Learn More About My New Book, Love Life

How To Get the Guy Podcast



WITH Matthew Hussey


In each episode of the LOVE Life podcast, you’ll get practical tips you can use right away to improve all of your relationships – romantic, family, friends, career and, most importantly, the relationship you have with yourself. See why this 5-star, top podcast gets over 500,000 downloads a month.

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See All Our Podcast Episodes Below

(Matt Monday): Scared It Won’t Work Out? Use These 5 Questions to Know…

How do you really know if you're dating "The One"? Do you just know when it's right, or are there signs this person is the perfect partner for you? In this episode, you'll learn 5 of the most important questions you must answer before you decide on long-term commitment. > Become a Love Life Member for FREE Claim Your 2 Week Free Trial at www.JoinLoveLife.com

(Rewind): Don’t Mistakes These Behaviours As Signs Of Commitment

When you fall for someone, it's all-too-easy to misinterpret signs of their affection or presence as signs of them wanting a future commitment. But unfortunately, there are all kinds of reasons someone might keep you close even if they don't want something serious. In this clip, Matt and the JAMS crew discuss how to protect yourself and be aware when your situation doesn't have a future. --- Follow Matt @thematthewhussey Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey --- ►► Stop Waiting and Start Creating the Happiness You Deserve NOW - Claim your spot on my Virtual Retreat, June 2 - 4, 2023 → MHVirtualRetreat.com

(Matt Monday): The UNEXPECTED Way to Make Him Want MORE With You

We’ve been told from a very young age to “play it cool” . . . But as we grow up, we realize that when we feel we need to “play it cool” to keep someone interested, that often means we’re feeling anything but cool . . . and it usually comes from a place of insecurity or a fear of being rejected. Pretty soon, we find ourselves calibrating our conversations and contorting ourselves to meet the other person’s needs so we don’t come off as needy or a nuisance, and little by little, we start to show them that our

(Rewind): Don’t Do THIS If You’re In A Relationship With A Narcissist…

It's hard enough dealing with a toxic relationship, but it's even worse if you don't have a strong sense of boundaries to put up when you see behaviour you shouldn't tolerate. In this clip, Matthew, Stephen, Audrey, and Jameson discuss how to implement self-care to protect yourself when you have the tendency to sacrifice your needs for others. Follow Matt @thematthewhussey Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey --- ►► Stop Waiting and Start Creating the Happiness You Deserve NOW - Claim your spot on my Virtual Retreat, June 2 - 4, 2023 → MHVirtualRetreat.com

214: Choosing The Relationship You Want, Overcoming Jealousy, and Understanding Men/Women (w/ Candice Horbacz)

I'm super excited to share this excellent conversation I had with podcaster Candice Horbacz, host of "Chatting With Candice". In this episode, we talk about: - Finding the relationship that works for YOU - The journey of trust and opening up to your partner - Understand the truth about men and their feelings - Overcoming jealousy in a relationship There's tons of great takeaways and Candice has some really powerful insights from her own past and experience. I can't wait for you to check it out! --- Follow Matt @thematthewhussey Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey --- ►► Stop Waiting and Start Creating the Happiness

(Matt Monday): They’ve Pulled Away?? AVOID THIS MISTAKE

Have you ever deeply fallen for someone only to feel them gradually fading away? It feels awful. You panic. You overthink every text message. You worry that losing this person could mean losing your chance at a real connection, or your dream of a relationship with someone truly special. I’ve found there are 3 common mistakes people make when they get into this panic mindset, and in today’s new episode, I’ll show you the best strategy to give yourself the maximum chance of salvaging the relationship (or help you move on to find the RIGHT person for you). ►► Get

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By Prismatic Butterfly

Matt and Stephen: how can I capture your awesomeness in words?! Impossible. The Brothers Hussey are a potent combination of heartfelt advice, creative communication strategies, and raw, personal humanity. I have found that a diet of this podcast and Matt’s videos has truly sustained my mental and emotional health. I find you guys super smart, but moreover, your compassion for all people is such an obvious motivation for what you do. Your ideas and perspectives have literally changed my life. Merci Beaucoup and keep up the sensational work!


By TaraTamarisk

These podcasts are really accessible, but packed with Matt’s life-altering advice which really WORKS. I’ve spent my life reading self-help books with little or no success. Matt’s advice is brilliantly practical and not at all overwhelming. Whether you are single, in a relationship, or just want to improve yourself and your life, do yourself a favor and subscribe to Love Life. If you follow his tips, you will wake up one day amazed at how much your life has changed without you even realising it.


By Amy WF Texas

I’m feeling so thankful for every single podcast. I’m divorced after 15 years and it is so difficult to date and understand men. I have realized that I myself need work. I am striving to accomplish just that! One way is being devoted to your podcasts. Morning, lunch, evenings, before sleep. I have become confident and have been able to let go of the “situationships” that come passing by. The icing on the cake is both of your accents. Thank you for the brilliant advice!