“Did I Move Too Fast for Him?”

Have you ever gotten physical on a first date and then worried that your guy would lose interest?

That’s the dilemma on Carlene’s mind on this week’s episode of LOVELife Turns out the real danger to a budding relationship isn’t making out too soon, it’s OVERANALYZING his every move. The secret to making it work is “zooming out,” as I explain in my answer…

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8 Replies to ““Did I Move Too Fast for Him?””

  • “Over-analysing is like watching the Kardashians.” Oh yeah. :)

    I like your definition of “easy.” And I like how you trash the should-definitely-always approach and bring it all right down to earth. You are the exact antidote to The Rules. (Not that I’ve read them, but I’ve heard enough to make me want to hurl.) This was a great talk.

    Oh, and I am definitely with you on “when in doubt, read a book or listen to a podcast.” During times when I’ve been dealing with anxiety or stress, turning on a podcast as soon as I wake up has been the thing that gets me out of bed, gets me out of my own head and makes me remember that the world is a good place. They are Magic.

  • lady stop overthinking. Basically this is the lesson stop shaming yourself…go after the guy you want…if he don’t want you that’s fine…it leads you to another one who will.
    When it comes to kissing and sex, it’s between the two consenting parties. If you’re thinking the sex too much or thinking the kissing too much: you missed Your natural desire to share intimacy in love.
    If you use sex or kissing as a weapon or to get a guy…you are “using” sex and intimacy as a means…
    Live your life as a series of ends and not a series of means to an end. Life comes as it presents itself including intimacy and desire…thinking it is a means for another day or later is plain thinking…over-thinking in fact.

  • Matthew, I love you. Just when I begin to get lazy and think that I will not be surprised or intrigued by your next video or post, you just step your game up. It’s lovely to see how deep and still hopeful your advice can get. I would say “good job, mr. Hussey!” but this is way more than a job well done to me… Thank you. Thank you Thank you. You teach me something worth thinking about each time I watch or read you.

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