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How to Protect the Emotional Energy of Your Relationship

No relationship is perfect. You’re going to have your ups and downs, your disagreements and your rough patches. At times, you may feel the need to talk to someone outside of your relationship to get emotional support or even just another point of view. So what’s the appropriate way to do that without being disloyal to your partner or souring others’ opinion of him? Let’s dig into this delicate topic together and I’ll give you my two best pointers to protect the emotional energy of your relationship, even in its most precarious moments. 

The Risk-Free, Rejection-Free Way to Get Him to Ask You Out

If a guy is interested in you, he’ll ask you out, right?  Not necessarily. Some men – especially if they’re shy – are waiting for a sign that you like him, too.  In today’s episode I’m going to teach you a playful way to give that shy guy a little push to ask you out. The best part?  There’s zero risk of rejection.

My #1 Tip to Crush Your To-Do List

Would you like to get more done in a day?  How would it feel to accomplish all of your biggest goals before everyone else has had a chance to down their morning coffee?  I’ve got a simple secret to smashing through distractions, making the most of your energy, avoiding “decision fatigue,” and earning yourself some much-deserved downtime.  I tell you how in today’s LOVE Life…

When Should You Change Your Facebook Status?

It’s the modern dilemma all daters must face: “When should I change my Facebook status from ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship?’  And how do I bring it up to my guy without looking needy?”  I’ve got the answer for you in today’s LOVE Life, and I give you a clever way to say it that actually shows your loyalty and encourages him to change his status without ever having to ask him to do it.

The No-Ultimatum Way to Get Him To Commit

Here’s a little secret about men: More often than not, we want to be in a committed relationship.  We just want to believe that it was our idea in the first place.  That’s why putting pressure on a guy or “selling” him on the idea of exclusivity will only push him away.  In today’s episode I’m going to hand you the exact words to say to a guy to let him know you’re interested in something more serious without sounding like an ultimatum. This allows you to show your standard and send the subtle message that if he doesn’t make up his mind he risks losing you forever.  Chances are, after this talk, HE’LL be the one asking YOU for the commitment. (He’ll only think it’s all his own idea!)

Why Men Freak Out and Pull Away

You’ve just started seeing a guy you’re really into.  You just can’t get enough of each other. You spend night and day together.  You cancel plans with friends so you don’t miss a chance to see him.  Before you know it, you’ve got a toothbrush and a drawer of clothes at his place, and you’re wondering whether to say “I love you” (even though it’s only been a whirlwind few weeks).  Then suddenly, out of the blue, he starts ignoring your texts and phone calls.  He ditches plans with you to go out with the guys.  You can feel the shift: he’s starting to pull away from you.  In today’s LOVE Life I’m going to explain exactly WHAT is going on inside his head, WHY this is happening, and HOW you can get through this tricky phase with your relationship intact.  I’ll even give you a script of what to say to reverse the situation, create more attraction, and make your relationship even stronger than it was before.