guys tight with money

The Skinflint: Why He’s Tight And What To Do About It – Men’s Personalities Part 1

After talking to many women about the different types of men they meet, usually the wrong types! We decided to put together a 5 part series on which male personality types you may have already dated or are currently dating and what you can do to slowly change him for the better.

The Skinflint…

Main Entry: skinflint

Function: noun

Etymology: Flint stones were used in olden times to start a fire. The term skinflint derives from the idea that a miserly person would go to the extreme and “skin a flint” or use a flint till it’s as thin as skin

Date: Circa 1700

1: one who is very reluctant to spend money
2: scrooge
3: pinchgut [Read more…] about The Skinflint: Why He’s Tight And What To Do About It – Men’s Personalities Part 1