2 Ways to Instantly Feel More Confident in Your Body

“Eww…look at that stomach.”

“I hate my chubby legs.”

“I wish I had better skin.”

This is how we talk to ourselves every single day.

In this week’s blog video, I share a story about my own moment of body insecurity, and give you 2 ways to INSTANTLY improve your body image so that you can walk through the world with confidence again.

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100 Replies to “2 Ways to Instantly Feel More Confident in Your Body”

  • that’s a really good suggestion! Thanks for that.
    I also especially like that you suggested looking six months ahead. Why not even a year? Good to be realistic. Change doesn’t happen in 6 weeks. And change is possible, as you say, once you accept your own body type and what is possible. Yes!! Look to your own body type for incentive of what is possible!

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself in whatever way!

    In the mean time, find your “sexy” parts and flaunt them, baby!! My eyes and smile seem to get the guys every time. I start there. My workout routine is for ME!

    Thank you, Matt!

  • Hi Mathew I personally started celebrating body health quite some time ago as opposed to body image itself. I’m in my 40’s & overweight. It’s amaaaazing how much weight has been lifted from my shoulders in doing so, in being grateful that I still have working limbs & breasts & other parts intact & healthy I’ve come to realise that ANY body image I have is a plus for me, therefor my confidence has grown & I am able to tackle parts of my image I don’t like realistically. As a bonus I have aquired an admirer who said that it was my confidence that he found attractive & sexy first & foremost, not bad seeing as all I changed was my way of thinking.

  • Hi, Matt and thank you for all you do. Been out of the scene for a long time but your programs and videos (plus taking care of myself by going to the gym!) has given me the confidence to step out. I struggle with the comparison game and this was a great video. I tend toward a strong build but after a more than two decades old C-section and years of (let’s be honest) physical neglect, I ran my mental self into the ground by making unrealistic comparisons. I did a quick self-check by taking my measurements. While I am not and don’t want to be as busty, my ‘role model’ is Coco Austin. I can embrace my shape and now have a realistic goal in mind that is attractive and suits me.

  • Everyone is attracted to somebody. It is not only about what kind of body you have it also is what your inner spirit is. Are you kind, or are you cruel to those who are not of the same body type? Do you tease those who are heavier then you or do you support them in their struggles to become more acceptable to themselves?

  • I just adore you. I have read many books and listened to many videos and you are so real, genuine and sincere. You are friends with Michael Fiore and I can’t figure out why!!! He is so cocky and disengenuine.

    Thank you, this video will help. I am always getting mad that I work hard for the amount of tone I have and then I’ll lose it overnight and it’s so upsetting because it will take ma 8 months to get it back. I am 52 (as of 2 days ago) and it gets harder as you get older. I am a size 6 but being thin is just ok. I want to be tone as well!!

  • Omg your advice has helped me out a lot especially this one as I always compare myself to models

  • I love you Matt…excellent advice. From next month, I start going to the gym after my last baby (2.5yrs) now and wanted to get some perspective so I do not loose sight of what I wanted to do and where am headed. Thanks again!

  • You should look yourself straight in the eye using a mirror and you should give yourself a few compliments every day the more you believe and repeat these complements the better you will actually look and feel .

  • I did exactly what you said in your speech, i am a curvy girl and i used to compare myself to very slim straight figured models.
    Now i look at other ladies who are also curvy and beautifull and i combine it with going to the gym and eating better and trying not to bodyshame myself or others. Since then i look in the mirror and i see a pretty girl and i try to look at the things i think are lovely instead of my “flaws”. Since then, I even got to doing some modelling work. All these little things combined make me feel happy. It still is an excercise and sometimes i fail; i just let it go by and try again. Its also taking the space to work on yourself for yourself that makes me feel accomplished and happy. Relax and not care about what others think.

  • I have done a lot of work on my body confidence (better phrase than body image – after all an image is a 2D thing that can be photoshopped. We are 3D and imperfectly beautiful) and the best thing anyone can do right now that worked for me both immediately and even more powerfully long term is this:

    Google ‘plus size models’ or ‘Ashley graham’ or ‘Robyn Lawley’. Now make a collage of all these larger ladies. You will feel instantly better because you are changing who you are comparing yourself to, as Matt suggests. Make sure you include some images that make you feel uncomfortable.However you have found a new tribe.

    Here’s where it gets reaaaaaally interesting. Put that collage up where you see it every day. Over time the images that initially caused discomfort (when I did it it was Robyn Lawley ‘s thighs) will become neutral and you will start REALLY accepting yourself.

  • May be focusing, like reallyfocusing on improvement and considering this the only metric by which you evaluate yourself can do alot good :)

  • I’m a Nigerian, extremely close to a UK size 16. I used to be a 10 but one treat after another 3 years later I’m this. recently I read about a Nigerian comedian- a huge plus size woman she must have been a size 30. we have the same body type she was a clear picture of me if I do not put my dieting and exercising in check. but this remarkable woman dropped from that size to a size 14. i guess i just have to work out for me to make a difference. thanks a lot for this it shows we are not alone people have passed through our experiences.

  • Great energy guys yes! bring Lewis back. This video helps sooo much right now as I am newly single and if course wondering how will I handle living alone once he moves out. So great tips I will try. I also recently realized that I used to do little things like check the size of my clothes and say to myself “oh soon I’m going to need the next size up” or “oh man, what am I going to do if I get any bigger” and of course I got bigger and needed the next size, actually 2 sizes up, now. Currently at a size 18 I’m trying the reverse. When I’m in the fitting rooms if something doesn’t fit I realize that it’s the clothes that are wrong not me. Now it’s “oh these pants are all wrong” or “they dont fit me” vs I can’t fit them. Keep up the great work!

  • Hi Matt, you are an excellent speaker and keep pointing out that which is retrospectively so obvious, Thankyou.
    I feel empowered and confident listening to or reading your material.
    I love that you embrace public/ motivational speaking gowsh thanks again…. Champ
    I feel confident when I exercise and make an effort to dress well

  • I Want To commit To Being BRAZILIAN SEXY!! Meaning No Matter How Much Weight I’ve Put On Or Lost I’m Going To Commit To What Flatters Me Most And Makes Me Feel Like My Most Sexy Badass Self.

    I Don’t Want To judge Myself So Harshly According To Bullshit Lifestyle Expectations Anymore And Just LIVE And BE Happy. It’s So Much More Than Just Eating Better And Working Out More, Decluttering Is So Much More Beautifully Complicated Than That…

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