Learn More About My New Book, Love Life

3 Insider Tips to Negotiate Like a Pro

Oh, hey, you left something on the table there… it’s ALL OF THE MONEY YOU’RE WASTING by not negotiating for the things you want! I know, it can be intimidating to ask for a discount or a raise, but a confident person knows her worth and speaks up to get what she deserves. Which is why I’m sharing with you today my 3 Insider Tips to Negotiate Like a Pro. I’ll even give you an opening line you can use with anyone to start the conversation off on the right foot, while still making sure YOU walk away on the winning end of the deal. 

This Quick Tip Will Transform Your Relationships Forever

Grab a pen and paper, because I’ve got a (fun) little assignment for you today! I’m going to give you a tip that you can use today that will transform the most important relationships in your life, year-round. You’ll be surprised to learn how simple this tiny, yet powerful, action is to implement, and how much it will mean to the people you care about.

My Holiday Travel Rant

You know me by now. So you know that once in a while I just can’t hold back. I have to rant. And today, my friend, you’re going to hear it. We’re talking about holiday travel. Specifically, airline travel. But I’m not going to do that overdone schtick about airplane food or security lines. I’ve got something original to complain about. But you also know that behind my rants I always have a deeper message to share with you. So buckle up and listen in: I’ve got a challenge that will make not only your holiday travel easier, but your whole life more enjoyable as well. 

Want More Than a Friendship With Him? Then You Need THIS…

In today’s LOVE Life, I take a question from a caller named Crystal who wants to know why she’s 28 and can’t seem to find long-term love. I catch her off guard with a few unexpected questions, but before long I get to the root of what’s really going on.  I reveal the one essential element that makes men see a woman as more than a friend, and share how to create it even in the trickiest circumstances. If you’re interested in a serious relationship, don’t miss this episode.

Meeting His Family? Your 3 Step Survival Guide

Meeting your boyfriend’s family for the first time can feel like a lot of pressure… especially when he saves your introduction for a big holiday get-together. What should you say? How should you act? Should you bring a gift and, if so, what??? First of all: breathe. You’ve got this. I’m going to take you through my simple, 3-step survival guide that will tell you exactly what to do. I’ll also share a secret that will take all of the pressure off. Hint: You actually don’t have to worry about impressing his family after all. 

Transform the Way You Travel

We’ve all done it: Stressed ourselves out before a trip by making epic to-do lists, cramming our suitcase full of the books we think we “should” read while we’re away, and all other manner of sucking the fun out of traveling. Well have I got a TO-DO list for you, and it’s packed with 5 tips to actually make your next trip more enjoyable. Consider this your upgrade to first class relaxation!