Learn More About My New Book, Love Life

The Ultimate Secret to Overcome Weakness

Recently, I picked up an iconic book for the first time that you likely read in your youth. (You’ll have to listen to this episode to find out what it is.) In this book, and the actions of its famous main character, I uncovered one of the most important life lessons that I also teach in my live seminars. I want to share it with you today because it’s a quick illustration of exactly what to do when you’re feeling low, abandoned or depressed… and gives you the secret recipe for overcoming weakness any time you feel it taking over. So grab a glass of wine and join our own (5-minute) mini book club for two!

This Makes You INSTANTLY More Approachable

See that handsome guy over there across the bar? He actually wants to approach you. But he’s way too terrified of being rejected to take a shot in the dark. He needs the right signals from you to make his move. In today’s episode of LOVE Life, I’m sharing 3 tips you can use tonight that make you instantly more approachable, along with a fascinating little fact about men that will literally change the way you look at them forever. Intrigued? Have a listen… But be warned, you may have to start turning the men away!

3 Compliments Every Man is Dying to Hear

I’m going to let you in on a secret: Men desperately want to feel like real men. Even though we proudly use “product” in our hair and aren’t ashamed to cry at Pixar films, there’s still a part of us that loves it when our masculinity is validated by the women in our lives. So today I’m handing you 3 shockingly simple compliments you can give to your guy that will make him feel amazing around you. Say them cheekily, say them sweetly, it doesn’t matter – as long as you say them – and watch as he swells with pride and affection for you. (Yes, we really are that simple sometimes.)

He’s Got a Close Female Friend? 2 Things that Will Help You Deal

It’s only natural to feel a little jealous of the “other woman” in your man’s life. But if your relationship is worth it, you can deal with a close female friend. However, the key is NOT his expecting you to just “get over it” – he’s got to meet you half way and be part of the solution. In today’s episode, I explain how you can adjust your attitude toward the situation, plus reveal the two, non-negotiable things you need from your partner to protect your ego – and your relationship.

This Kind of Intimacy is Wasting Your Time


We all understand by now what “Late-Night Booty Call Guy” wants from you. But today we’re looking at a species with a different, much more confusing motive: “Man Who Just Wants to Cuddle.” What is really going on here? Does he want a girlfriend, or just a warm body to keep him company? I take a call from a brave woman named Nicky who admits she’s in this baffling situation with a man she really likes, and I give her advice on how to confront him and find out what he’s really after. Because if he literally wants to “Netflix and Chill,” that’s wasting her time when she could be out there finding someone who wants to cuddle… but only after the kind of intimacy that happens in a real relationship.

Just One of These Will Change Your Whole Love Life

In today’s episode I take a question from a listener named Ashley, who believes that she’s doing all the right things to meet men, but can’t seem to understand why guys aren’t approaching her or asking her out. The bad news? She actually does need to make more of an effort than she realizes. The amazing news? She is actually only one millimeter off from meeting more men than she could possibly know what to do with! It only takes a tiny adjustment in what she’s (and probably you’re) doing right now. I explain exactly how to make this shift and even give you the cutest phrase you can use on a guy you like – stolen right from my own real-life story!