Do You Worry He’s “Not Sure” About You? Do This…

It’s time to say no to being undervalued forever.

One of my favorite quotes says: “If you put a small value on yourself, rest assured the world will not raise your price.”

So if you’re still hanging on that “one guy,” I need, need, need you to watch this. It may just be the biggest wake-up call you’ll ever get…

►► Feel “Enough” No Matter What. I Show You How at:

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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

79 Replies to “Do You Worry He’s “Not Sure” About You? Do This…”

  • Thanks Matthew for this video, it comes in the right and perfect moment because I have been going around and struggle my mind with thoughts for the last three days and I’m emotionally and mentally exhausted. Once in a while I have these moments of weakness and need some advice or an internal chat that reminds me to go ahead … today was your video. Thanks for encouraging us and the reminds. Now I will return into my path and look forward for me. Love and thanks again . Claudia

  • My ex and I just broke it off. Again. The first time was only after a few months and he said he was scared of being loved and treated the way he treats people because no one has ever done that before so I took him back. This time he says he doesn’t want to not be with me but he doesn’t know if he should be with me. He says he still loves me and that he cares about me but he doesnt feel like he can accomplish everything he’s capable of with me. Im so confused and I don’t know how to move forward.

  • Hi Matthew I have to say first of all that all you’re videos. I have to say that I had a two years relationship with someone and been on and off. I January I’ve got pregnant by mistake and we have both decided that it would be better not to keep it. He left me for a week to think and then came back. During this time I’ve got an implant and felt my hormones were everywhere. After that I’ve seen him starting to give likes on Facebook to one of his female friends. When asked he said it was a present for her birthday which I found it odd. We started argue more and more and eventually he broke it off with me saying I was making him a bad person.during a 3 months period we had drunk sex 2 times and after the second time he told me wasn’t sure about us getting back together and in a few days told me he found someone else. After 2 days he blocked me everywhere and meeting but by accident he said he wanted to make sure I’m ok. It’s really messed up my head I’m finally trying to move forward but I still miss him . How can accelerate the process more? I can’t stop thinking about him being with someone else now

  • thank you so much! this is exactly what i needed to hear right now. I think the same applies to marriage. i know too many ppl “stuck” in unhappy life-situations because they are too scared to be alone and don’t think they will get better. I love and value my alone time and would rather be by myself than settle for less! thank you so much for this video – it’s prevented me from falling back into my old patterns. love from Torono,

  • This was absolutely on point! I have had to learn this lesson the hard way too. But when you release yourself for your best to show up and know that you deserve that treatment versus excuses from the person that is one foot in and constantly not focused when you are present with him, then this decision becomes your best one you can make! Chose yourself, recalibrate what your needs and wants are and he will come along your path! Because you are settling for poor treatment, or bad behavior or patterns of uncertainty and the uncommitted.

  • I like the general idea of your video. It takes lots of courage to end the relationship with a person, who only shows up in his/her weak moments for temporary connection. It is understandable why this relationship exists: like in economics, demand generates supply. Guys, who are unable to commit to emotionally intimate relationship, find women, who are not attractive to committers (at least for that period of their lives). I think it is point #2 most have trouble with – not so easy to find “someone out there waiting for you who will be sure of you”. Such perfect partners obviously do not wait around every corner, so it looks safer to have at least SOME kind of relationship. There is a Russian saying that goes: a tomtit in the hands is better than a crane in the sky. Also my concern is not all wo/men are destined to meeting their Mr. Rights. For some folks playing the partners is the only way to have a partner. My opinion might be wrong.

  • Thank you ssssooo much for that video Matthew! It’s exactly what I have been going through and exactly what I needed to hear. You are amazing!


  • Thank you your video really opened my eyes and now after 3 years of trying to be enough for him your short video has really opened my eyes.

  • Thank you very much for this advice, im currently in a similar situation. Ever since ive been seeing these videos it has helped me a lot to accept and realize what i had already known but didnt have the courage to just ignore my feelings and do what is best for me. There is this quote i saw on the internet that matthew hussey says: invest in someone, not based on how much you like them, but how much they invest in you”

  • That was my favorite video I’ve watched of yours! It works for me because of the part where you said I’m not getting his best, his emotions, his all, which I totally want and deserve!
    He’s already shown me his fear and that he’s not ready and I was accepting less than all. I will not be doing that anymore, even though he’s super fun and we have amazing times always. He doesn’t make me sad or hurt me, in fact he makes me feel heard, loved and protected.
    Even still, that is not everything I desire or deserved and frankly I’ve earned more with all the work I’ve done and continue to do.
    I’m glad I clicked on the link and I outwardly thank the universe for sending me your video message this morning, her timing is always impeccable!

  • Thank you for this Matt. It is my exact scenario and it has been difficult for me to get over this, “I want to want you” BS. You’re right. I deserve better.

  • I absolutely love that for once you post a video on the exact time where this applies to me. And then I realised that I already just did the right thing. And now I just feel absolutely good about myself :)

  • Hello!!

    I have been that “him”, on the other side of the picture, for longer than a year and until last Sunday.
    We started as a “fling” and, “sheltered” by that, we were both comfortable. None of us took it seriously, we had fun, sex was great and laughter all around.
    He started to joke about getting married some day… mmm I went along with the joke but told him that I didn´t think we could survive “in the real life”.
    Then he fell. I thought I fell too, for a short while.
    But no.
    Although he is a wonderful, loving almost-supporting person, his has also a down, dark side that does not fit me.
    I broke up… for the first time, but there were more.
    Long story short, he always said he wanted to keep me, at least, as a friend.
    I tried. But he wants more.
    And because we kept chatting almost every day, he was present, so every time I felt lonely or “hot”, we would get together.
    A couple of months ago I explained what you say in the video to him. But he said that it was not my problem if he suffered or not. That it is not in my power to decide who he wants to be with. He only wants to be with me. And if I do not perform 100%, he would be happy with whatever. No, man. You deserve the best. So do I.
    I answered every message (I never write first), seeing him, sleeping with him, out of pity mostly. But also because it was nice to be with somebody so into me.
    We have been going on like this for two months now (1 year and 3 months in total -pffff).
    My friends told me to stop this several times. I did stop it several times, but he kept on insisting on “being friends”.
    Funny enough, I broke up for the last time yesterday, before seeing this video. I broke up because I was feeling like s***t. I was not consistent with my decision.
    My mind and my heart were in one direction, but my doings were going in a different way. I was not happy with myself, I was not honest with neither of us. I was keeping both of us from meeting a better fit. I was being selfish, getting comfortable and the worst of all; I was not being true to my values.
    It was starting to hurt me more than him. He didn´t care about getting just a small percentage of me, but I did.
    Now, he is upset, he says that “It hurts every time I say no, then yes, then no….” man! NO MORE! NO MORE!
    I really hope this time he will stop messaging. If he does not, I will have to block him. For him. For me.
    Although I am a good, in constant training and searching for improvement person, I have to forgive myself for going against my values and “hiding” behind “he makes me feel liked and wanted and we have such a great time -most of it at least”.

  • ☺️✨this is one of your best clips so far and they are all good and I thought it is hard to pick one that will be the best one however, I thought this was thr best and most articulate asvcie to today’s modern woman anywhere. Really wonderful Matthew xoxo thanks!

  • Great video.. There is always pain in this kind of relationship, killing inside.. But, is there any possibility of this: What if the guy is maybe “not sure” of his girl because (on a deeper level) she is not sure of herself – and she is the type of girl who really needs The retreat. Can there be a connection between his “not sure” feelings for her and her need for retreat (changing some things about herself and her life)? If the girl in the video is doing her best “to be enough for him” and she feels this inside of herself… can he sense her desperation and can it influence his “not sure feelings” ?

  • Hi

    Your clip was awesome.
    I have been stuggling over a year now with something similar. I have told no one of this till now. I have been married for 20 years. Got married very young & it has been a struggle to say the least. Everything was effort & confusion & heartbreaking. Last year i decided to leave. In that time period a old male friend confessed his feelings for me. He made me feel something i have never felt before. Over time, i have become more unsure of him and feel more like a after thought. In the mean time my husband has been trying his ut most to win me back & has time & time again proven his love, commitment & willingness to change. My choice should be clear, but the love i onece had for him is not there any more. He is a good man my husband, i just dont feel the way i should about him. The other man i spoke of just frustrates me & reminds me of that Katey Prerry song, hot & cold. I have tried to say buy to both men, but neither will let me go.
    Very frustrating.

  • I’m so grateful to have seen this video today. All my doubts about not being good enough or there being something wrong with me have just melted away. I’m a serial people pleaser to my own detriment. To have heard Matthew’s comments about wasting time on guys that don’t show the same interest, etc has been an eye opener and a much needed prompt for me to make the necessary move to ditch feeling that I am indeed wasting my time and effort on someone who doesn’t feel the same. It’s such a disappointing feeling, but self respect wins out! Thanks Matthew! x

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