Expectations vs. Reality

Hey guys, check out this video first before moving on to the second one, as I use it here to illustrate my point.

If you’ve ever experienced the pain of losing someone, there is a technique you need to learn for shifting the emotion you feel when you’re heartbroken. So even if you’re not heartbroken right now, maybe you have been in the past, or maybe you want to be fully equipped with it for the future!

Click Here To Change Your Love Life Forever

Song for the day:

Free Guide

Copy & Paste These
"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

201 Replies to “Expectations vs. Reality”

  • I gotta tell you that you seem to be such a nice person…

    I loved today’s blog…this is exactly what I needed to hear…I have been trying so hard to keep a relationship going…even though it has been so unhealthy and always breaking up with ugliness, just to get back together again in a vicious cycle…I thought he was my soul mate. But now I can honestly say that I can let go… he is not my soul mate….I don’t think there is such a thing anymore…that’s just too much pressure to find the one person who I’m meant to be with. I can let go and say we are just not right for each other… though we love each other… we are just not compatible….

    Thanks for helping me with this today…. : )

  • 1. I LOVE REGINA SPEKTOR…don’t want to get off the track,but her songs always find a way of touching my soul, every single time I listen to them…
    2. Bravissima :) Keep it up! Can’t wait to watch your next video- hihi, I don’t need my TV anymore… :D
    3. WOW – 200 comments- congrats,Matt. ;)

    Have a nice day!
    Red Apple *

  • Exactly what I needed. Matt you are an absolute star.

    Anna xx

    ps any advice for what to do when your falling for a guy who has on/off relationship with his current girlfriend.

    p.s.s hope you dont find this too cheeky of me but just thought id mention, you are incredibly hunky, Mr. Hussey

  • Hi Matt …. I must admit that I am so attached and addicted to your videos and inspirational views on relationships that I cant give anything a miss for now …accept being in there in person to attend your live sessions.

    I have been totally inspired by your words spiritually, mentally and emotionally. You do know what to bring out in a person to make them feel their worth. Yes dont we all have heartbreaks and failures in relationship and I am still struggling to look for my soulmate after 14 years of being a single mother but just by listening to you and reading your articles makes me think less of despair and more an optimist that i will find that MAN somehow.
    Thank you Matthew, you are simply amazing ..!!

  • Thanks for this video! I’m kind of dealing with stupid-guy issues right now and need some smart-guy advice — I’m hoping that someone can help me out with this:

    So I messaged this guy on Facebook (I wanted to ask him in person but he hadn’t come in for a while) that comes into my work often and my boss knows him really well and I told him that I would really like to get to know him, and that if he was interested then to send me a text and I gave him my #; I also told him that if he’s not down for getting to know me then we’ll just act like I never sent the message (so work won’t be awkward)!

    He messaged me back and said he’d really like to get to know me as well and he said for me to text him if I’m interested (weird thing #1: Of course I’m interested.. I already told him that, why didn’t he just text me?) and gave me his number. He also said he’s just getting into a relationship but sees no harm in being friends and texting. I’ve been cheated on in the past so DEFINITELY was not going to get in the way of a budding relationship, but I still want to get to know him and be friends. So I texted him the next night and he never responded for two days, then I had this brilliant (probably not) idea to text him and say “Sorry… I must have the wrong number or something…” hoping that he’d either A) remember that I texted him and he’d text me back (ie, “Nope, sorry! I was super busy!” blah blah blah etc.) or B) I’d find out that he never got my first text in the first place and everything would be nifty and we’d start chatting! However none of these things happened… He still has never texted me back! I know it’s his right number and everything so I don’t know!

    And now that I’ve sent the wrong number text I can’t ever text him again until he texts me because I mean really, who would ever text a wrong number 3 times in a row?

    I guess mainly what I’m wondering is why would he tell me to text him and that he wants to get to know me if he really had no interest in getting to know me at all? Wouldn’t it have just been easier to just ignore my FB message or even to just say “Hey, I’m super flattered but I’ve just gotten into a relationship and don’t think that’d be appropriate” ?

    Guys are so weird sometimes.

    1. Kelsey, sometimes guys don’t want to turn off girls who like them. And many guys want to keep girls for their back up, if they fail in their relationships they put some innocent girls in their keeping and see what happens. Maybe he is just very nice guy and didn’t want to hurt you, but then he could not really be friends with you because he was afraid he might lose his relationship.

    2. Live and learn-right! Looks like to need to learn ‘guy-speak’. He did tell you in his language. The best thing you can do now is just be the best you you can be> I’m sure Matthew has alot of really good info about how to let a guy be attracted to you and let the guy do the hunting. You know you’re worth it – right;)!

  • Thank you again for your insightful advice. I like that attitude : He turned out to not be for me, so there must be someone else who IS instead. vs, Ive lost The One. Looking forward to the big announcement!
    Take care!

    ps. Your hair looks great!

  • Thanks very much for all your posts.

    I went through a period in my life where it seemed all I had were moments like this… until I opened my eyes and finally seen that the guy wasn’t right for me. I know that if I had discovered your blog before then I wouldn’t have gone through all that heartache… although in a strange way I’m glad I did because it’s helped me move on to a place where I value myself more than I did.

    What I wanted to say really is that I’m very happy that you have this blog. It’s helped me realise that I shouldn’t lower my standards for anyone, and I am worth having someone who treats me with the same respect I show myself.

    Thank you. On behalf of all the girls out there who need a little push/kick in the behind to change their rose tinted perspective to something more real. Thank you so much.


    1. So true. And time will show that the break up was actually a blessing in disguise cause you be with a billion times better than you ever imagined if you keep your priorities straight. I know that for a fact. The whole point is to be happy with your life – right?

  • Thank you for this. I felt like I had lost my soul mate for years and just recently decided to stop feeling this way because it was only making me feel miserable and now I feel so much better and ready to meet new people.

  • Hey Matt, 2 years ago I was beatten to death (well I suprinsingly survived)by the man I loved, the one person that I felt his arms were my home, my safe nest… I was heartbroken since then. earlier the trial finally gave us a result, as he got 20 years of jail sentenced. I cried, because I still can’t understand why he did that to me. But thanks to your video and great help, I will change my perception of my pain, you are right, he was not my soul mate cause my soul does no harm, my soul loves and now I know that there are great people out there and I know I am worth it. The timing is just incredibly perfect, thanks

  • COME TO AUSTRALIA!! I’m excited for your announcement next week- hoping it’s something that includes down here in Melbourne aswell. Or Sydney even :)


  • Matt you definitely rock! ;)
    All your videos are great! and the point of view is really inspiring.
    I was wondering if you could give us more information about being a high value woman, and what exactly looks for in a woman a man, in a video you commented that there were seven characteristics. I would love to know which are those.
    Thank you for all your words!
    Regards from Argentina :)

  • You are fantastic. I really needed someone to tell me it’s okay to feel pain with even the ‘minor disappointment’ you can have in your love life. My friends are all in serious relationships and they can’t remember how it hurts when the guy you really thought could have been something somehow ends up not being. THANK YOU!

  • Thank you Mathew ! This was a great Video and Sugject to talk about it. Eventhough, thanks to your advise , I am in a nice stage in my relationship ; I went through the pain and sorrow of loosing the one you believe to be yr soulmate..
    Your advise made me change my perception about love and relationship and now , for the first time , I am feeling so relax about it, that my boyfriend had perceived the shift and he is showing more emotional atraccion towards me.
    Please, if you are visiting in Florida USA , let me know of a seminaro or event. I will like to thank you personally.
    Keep up with the Fantastic Mision you have created !!
    Saianna, Fort Lauderdale Florida Usa.

  • Wow! u couldn’t pick a better song for this topic!:)as a suggestion, I think it is a great idea to spice the videos up with a similar strategy like uploading related songs, documentaries, pictures, short stories, interviews, news, paintings, graphics…stuff like that!good luck

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