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The Future of Dating? (A Date In 2025)

My good friend and highly talented director Ryan Turner has made an incredible, multi-award-nominated short film that shows how you could be dating by 2025.

I hope you love it as much as I do…

►►  What do you LOVE or HATE about dating today? Leave a comment below…

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272 Replies to “The Future of Dating? (A Date In 2025)”

  • We seem to be becoming more and more isolated because of our technology. It’s hard to know who and what is real anymore,

  • Love the film, thanks for sharing!

    This is definitely beginning to happen now with all of the online dating sites where in my experience you talk to people and then never see them even if you make a first move and suggest doing something. I am newly single as I recently left a long term relationship and have not been on the ‘dating scene’ in over 14 years! It has been a complete culture shock – to answer your question, I do not like being single, I am in a much happier place on a personal level but I do miss having a companion. I find that more and more people are living with the mentality that it is more about hooking up and not having a true connection. I can only hope that there are more old school romantics out there and one day I will meet someone organically.

  • It´s scary but almost true. For me is difficult to imagine the future, whereas dating right now is that hard. After following a lot of Mathew´s videos I have realized that women problem can be the way we think about ourselves, how we try to fit always, instead of being the best of us.

    A challenge for the director could be, show in a second line what is going on with her too – to show how similar are we, in this matter, instead of still showing that the guys are the ones who do the first step… what happens if she was the one who contacts him? Just ideas for the other side of the equation.

  • This is a reflection of our future of dating to some form. We are hard to give and take in a relationship making it difficult to love someone with their faults and habits. This movie screams give life a chance.

  • “Could This Be You in 7 Years?” I surely hope not! Looks awful. I definitely want to improve on speaking to random people in reality and not behind a screen.

  • This made me cry. Because it is so easy to see it coming to this. I fear we are almost already there now. Connections are algorithms first. And to go out in a group, is to be met with eyes down on phones across a bar…not gazing to make eye contact. Very sad.

  • This is a spot on accurate description of dating now. As a “mature” member of today’s dating scene, I find it depressing, chatting either via email or by phone, putting myself out there and yet rarely getting a commitment to a simple real date. Both men and women claim to want to meet someone special yet when the time comes, they don’t act. Another common scenario is ghosting. I have had this happen twice in the past year or so. After dating exclusively for several months,everything seemingly going well,suddenly contact dwindles and stops entirely without explanation.
    Honesty seems to be nonexistent from the beginning in many cases,disconnect on a human level,is huge. I have male friends who lie about their age, height and other “minor details,” as they call it. My feeling is if someone lies about those, then trust for other more important things is already at stake. It seems obvious they have no intention of meeting someone,and risk being exposed.
    It’s sad both genders can’t let their guard down and be genuinely real. Technology complicates everything- rather than commit to dating one person, the fear they might be missing out on someone better comes into play.
    Appreciate the share…and for the record;the pizza shake; more than a bit gross!

  • Very entertaining, I really enjoy watching it. We are already seeing this in parts of Asia. Google Virtual Boyfriend for articles.

    As you are always reminding people, if both men and women do not maintain the strength to risk rejection, expect the same to happen here.

    FYI, do not expect your AI to be so virtuous. Instead of scolding him it will most likely recommend a selection of oils. Remember Amazon Alexa and all such devices are not about you, it is what they can sell you.

  • What I hate about dating today is people feel like they have to follow a script. you can’t do this before so many days you can’t call when you want you can’t just live your life with somebody that’s right the way you choose.

  • I HATE how it seems like men and women are blind and don’t even look at each other in public, its like others do not exist. When I am on public transport and outside, I observe people who are mostly trapped in their own little world with mobiles and Apps. Then they get home and feel lonely and start trying to find people again using APPS. Technology is meant to improve our lives, not taking over. We are meant to see each other, smile at each other, compliment each other and make friends/ girlfriend/boy friend which eventually leads to finding one’s partner.
    I LOVE when people have got the courage to approach each other and can make real connection.

  • This saddens me deeply. If this is what we have to look forward to I don’t want to be there. I know its human nature to take the path of least resistance but if we don’t push ourselves and our fears they become all consuming.
    Perhaps there is a way we can overcome this fear of human connection…. like playing a game for instance. A way we can practice before actually getting out there. So that is isn’t so scary.

  • The anxiety is real when you first go to meet someone, that’s for sure.
    Most online introductions I’ve made don’t get to the date in person stage. We all judge by pictures and chats. How sad we forget we are all human.
    I laughed my ass off watching this.

  • Things I LOVE about dating:
    -the in-person connection
    -the company!
    -the exciting and not so exciting things we go out and do on dates from going to the fair/ice skating, to watching movies while eating!

    Things I HATE about dating:
    -things go amazing in person but communication when we are apart is scarce maybe I would like to be connected to him more while I’m away from him? But I don’t know if that’s my flaw or not?
    -seems like a good portion of people in today’s society tend to lean towards temporary pleasures while I try to seek something more meaningful.
    -I haven’t found no one who is worthy of my love because I have high standards.
    -I want to find a guy who sees beyond temporary pleasures.

  • This will likely happen in the future. Because of technology we forgot how to interact with people in the real world. I, myself have a hard to approach a person and start a conversation.

    I guess this is what we call a “reality check”

  • Hi Matthew, great little short,enjoyed it a lot.

    I hate how you can chat to people for a week or two on whatsapp after meeting on Tinder and kind of build them up in your head or have this unrealistic understanding of what they actually are like and then meeting them in person you can be totally devastated. I get emotionally invested into relationships and its hard for me to block it and stay neutral with a man. However I accept certain amount of heartache as norm for me, I guess I’m becoming more desensitised.

    I love the possibility of falling in love with a guy before meeting them and then once you met them feeling the same buzz and sparks as via messages. I had two love confessions over the whatsapp messaged, which I found very bizarre and meeting one guy I just did not feel the fireworks. Im seeing another one tonight, he flew in from LA to visit family in UK and we have been talking for a month now. Im so excited I can not tell you.

  • I hate the fact that conversation is almost obsolete today. Everyone prefers sending messages instead of talking on the phone or in person. I miss connecting with someone by all the ways of communication both verbal, and none verbal.
    The next thing that makes me uncomfortable is: how to act on a date when I don’t drink, party, or do most of the things that others do everyday let alone on a date.

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