How To Get the Guy Podcast



WITH Matthew Hussey


In each episode of the LOVE Life podcast, you’ll get practical tips you can use right away to improve all of your relationships – romantic, family, friends, career and, most importantly, the relationship you have with yourself. See why this 5-star, top podcast gets over 500,000 downloads a month.

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See All Our Podcast Episodes Below

(Matt Monday): 17 Texting Strategies That Lead to Commitment

When you're texting with someone you like, do you struggle to know what to say next? Or maybe it feels like you're in a texting rut, and keep having the same conversations… Today's episode  is a mini toolkit for these exact situations, with 17 high-value texting suggestions that restart attraction, lead to a date, or just bring you more emotional connection. Use these practical messages to inspire better communication in any dating situation! >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" →

(Rewind): What Their Confusing Text REALLY Means . . .

Have you ever been so frustrated by someone's mixed signals that you just decided to finally confront them and ask where you stand? It’s a scary moment. You feel like you’ve thrown your heart into the air, and you’re hoping they'll run to catch it instead of letting it fall and splat on the ground and make a huge mess. (I know, not the loveliest metaphor I’ve ever written…) And then… They reply. You hear their words. Read their text message: “Hey, I think you’re amazing and have such a great time with you. I really hope we can make

(Matt Monday): 12 Hard Truths You Need to Know to Avoid Toxic Relationships

Have you ever felt like you had to walk on eggshells in a relationship? Or had a partner who criticized you or made you feel bad when you were succeeding? It’s often easier to see a toxic relationship from the outside than when you’re in the thick of it. Sometimes it can even be hard to tell the difference between something that can be worked on and a major red flag.   For today’s new video, I’ve gathered 12 of my most important pieces of advice over the years on how to spot a toxic relationship, set standards, and ultimately

(Rewind): 3 Compliments That Create Deep Attraction

There's some really interesting psychology about compliments: not all of them have the same effect.  You can give generic compliments, or you can give compliments that create real attraction and connection between the two of you. One of these compliments works for when you first message someone on an app... The 2nd one is great for when you are meeting someone in person... The 3rd one is for someone you already know and want to build more attraction with. This episode is super practical. Take a few minutes to listen, then make it a mission to use one of these

(Rewind): Ready to Give Up on Dating? Watch This . . .

I can’t tell you how many times a week someone online says to me: “Matthew, I’ve had enough. I’m just going to give up on dating altogether.” It may be because they are sick of getting their heart broken. It may be that they are exhausted from going on dates that don’t go anywhere, or online conversations that never even get to the point of a date in the first place. It could be the frustration of never meeting people they have true chemistry with, or when they finally do, discovering that they aren’t looking for a relationship. If you

(Matt Monday): How to Stop Addictive Thoughts About Someone Bad for You

“How can I stop addictive thoughts about someone who’s wrong for me?” When we really like someone but know there are signs of problems, we’ll often overvalue them for their charisma and charm . . . and set ourselves up for massive future heartbreak.  If you find yourself getting fixated on someone too quickly—trying to make them fit into a relationship based on who they could be—then watch this week’s episode (taken from my Live Retreat) to figure out when someone is truly worthy of your investment. --- ►► Discover the 4 Secrets for Escaping Casual Dating Traps. Claim Your FREE PASS for my Dating With Results

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By Prismatic Butterfly

Matt and Stephen: how can I capture your awesomeness in words?! Impossible. The Brothers Hussey are a potent combination of heartfelt advice, creative communication strategies, and raw, personal humanity. I have found that a diet of this podcast and Matt’s videos has truly sustained my mental and emotional health. I find you guys super smart, but moreover, your compassion for all people is such an obvious motivation for what you do. Your ideas and perspectives have literally changed my life. Merci Beaucoup and keep up the sensational work!


By TaraTamarisk

These podcasts are really accessible, but packed with Matt’s life-altering advice which really WORKS. I’ve spent my life reading self-help books with little or no success. Matt’s advice is brilliantly practical and not at all overwhelming. Whether you are single, in a relationship, or just want to improve yourself and your life, do yourself a favor and subscribe to Love Life. If you follow his tips, you will wake up one day amazed at how much your life has changed without you even realising it.


By Amy WF Texas

I’m feeling so thankful for every single podcast. I’m divorced after 15 years and it is so difficult to date and understand men. I have realized that I myself need work. I am striving to accomplish just that! One way is being devoted to your podcasts. Morning, lunch, evenings, before sleep. I have become confident and have been able to let go of the “situationships” that come passing by. The icing on the cake is both of your accents. Thank you for the brilliant advice!