I received something in the post today that I’m crazy-excited about.
It’s a bracelet that on one side says “Wait?”… and on the other says “Create”.
–Do I want to WAIT or for what I want, or do I want to go out and CREATE it?
I’ve made these up for people who are coming on my Lifestyle Retreat.
The idea for the wristbands is that they contain a mantra that people can use as a trigger for action.
So often when people say, “I don’t know what to do”, it’s really a euphemism for saying, ‘I’m scared of the thing I SHOULD do’ – as we overcomplicate things.
Remember: Life isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be complex.
It can be as simple as the choice to either ‘Wait’ or ‘Create’.
John Ruskin, an English writer once said that “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of Intelligent Effort.”
Now I’m here to tell that you don’t always start with ‘intelligent effort’. Ruskin was right – quality does always come from intelligent effort – but you don’t always know what ‘intelligent effort’ is in the beginning!
Sometimes it starts with just effort.
I want a constant reminder in place for my Retreat clients that when they’re feeling apathetic, frustrated, indecisive, lazy or scared, that there are only two real options:
It’s that simple.
–Which person do I want to be? Which path am I going to take?
I went through a period in my life recently during which I was ‘waiting’ too much, as I had lost motivation in certain ways.
I had always been driven by fear; fear of not surviving, for not having enough money to support myself or my family, but in recent times, we’ve all been okay. Everyone is taken care of and we have everything we need. And so all of a sudden in realising this, I had lost the initial motivation that drove me.
Ironically, when these wristbands came through, I got excited again. I got excited because I realised my new drivers: quality, creating new solutions, and being creative.
My whole motivation has shifted.
In creating these little wristbands, I’ve given way to a whole new set of emotions.
When you create in a certain way, you respect yourself more. You stimulate new ways of thinking and you start to get momentum, creating layer upon layer of success.
I don’t have these wristbands for everyone right now, they’re just for people coming on my Retreat, but I want you to find your own way of triggering the message, and to ask yourself…
–Am I going to be a Waiter or a Creator?
Questions of the day: What one thing are you going to do TODAY that will prove to yourself you’re a Creator?
If you’ve read this far I know you’re going to do something. I’d love to hear what it is! Once you’ve set it, let me know in the comments below!
New Retreat date added! Last of the year!
The last two Retreat programmes that I had planned for the end of the year are *completely sold out* (with over 4 months to go!). I’ve had to add in one final date (November 4th–8th), for which you can now apply.
If you’d like to spend 5 days with my team and I working on yourself, getting invigorated with a new sense of drive, and gaining a full sense of clarity on your goals, this could be for you.
exactly you can wait or create. Sometimes you can create than rather wait i did that once a time it didnt workout what i expected but if you never try you never know. never wait to long before it’s over. Because you may regret it afterwards.
because before my grandpa died i said i love you and one day later he died. i’m only 15 years old but i never regret that.
say i love you before you can anymore.
have a great day everyone.
hi matthew,
Something turned out good for me by create,
I was searching for a internship by a bakkery,
i had also deliverded more than 10 adresses by my teacher but i was always full or they had somebody already,
So i emailed my bakerteacher if she knows a internship for me ba a bakkery. And She called a bakkery and know after vacation i have a internship by the bakkery. Now if i didnt emailed than i should have nothing found today.
So i create and i got something very good in the place (:
Thanks Matt, a perfectly timed piece of advice. I love the wristband idea, easy, yet powerful :) I also loved your previous email with the video from your workshop “I am the asset” – this covers so many things about life in general. Thanks for doing what you’re doing, it’s geatly appreciated.
Have a great day!
Thank you! I so needed to hear that today. It’s so simple, yet so brilliant! :-) God bless you!
Thanks Matt ! Very motivational as always. I love the slogan too.
Happy Sunday, Matthew! Keep doing what you are doing…and hope the message is resonating with your audience that you’re hoping to create. The words are awe inspiring. Definitely choose to create…life’s too short not to. My favorite quote is from Machiavelli’s, “The Prince” – “Hesitation always leads to one’s downfall…” And apropos. Cheers!
you are awesome :)
Matt, you are becoming somewhat of my guru or Jedi master one can say :D I know I should be sharing your advises with every of my friends but is it okay if I’ll stay greedy and keep you to myself? Hate sharing sources that make up a part of me :) Cheers, Nicole.
Matthew, my dear Loverface, please get the hell out of my head! I know I need to create and I’m being lazy. I also know how impatient I am waiting on others to help get me where I need to be (even if it’s to go grab ice cream with them and chat). I’m gonna keep writing and singing and being as transparent with this music as possible so maybe it reaches the right ears at the right moment. I won’t stop if you won’t =)
Thank you for the timely reminder!
Matt I love the positivity and motivational messages!!completely agree with what your saying in your video above! I believe what u get back what put out .. Positive action creates positive results, Small steps are building blocks! best of luck with your retreat
Matt, your emails and videos are always uplifting, inspiring and full of useful information fo many situations in life. I have been followi.g you and have subscribed to your online programs for over a year now and you have touched my life in many ways. Thank you for loving what you do and always bringing your best game to everytthing you do.
I needed to hear this as recently I have been feeling down and losing motivation. Today, I am going to go out on a nature walk. I need to get back in touch with my own inner peace and refocus my goals and my plans. And it will also be good exercise. Time to go back to square one and work on being true to myself and being the whole, well-rounded person I want to be.
Keep up the messages of inspiration. They are helping so many people! Love you!
Hey love perfect timing for this sparkling creatrix am taking real passionate steps towards the life I want singing jazz and am even writing a song in your honour ill post when its done. Im done waiting blazing a trail is more my style these days xxxx
So I wanted to attend your get away retreat. I recieved some kind of quextionairre sorting me out to see if I QUALIFIED for the roster of ur retreat. Im quite perplexed why a woman has to be “chosen”. Is this a lab experiment where the attendee has to meet the required variables. Here is my suspicion…if your principles work they should work under any condition not be selective in which group to use it on. Anyway…
Today I did my phone interview! I’ve been wanting to leave the place where I work for a while now, and I’ve been looking for management opportunities. I applied for a manager position in a city 4hrs away from where I live. If I get this position I will have to relocate, leave my family and friends and start from scratch. It’s so scary but so exciting. But I could either keep waiting or start creating. Wish me luck in getting this job! :)
I am currently coming out of a “wait” stage in life. The funny thing is I didn’t even know I was “waiting” until I started creating. At that point everything became clear as to WTF have I been doing these past years of my life! I have momentum and am not stopping :)
Lovely… very inspiring and eye opening! And not just that but lately all of your videos have been amazing and it’s so honourable and touching that you give out all this info and insight enlightments witout charge, just because you believe in an ideal of making people’s life better!
You are a person to be admirred Matthew Hussey! Always be you! Thank you for everything! xo xo xo!
On a technical note, whomever filmed that, needs to make sure there are no tree leaves in front of the camera. I was very distracted by the end of the green blob. I realized it was in front of the camera when Matt would wave his arms around and I could see the green blob blocking his wrist.
Very dear of the dearest Matt,
I saw this video 4 times. You are really encouraging and your advice is so inspiring! Im in a period where i have to decide about my future, university and because im afraid of all these big changements and of all the effort that i have to give in order to succeed it, i just thought to my self. Wait? Or create? CREATE! Thank you matt SO MUCH!
I think the idea of motivation changing is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Sounds like most people go through a period of motivation being driven by survival; which is largely a fear based motivation. Higher needs like to be creative and have a purpose occur when these basic survival needs are met. How lucky that we can contemplate being creative
Hi Matt,
You are right we do go through peaks and troughs of being creative and motivated. When I am in a trough it’s harder to be creative so I am going to be very uninspiring. I will put up that message ‘wait create’ on my bathroom mirror so I can be reminded when I get ready every morning.
I could not possibly be in a position to come on one of your retreats. I am therefore very grateful for all this content on the blog.
A big thank you, Kathryn x