Is Your Conversation Turning Guys Off?

Ever felt like you talk about the same things with certain people in your life?

Maybe you do it so frequently, you think to yourself, “Wow, they must think I’m such a boring person!” It’s amazing (and a little sad) how we can get stuck in the same conversations with friends, co-workers, or that security guard in our building we talk to every day.

In this week’s episode of LOVELife, we talk about how to become a multi-dimensional person in conversation so that you can show off your playful, fun-loving, emotional, or intellectual side with the people you talk to in your daily life.

Try it out with someone today!

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5 Replies to “Is Your Conversation Turning Guys Off?”

  • Matthew is so smart. I have tried this at work with my boss, when I joked about something in a good way and we had a really fun time vs my usual nice personality.

    Matt has so many interesting and practical observations to share.

  • I like the idea! Maybe a challenge with hopefully a good ending, or should I say a new beginning? Just imagine how it would be if somebody did that to you.

  • this just sounds like a lot of work to me…we choose our circle of friends for a reason, not everyone deserves to see the 3 dimensional side of us…

  • I need to re-watch this as a reminder at least once a week! Whether it’s the friend-with-benefits or a wing woman in dating to the wino friend to one person and spiritual adviser to another, so easy to get stuck in a limited role with the people in our lives.

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