Where To Meet The Best Men – The Results!

Pretty varied locations right? You can meet a guy anywhere.

Click hereto see last week’s video (part one) and to read the comments.

Before you go you…

Question of the day : )

What is the the best line a guy has ever said to you?

Can’t wait to read your answers in the comments. The best will be read out in next weeks video.


Everything from meeting a guy to getting into a relationship is covered in my home study programme, The Man Myth. If you haven’t tried it out yet, click here to find out more and get access now!

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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

185 Replies to “Where To Meet The Best Men – The Results!”

  • Men usually make the direct approach to me — this almost always happens when I’m alone. From time to time I work at cafe’s and guys will come up and ask me what i’m working on ALL THE TIME. The key is going to the same cafe’s frequently enough that a guy can see you multiple times and get up the courage to talk to you.

    p.s. does anyone else watch the Bachelor? A friend just sent me a blog that has great commentary and dating lessons taken from the mistakes the girls makes on the episodes — love it!! http://theinvisiblecrown.com/

  • i’ve newly befriended a guy, he called me and said if he was single he’d be interested in asking me out. he told my friend whilst talking about his grlfriend troubles that he wished he’d met me first. he has just split from his girlfriend (she was selfish and putting him down all the time) he hasn’t indicated any further interest so should i make the first move and how?

  • ” I must be the lukiest man in the world. You’d be every mans dream ”

    Although he was saying this after saying he must be mad not wanting to date me anymore as he wasn’t ready after previous heart break!
    Still, those words will be with me forever. Made me feel really special :D

  • There is a guy wrote an ‘self-introduction’ essay to me via FB. I didn’t bother to reply. Two days later he just drop me this message

    ‘Tell me how to get a reply from you. I hit all the books in my local library yesterday and I still had no idea.

    P/S: I am from Germany’

    It made me brust into laughter… I think it was the cutest pick-up line I’ve ever heard.

  • The usual line with me is: “Ah, those eyes!”, because they are a really nice color. But the one that I enjoyed and remembered most was: “You are the most logical woman I’ve met.”

  • I can’t think of the good ones right now, but for some reason two REALLY ridiculous ones stand out, so I’ll share them for the humor (or shock value?):

    1. I had just parked my car in the parking lot of my apartment and there were four guys standing near by, chatting. One turns away from his friends, takes a few steps toward me and says “Do you like football?” (american football, that is, not proper). I was a little bewildered and said “um, yes, why?” and he said “you just look like you like football.” I just laughed and walked away. What on EARTH does that mean? I look like a line-backer (i’m 5’3 and 135lbs ??). SO WEIRD!

    2. A few weeks ago, walking through a college neighborhood at 2am on a Saturday morning (got a flat tire on the way home from a night out with friends), my friend and I walked past a few guys that were MUCH younger than us (she is 28 and i’m 32) and the guy tries to hand me a can of Pringles (potato chips). We just kept walking, so he starts yelling to me “BABY! BABY! Do you want some Pringles??” I almost stopped to talk to him just for the sheer amusement of it, but my friend was having none of it, so I said “You get points for creativity, buddy! Keep trying though!” Too mean?



  • Well no guy has ever asked me out. At this point in my life I don’t think it is about to happen either. I would never be brave enough to start talking to a total stranger. I wish everyone on here the best of luck though. It is tough out there.

    1. Marie, be sure to put yourself out there and I’m sure it will happen. Most of all find true happiness and remember your worth :) Hugs

  • I was walking down the street and a guy in what looked similar to a top hat passed me on his bike going the same way. He turned around, smiled widely and gave his bell a little “Ring Ring!” To this day that is definitely my favorite “tip of the hat.”

  • Ya’ll are so gonna laugh at me but my favorite line was actually from a guy I was dating at the time he said it. Just so you know it’s from a movie called House Party.
    “Girl, you’re so soft, like my hush-puppies. You’re so warm and fluffy, like a butter-milk biscuit”
    I don’t know why but it cracked me up and I loved it.

  • Hey Matthew,
    I don’t think i have any weird or cool pick-up lines said to me, that I can remember… but the other day my brother was telling me about a pick-up line he did.
    He was at a cashier and thought she was cute I guess. He handed his phone to her and went to walk away but looked behind him and said, “I’ll call you.” The girl laughed but I don’t know if it worked. My brother still has his phone with him :)

  • mine wasn’t actually from a man but a woman, I couldn’t simply help but laugh!

    “I’ve never noticed before, but your boobs are hypnotising”

  • With this pick-up line that guy couldn’t possibly get my proper attention but it became a good story. So long story short: he walked to the car I was sitting in and told me :”You have so green eyes.. Their like.. Their like crocodiles”.

  • I was going to party with my sister when some foreign guys came to us asking for information centre. My sister always has been the flirt and actually she should be it comes so easy for her. So the cutest guy seemed already all into her but then he turned around and said to me : “Oh my God, you’re so cute”! And that was very nice.

  • “Would”would u mind if I introduced myself,my apologies but your aura lights up the whole room”..we ended up dating for 8 months and still is the sweetest guy i ever dated

  • The best line that a guy ever said to me was:

    “You don’t know any special karate moves, do you?”
    When I said “No, Why?”
    he said
    “Good then you won’t kick my a$$ when I try to kiss you”

  • I don’t remember special lines, but the way in which it was said to me, even a Hi can work when it is tender, playful and sensual. It is about how it does make me feel and it makes me feel great when it is sincere and coming from the heart.

  • I met this guy at an Irish Pub, who just came over and said “I love you. I just had to tell you that. I’m here with friends and we are leaving now, but I just thought you should know.”
    Then he left :-D I thought that was really cute!

  • He told me: You´re sweet yet strong, youre a great musician, youre funny and witty and even though you dont dress like them youre still hotter than all the bitches.
    Well, that would have been amazing, but unfortunately it happened about 2 months after we broke up.

  • I met a guy when my dads girlfriend came over. He hung out with my brother and his brother at first but then he went downstarirs and I was watching a movie downstairs. He was interested in that so we watched it together. Then we both became really good friends. Me and him were really into movies. The best thing he said to me was “I really like coming here because of you. I like you better than your brother”

  • Guys will say anything to get into your pants. I’m sorry but some of the comments left by these women here make me shake my head. I don’t pay attention to what a man says but what he does. any idiot can talk a good game. Real men step up.

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