In this week’s video we mix things up a bit…
I’ve taken video questions from viewers, and answer everything from:
-3 key things I’d go back and tell my teenage self
-My favourite performers, and
-My top 3 “idols”
I also get into a question on why men lie, and what can be done to avoid it…
Want the chance to be in the next video?
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Wow!!! Your answer about why men lie was amazing, and it confirmed why I left my boyfriend due to his lack of integrity. Thank you, Matthew!!! I love this question and answer video!!
You’re a really intense and well rounded person lol. I love the quote about work. I’m going to write down in my book of fantastic quotes. Thanks for sharing! :)
Heeey Matt It was an awesome video and I always get a good laugh from watching your videos you’re funny you little rascal
Great idea! spontaneous, educational…love it! :)
Loved that session! More please :)
Matt, I loved the video! And no, it’s not too long. It’s actually good to hear some different questions here, because it helps holding the attention. THANK YOU for these 3 points you would say to your teenage self, I’ll be sure to remind myself about them every day!
Thank-you Matt,
Great clear explanation of integrity, was one of the key reasons for red flags and breaking up.
It’s not too long, I’m over 40 so can manage an attention span of over 2 minutes ;-).
loved loved loved it … definitely keep doing them. You are amazing, I cannot believe you are only 27 and so wise. Wish I could clone you and bring you down under ;) to Australia/Melbourne I mean haha
Love xx
Will you be coming to Australia later? It seems that all the tours are on the other side of the world. I think you have a lot of fans here. Please come to our side of the world too. Thanks.
Fab this is great ! Thank you
Loved the content and the longer format. Would love to see more of this!
I love your videos. I’m going to your tour in NYC. I look forward to seeing you.
I regret to say what I”m about to say because I am a fan and have been to a retreat… this format left me cold. Too long, content not all that interesting or relevant. This video is all about you. You’ve changed your approach over the past year. I hate to be critical, but it seems like you’re acting like a celeb… LA seems to be rubbing off. To me it’s all getting slicker and less authentic. I understand you have a right to try new things and go in different directions, but it isn’t helpful to me. I hated the video for the get your ex back programme. It seemed so contrived, trying to create fake urgency and the side camera angles and all. I have just unsubscribed from the mailing list. Interestingly, since attend that retreat over a year ago, I’ve not heard a personal word from anyone in your organization. Sorry. You seem to be doing just fine so I don’t think you need my best wishes for success. It’s just not my cup of tea any longer.
I agree on your point about this video– Probably your least interesting one yet Matthew, sorry. It’s the first time I’ve skipped ahead in one of your vids. Totally agree with Stefanie about not changing your formula and not allowing the LA scene to change you. I still adore you Matt, with love
Stefanie I’m curious about you experience with the retreat…?
I had a positive experience of the retreat. My only complaint is there was too much jumping around to music played at a volume so high it will cause permanent damage to your hearing. And as I said, I have not had any follow-up from anyone personally nor was there a group formed for us alums of the class to keep in touch or anything. Apparently GTG doesn’t know it’s much easier to keep a current client than get a new one. I got an email coupon a few days ago offering me another retreat at a discount. I deleted as I”m not going again. But I would still say to someone else they should go. Good info.
I like a shorter video, more like 6 minutes max.
Love this!!! Would love to see you do some research on divorced men in midlife 45-60
Genuine..Loved it..not too long..
*an organized person myself this made sense
*why do I pursue someone without Integrity..hmmmm Venus
Well done Ladies for the effort – not easy to do for some
Thx Matt xx
Like the interactive quality of ur new format. And have always liked how you include and relate to Jameson (pretty fun if you took the camera Matt and we hear from Jameson – cos I know how 2 like to switch things up! hahaha)
About the lie-thing – everyone lies…especially to ourselves.
We all know it’s true. As you state, Matt (paraphrased)..the best we can do is show up in our integrity..drop down into the heart and have our words be congruent w/ our actions..damn wish more people used this as their m.o. reckon we just have to be the example – like your Jamie Cullum. Thanks for that! – Jamie is wonderful! Keep on w/ ur fight Warriors of Love..
I liked the longer format. I found the topics interesting and your answers inspiring and thoughtful. I felt they were directly related to dating and relationship as it’s all about creating a life of passion that makes me happy and interested in life. The integrity session was especially interesting to me as I was pretty well duped by someone for many years. Matthew summed up what integrity means and that was helpful to me as I move forward and have that conversation with someone else someday, perhaps.
Thank you, Matthew. You do good work that has helped me.
LOVE it. The best part for me is communicating standards and expectations for integrity. Noticing it is easy, but communicating it in a clear and calm way can be more difficult – but this really helps. Thank you Husseys;)
Matthew, this video was simply beautiful. I love the authenticity and the insight. I have followed you for a couple years now and this is the first video that I have ever commented on. I love where this is heading :).