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BBC London Radio Interview – The Late Show With Joanne Good

Matthew was again invited back to talk over at the BBC, this time on BBC London Radio about why women just aren’t getting the guys they want. It seems women are falling into the same patterns and traps that have crippled their success with men and dating.

What you shouldn’t do is settle for less, not only does this prevent you from meeting guys that you ACTUALLY want, it pushes you into “fake relationship” that can only end one way.

Here’s some of what’s covered in the interview:

  • Why the internet is harming our social lives
  • The things your friends SHOULD be telling you but don’t
  • Why men are not calling you back after the first date
  • Why our seminars work
  • How to be a “high value” woman

Listen to it now:


We’d love to hear your views on the interview and any questions you may have, so make sure you comment below…

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85 Replies to “BBC London Radio Interview – The Late Show With Joanne Good”

  • Hi Matthew,

    I’m 57 but look, dress (and probably behave) like I’m in my mid 40s. I’ve always looked young and it’s purely down to genes and probably never smoking in my life! Yes very lucky, I know!

    I became single again 6 years ago and after a tough couple of years following a 32 year relationship, including 26 year marriage in which I was completely faithful, I’ve been dating mainly guys in their mid 40s because that’s who I attract. They say I’m a breath of fresh air, I’m emotionally sorted (now!) and have my future mapped out to lose my responsibilities and be adventurous. I’ve been beating myself up about the age of the fellas and so thank you for making it clearer why more mature but fun women are so attractive to them. I have a very positive attitude to life and love so I intend to keep being playful and ‘high-value’ cos I’m hoping one of them may soon realise how lucky he is that I chose him from the other contenders!

    As my sis-in-law says, (also in her 50s) ‘you go girl’!!

  • Hi Matthew ;)
    Thanks for sharing all these wonderful tips / knowledge with us. You can hear how much you enjoy helping others and that is so important to your followers …your sincerity!
    I am in my late 30’s and have found a new confidence. Your information just helps build my “confidence blocks” A big thank you!
    Let me know if you plan to come to the US…Las Vegas area!

  • Heyyy Matthew Hussey! First off, THANK YOU for all good information you always provide. I think if someone thinks age it’s important in a relashionship, okay, age is important, and this someone will experience that. When I was more younger I never felt attracted by guys more younger than me lol! Now I am 23 and of course I changed my paradigms some time ago. There are a million things more important than age, absolutely.

  • i can’t find anyone who look like you i mean like your thinking and mind
    you are a very very good guy and so smart i wish that i was any where near you but i’m so far away
    evry girl have a man of her dreams and i want you to know that you are the man of min the one i can’t have and can’t be with
    so i wish to you all the happyness that i couldn’t get
    i wish for you to find someone who will love you and know how great you are like i do

  • Hey Matthew.

    Really wish I lived in the UK so I could come to one of your seminars. Found your videos on YouTube and just had to sign up for your newsletter. Love your advice, though none of it was really all that new to me. Lol. I have grown up around guys my whole life, I’m 23, and all of them have been really good to me, as in giving me advice whenever they see I’m doing something wrong.

    My problem has always been though, that I get along much better with guys than I ever really have girls. So I know how to get the guys girl friend, but I’ve never really been their girlfriend. I don’t know how to make that transition from being a guys friend to being more than a friend.

    At the moment, there is no one in my life that I would consider as a candidate for a relationship, but I also don’t know how to act around a guy to show him that that is what I am interested in either.

    Really wish you could help.


  • I liked your sentence (young women are not necessary youthful). But I think it depends on what the other is looking for. Unfortunately I believe that there’s a thin line between being a best friend or a girlfriend because you might be seen as a good friend not as a partner! If you are always there, fun, understanding and honest. You may end up as one of the cool guys not as girly girl!!!
    What do you think?

  • Ah! Thaaaank you, Matthew and Co! It sounds to me like vulnerability is a HUGE key! :) Without vulnerability, there is absolutely no way you can show confidence and/or playfulness.
    Yay! … I can’t wait to practice. ;)

  • Hi Matthew,

    I’m 30 and I’ve listen to your program which I truly found correct and also other your advices being practical.
    I m not British but I try to say what I really think.
    Personally,I’m witty even in seriouse situation but I’d like to know how we can keep youner guy who I know love me even I can’t speak like native girl to express myself.
    Thanks a lot

  • Interesting talk. I really enjoyed it.

    Does age matter? In my culture (eastern asia) age does matter. Men are ever looking for younger women. And it is considered best if a woman marries a man three years older than her.

    I recently had a crush on a guy two years my junior, and I just could not bring myself to make my feelings known to him. I’m in my mid twenties, and I have this deep-rooted belief that men in their early twenties simply won’t appreciate or accept women older than them. I would be very happy if Matthew contradicts this impression of mine.

    1. I’m currently dating a 22year old guy, but also some older guys, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30 . The 22year old guy has fallen very deep and he wants a forever kind of relationship with me. He’s the youngest off all the guys I’m dating. Still comes across as the most mature and completely ready, utterly devoted. I’m 25. I don’t see any problems when reading your text, just go ahead;

      Margaret E. Sangster

      It isn’t the thing you do dear,
      It’s the thing you leave undone
      That gives you a bit of a heartache
      At setting of the sun.

  • Hi,
    I really find what you are talking about very true. I have always felt that i was doing something wrong when guys are not answering and you make things work.


  • Hi
    I am a cougar in Australia and I really like listening to your comments and your newsletters. You are very generous in your tips and I find your teachings very useful. I wish you came to australia because I would definitely attend your seminars. But there is one thing you can improve on which is to give advice on internet dating and not bash it.It is an area that is not going to go away. I know many people that have met their spouse through the net. I am very busy working lady I really am not into the pub scene and really what kind of partner are you going to seriously attract there, except for one night stands. I find that the internet you can meet likeminded people who are available mentally and physically. Whereas if you met someone at the cafe he might be tied up in a relationship.I have been there a year and yes very successful more than 1000 people has contacted me.
    My problem is I cant find the one i want and I am not confident even if i found someone whether i could hold on to him long term.
    But to all the older women, I have to let u know theres a lot of guys out there that loves older women

    1. Maybe you could grab a coffee every morning before you go to work.. Matthew has some great tips on attracting a guy when you’re ordering something. And all the nice alfa males need coffee as well ;-)

  • Matt,

    I’ve following you since 3 months ago. I broke up with a boyfriend I had for 4 years and I lost my confidence. I just didn’t know how to get over and start again. I didn’t know how to start dating again and meet guys. The worst thing was that it was affecting other areas of my life such as work.
    I signed up to your newsletter to receive emails from you and having you as a couch has been just wonderful. I am putting in practice your advices and I cannot believe how my life changed in every aspect of it such as work, family, friends and love. I haven’t found the guy yet (just started 2 weeks ago jajaja) but I am really having a fun time right now. I’m very happy.
    Last weekend, I went on a date and while I was in the restaurant other 5 guys approached to me. This was never happened to me before. In the gym and at work, guys are approaching to me to chat. I just look at them and smile. I still need to improve my conversation skills jajajaja but I am amazed with the results. Girls, seriously you do not know the power of a smile…so keep smiling and make eye contact. ;)
    Your ebook is fantastic and I hope going to Florida to one of your events. I love the way you coach, it helped me very much. Thank you and hope see you soon.
    Take care,
    Abril 

  • Hey,
    I really enjoyed what you said ! More precisely, the age of the guy or the girl… I have that annoying thought that a man older than me ( over 2 or 3 years ) will see me as a child and see my funny side as childishness. How can I change my mind about this? I have also a little problem : I’m 17 years old and I just met someone that I liked at an event. I didn’t talk to him, but I exchanged a look and i think he guessed that I had a crash on him. Now, I can’t stop thinking how I can meet him again, I just know his facebook but I don’t really like to talk with him in the net because I don’t really like the net conversation! I’m always afraid that it works more on the net than in real life !
    Take care,

  • Matthew Hussey,

    Wow your advice is just incredible and working wonders for me. Literally everything you say is spot on! Thank you so much and keep it coming :)

  • Hi Matthew,

    I need a fun and playful female role model…I can’t think of anyone. Can you recommend one?

  • Fantastic point of view, it empowers people to live the life they want.
    Maybe it’s much easier to make a big change in your routine when you had some experience with the results of not taking charge in your own happiness.
    When you reached the point of knowing you have to be your own stage director to feel the higher peaks of excitement.. you enjoy everything much more. That power from within is very contagious, inspiring and lovable. Nowadays I always have loads of people to have a great time with and love just keeps raining on me in many ways. It’s not about being young or having the right set of genes. (I’m 25 though and if experience would be in the years I wouldn’t understand a word said in this interview.) Luckily you can make your own choices and live as fast or slow as naturally suits you. I’m all for helping each other to help ourselves, so meeting new people in general is fantastic, you’re doing someone and yourself a big favor. It’s an art of life.
    Dating a guy doesn’t have to be about owning someone, you’re sharing wisdom and more as well.

  • I have had a serious, boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with a young soldier 27 years my junior for over 2 years. It is NOT a toyboy relationship and I find the idea of an older woman being dominant and a young man to be a ‘toy’ to be repulsive and insulting.Obviously I was in my 30s myself once and my tastes haven’t changed. I was a ‘normal’ young woman and am a normal older woman – and like a man to be a man. The thing is, it works well if you meet in the normal course of events and you either fancy one another or you don’t. If you internet date, it can be tricky as you might come outside their age parameters. Not many men of the age I find attractive actively look for a woman over 45. So I think it better to just find one another. Our age gap never came into it – he loves the fact that I am ‘cool’ (don’t text every five minutes) and sorted, and don’t want babies or a mortgage! I love the fact that he is fun and spontaneous and not into pension plans!! Basically, we delight in one another’s company, pure and simple.
    Thanks for your regular newsletters Matthew! Very interesting…….

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