Afraid to Take Action? Do This Simple Thing and Change Your Life

As you look over 2019, do you feel like you’ve accomplished your goals? Or, do you look at the past year and see that there are still hopes and dreams that are unfinished or even untouched?

In this video I tell you EXACTLY how to go after your goals, without letting fear stop you…

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Is there something in your life that you know would contribute to the quality of your life, bring you more of what you want, give you more opportunity, make you feel happier but that you’re not doing it? Things that if we simply did them and did them every day would be normalized as processes in our lives, but the longer we leave it, the more it kind of takes on this ominous dark cloud of fear that no longer bespeaks how difficult it would actually be to do it?

I know this feeling, for example, when I take time off from the gym. Physical training of any kind is really important to me. It’s part of my daily routine. One of the things I know is that taking a day off, fine.Taking two days off, fine. Taking a week off, be careful. Taking three weeks off, now, we’re into a zone where going back to training feels like a big deal.

The most important thing to me in that moment is that you simply get there. You don’t have to do the workout of your life. You just need to get there because getting there makes you realize, “Oh, okay, I did something. I can come back tomorrow.” Come back tomorrow, do a bit more of a difficult workout. Come back the next day, do a bit more of a difficult workout. Within a week, you’ve normalized it again. You’re back into the swimming pool. But as long as you’re standing on the edge going, “Oh God, that water looks really cold. I don’t want to get in,” it takes on this difficulty level that isn’t real.

If in your love life right now, there are habits that you know would make a difference, whether it’s leaving the house, going out, talking to people, messaging people on an app, if that’s what you want to do – it doesn’t matter what it is, but if you’re not being proactive right now and you’re building up too much the thought of being proactive, it doesn’t matter that you go out today and have some amazing interaction with a beautiful, attractive member of the opposite sex. What matters today is that you go out and say something. You go out and have a conversation. That, just in the smallest way, you put your foot back in the shallow end of that pool, that gradually allows you to start moving towards the deep end because you become a stronger swimmer in that area.

My Retreat, by the way, is where we do this on steroids. Not literally on steroids. You don’t bring drugs to the Retreat. But it is a place where I give you the systems for actually doing those things that are going to radically transform the quality of your life. That’s why people who come on the Retreat three months after or six months after find that their love life has transformed or their health is transformed or their social life or their career has transformed because all the things that they thought before would transform those areas but weren’t doing, they suddenly start doing because they have the confidence and the systems to actually take action on all of those things.

If you want to check out the Retreat, I’ll leave a link here. I hope you do. It’s the best thing I’ve ever created. If you like these videos, I promise you, you ain’t seen nothing until you’ve been to a Retreat. No matter what you do, please, today, that thing you’ve been putting off, do it.

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5 Replies to “Afraid to Take Action? Do This Simple Thing and Change Your Life”

  • Love how you present ure concepts!! Its always exactly what i need when i need it!! Im on my way to the gym to workout with Martin Snow!!!

  • The Retreat was a wonderful experience. I cherish my moments there & all of the great women I met…who I am still in contact with. ;) <3 Thanks Matthew!

  • I’ve just come across my diary from doing the Home Retreat, which I started two Christmasses ago. At that time I believed I was just a total oddity, a misfit, in every area of my life and I was waiting for someone to miraculously appear who would make sense of it and help me fit in. Not such a fantasy: Enter MATTHEW HUSSEY! I felt so empowered as I watched the videos, just like this one, that I put on my cape and took the “bullsh*t” by the horna. And started asking questions. Doing that REPEATEDLY at the coal face for 2 years now, has brought me the goal of discovering an incredible family secret, which has made sense of my oddity and set me free of it. Thank you with all my heart, Matthew Hussey, true Ninja Warrior.

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