’s always room for improvement from any of us, I don’t think you owed anyone an apology.

    I look forward to hearing your latest updates when you can. And I still think you’re absolutely adorable. :)


  • Matthew, you are such a sweet guy. In my books you are FAR from sucking! Don’t be so hard on yourself – we all think that you’re amazing. :)
    PS this is defs a summer song. Like if you’re at the beach and just chilling. :D

  • Wow thanks for the video Matt! I somehow stumbled upon your website a few months ago and I’m so glad I did. Your advice on everything is so unique and different from what I usually hear. I live in California, so I’m hoping you can make it to the US sometime soon!! Keep up the good work :)

  • Thank you so much for posting this video!
    I discovered you on Plain Jane and since then I saw all your YouTube videos and everyday I check my email just to see if there’s something new from you!
    When I get older I’m defenttly planing to come to one of your seminar’s!
    Keep up the good work!

  • There has not been one song of the day that hasn’t called to me. They have helped me in so many ways. Thank you Matt. You’re blogs are so inspiring!

  • OMG, Matthew!

    You don’t suck!! You’ve been busy promoting the wonderful message of what you do. Hey, I completely understand the difficulty in just “staying in touch” by responding to comments, etc. This is the bane of our existence these days. I think it’s just that we hadn’t received a newsletter in awhile (which enjoy immensely). One day, I hope to attend a seminar but in the meantime I shall pour over the newsletters. Although, I have to say I do wonder if your advice applies to ANY culture. Specifically, to someone dating others from an entirely different culture. If you could shed some light on this in a newsletter someday, that’d be awesome.

    Have a super day!

    1. Hey Rogenna!
      Truthfully, cultures do have their differences, but many times the insecurities are the same. Human beings the world over have feelings of not being worthy, being worried what others think of them, not feeling as attractive as the next person, feeling lonely etc etc. Understanding that although we have our surface level differences we all have the same needs is the first step to creating relationships with anyone wherever they are in the world.
      Thanks for supporting me Rogenna x

  • Hey Matt, I feel (kinda) guilty because I said under the last post, “I am glad your back!” haha. But that’s not the way I meant it. You DON’T suck and it is hard to put content out there all the time, I understand. (I have both a youtube account and blog). I actually only meant that I’m used to getting weekly emails from you but recently I haven’t gotten them in a while, so when I saw your email I was excited and said “Glad your back”. You don’t have to blog every week or write emails every week but when you do write them, I’ll be excited to see them because I value your advice! :)

  • Aww Matthew don’t worry, the only thing that sucks is your music taste lol its a bit girly ;)
    There was great advice in your e-book and I’m looking forward to the next ‘big thing’ you have planned… or else you will need to plan a live event in Scotland soon!
    P.s. don’t work yourself too hard or we might start to see a frazzled, scruffy you on the blogs, heading for a nervous breakdown! (although this image did amuse me somewhat) x

    1. haha. Well I like my share of ‘manly’ music, but i fear it wouldn’t always go down too well on here.

      I’ll try not to look too fried! x

  • I hate to sound indecisive but I could listen to this song anywhere. In fact, I think I’m gonna make it my ringtone!

    I love the stuff you put out there Matt, it is so great to have a guy’s honest perspective and it is very encouraging.

  • Hey, Matt! I just want to start off by saying WOW, it took me a little while to scroll all the way to the bottom of all the comments made by other and replies made by yourself. Despite what some people had said about your video today being a “waste of time,” I beg to differ. I rather enjoyed it very much so because it gave me an insight to your own struggles which ultimately, reminds me that your only human just like the rest of us! :) People make mistakes everyday, but the more we focus on those mistakes the less time we have to focus on what truly matters, like, as you’ve said in this video, “becoming a better person.” Thank you for posting this video, knowing that someone as successful and incredibly insightful such as yourself makes mistakes too, gives hope for me!! Although, I don’t want you to think that you have to always make mistakes now in your videos to convey such a message, I love to see the wise and confidence-radiating man as well. It was nice to know that your not just one sided! ;)

    Thanks a million, Elizabeth :)

  • P.S. Congrats on successfully replying to everyone(hope it’s all you), and my God, you had a few…too many :))

  • Hey Matthew


    I cant believe that the amount of email responses you have had to this post and only a very small amount of them responded to the title.

    I dont think there is any way that you could suck, truly far from it, you have got to be most girls dream guy, and your doing such a great job helping women to find their man! I just wished it would work for me : (


    ps if you want any typing or responses done for free then Im your woman lol xx

  • Hi Matt! :) You don’t have to be sorry. We all understand you’re a busy guy. Just don’t forget us from time to time. You really don’t know how much you make my day when I read your positive posts on facebook! I can tell I’m waiting for new videos of you on youtube :D I don’t if you talked about “long distance relantionship”? Agree or disagree? I’d like to know what do you think about this.
    Btw… yeah That’s deff a song for chilling when you’re driving or maybe having good time with friends. As it sounds like a happy song, makes me dance so I wouldn’t do in the tub… I’d slip *lol*
    Kisses, You are awesome!
    Consuelo :)

  • Matt, you are awesome! Thank you for everything you do! Watching your videos always motivates me to do things better)) and I surely learned sooo much from your advices!

    Have an amazing day!))

    and yes, the music is surely for summer driving! :D

    p.s. I always become so excited when I see the new tweet from you, email or a blog post! they are always very valuable and helpful!))

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