Drop in as I Coach Real Women (A VIP Mother’s Day Round Table)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to talk about dating as a single parent by my audience.

And you know how much I can’t bear to let you down, right? ;)

Let’s be real: Dating a guy when you have kids can be scary.

I reached out to all the single moms on my Fast Track members list and invited a few to my house in LA to break down exactly what it’s like being a single dating mom in 2017.

Get ready for some real talk…

►► Catch the full 90-minute coaching session in your “Fast Track to Mr. Right” Members Area– (Not a member yet? Click to learn more…) >>> MattsInnerCircle.com

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18 Replies to “Drop in as I Coach Real Women (A VIP Mother’s Day Round Table)”

  • This video was somewhat informative. I wish you would have had an African American single mom in the video since I am a African American single mom.I could relate to some of the things the women were saying, and some of the other stuff didn’t apply to me. My daughter is twenty and my son is six years old. I date men that are non-black men. My preference is Mexican men or Caucasian men. Right now, I am in the process of refreshing a relationship with my ex who is Mexican. Things are going good, but I still have questions about our long-term status. Matthew, I enjoy your advice, but I wish you would have advice for single African American who date interracially.

  • This video was somewhat informative. I wish you would have had an African American single mom in the video since I am a African American single mom.I could relate to some of the things the women were saying, and some of the other stuff didn’t apply to me. My daughter is twenty and my son is six years old. I date men that are non-black men. My preference is Mexican men or Caucasian men. Right now, I am in the process of refreshing a relationship with my ex who is Mexican. Things are going good, but I still have questions about our long-term status. Matthew, I enjoy your advice, but I wish you would have advice for single African American women who date interracially.

    1. The whole idea should be applicable no matter your race. That’s not very smart to put yourself in a box and suggest that something so informative be catered to your specific race or life.
      And my advice is- getting back with an ex is like trying to shove shit back in your butthole.
      Watch his videos, and remove the labels! You’re only limiting yourself!

      1. I second Charlotte’s input for Matthew to represent more African American WOMEN in his materials. I am a Caucasian woman with many African American close friends. Through their stories and learning about institutionalized racism in the US (which has been spread globally–thanks colonialism), African American women face unique struggles. I could write a whole essay on the topic but will leave it that statistically African American men often date/partner with white and Asian women whereas white men rarely date African American women and Asian men pretty much never do.

  • Mother’s Day is celebrated world wide and I can’t wait for the day to end because I feel I failed the mother concept

  • Hi there :)
    Something you breifly mentioned struck a cord with me – trying to become the person you want to be.
    We all have a vision of who we’d like to be. But working towards it can feel like such a hard task – especially if there are several things you’d like to accomplish or get better at.
    For me I’m trying to focus only on two things right now – being nicer to myself and cutting myself some slack and showing people that I care and listen to them.
    Of course that’s just two things on my list… so my quetion is: do you have any tips on how to actively work on becoming the person you wish to be?

  • Great advice Matthew! I said the same thing to you…that I wish I had known about you 9 years ago…when I was first divorced from a 25 year marriage. But, it is never too late! I attended the 2016 May Retreat…and it was the best thing I ever gifted myself…Keep the videos coming…We all love you very much! Cheers! & Hugs! & You made your Mum proud!…You look marvelous! <3

  • Hello Matt,

    Wow … you are AMAZING at what you do. This video was a really NICE TOUCH for all the Mothers on this MOTHERS DAY. Thanks! I am sure that all the single Mothers out there appreciate that you did a video for them and on Mothers Day as well. I know I do!

    I like that you dressed up … very classy (and nice you did it because your Mother likes it). That’s sweet! Of course, you were very attractive wearing that “tie”. Kudos! Nice job!

    Pretty purple flowers on the table (I just put some flowers on my table yesterday) to bring a nice aroma into my home.

    It was really sweet how you talked about your Mother and the love that you have for her. She is lucky to have a wonderful Son like YOU (and you are lucky to have a wonderful Mother like her). Always treasure that LOVE for each other!

    I liked your video! Great job and thanks! Happy Mothers Day to all the “MUMS” out there.


  • ok..your candor is so damn appealing….when you make it to the Upper Valley (New Hampshire) , I’d love to treat you an evening of local Contra dancing.

  • Matthew, I came across your site about a week ago when I saw one of your videos on Facebook.

    Just, THANK YOU for what you’re doing because I was stuck on a relationship that wasn’t serving me.
    I was just rolling around in misery living in a time machine that made the relationship work.
    AKA I was wasting time.

    I’m also a single mother. To add a level of difficulty to it, a younger single mother. I’m 30 and my children are 12 & 10.
    Yes I started early with their dad. I was married to him at the age of 20 and stayed until my mid 20’s and have been in two relationships that honestly lasted longer than they should have.
    Your videos have and advice give me the inspiration I need to feel some sort of hope that Mr. Right is out there somewhere.
    Thank you again. For following your passion and igniting it in so many others.

  • I have mentioned the same thing…that I wish I would knew about Matthew 9 years ago when I left a 25 year marriage…But, it’s never too late to educate yourself…I went to the MH Retreat May 2016 & it was the best thing I ever gifted myself…What a wonderful experience…spending time with Matthew Hussey & his support team..and meeting a wonderful group of women…who I still have contact with…Thanks Matthew..it has made a world of difference..Hugs & Cheers! Plus, you made your Mum proud…you look marvelous! ;) <3

  • Really sweet video! My children 17,13,and 11. wrote in to a talk show explaining how their mom should be dating. The show had us all on recently. That was my Mother’s Day gift! LOL

    I find dating so different now then when you are younger!!

  • I’m sorry for your bad experience with this Roxie.

    In case Dana isn’t interested or something, I’ll send you an email as well. Doesn’t hurt right?

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