Get Inspired – Matthew Hussey Retreat Highlights

Jameson and I put this together as a little thank you for the incredible women on our December Retreat, but it’s so inspiring I wanted to share it with everyone. If you were a part of our December Retreat, congratulations. It was nothing short of awe- inspiring to watch you transform your life in the space of just 5 days together. What a phenomenal way to jumpstart your 2016!

Thank you for your openness and your commitment to the process, and for just being the beautiful woman you are. It was an honor to get to know you.

If you haven’t yet joined us on our Retreat program, I hope you’ll find this video inspires you to believe that anything is possible for you in the new year in love and in life…

Don’t Miss Out!
Want to get your 10 Years of Growth in just 5 Days? Join me on my next Matthew Hussey Retreat.

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12 Replies to “Get Inspired – Matthew Hussey Retreat Highlights”

  • Thank you Matt and Jameson for putting together this beautiful video! So many emotional buttons for joy and confidence and watching this video is something I can use (and I’m sure the other retreat rock stars too!) as a tool for remembering my why :) Thank you to the entire GTG team for making that week the most beautiful, life changing, emotional roller coaster that I have experienced…and for reconnecting me with my best friend ;) Love you all so very much!!!! Xoxoxo

  • Hi Matthew
    I’m thankful for all video. I was watching. Well I don’t know is anything that possible I don’t found love in my life. It just for a moments I don’t understanding.
    I’m try my best for love someone but always has obstacles. Thank you you’re awesome guy!

  • Such a wonderful video. Thank you, Matthew and Jameson!

    For those who have not been at a Retreat, you have seen nothing yet {laughing}

  • Hi Mathew

    During my second night of passion with someone I’ve been dating I noticed an offensive smell whilst ‘downstairs’.

    I told he the next day in an email, ever so tactfully, and he responded by thanking me for the tip and said he will check it out. This was last sat (19.12.2015) he swears that before me he had a girlfriend and that they were clean. I haven’t heard back since.

    He is very sensitive and we enjoy spending time together. Has this incident destroyed us from ever moving forward?

  • That looks so wonderful! I am looking forward to attending the Retreat in May 2016! I am getting so excited…especially looking at all these Retreat videos…Looking forward to meeting Billy (who interviewed me)…& Natasha…a fellow Canadian…& Matthew & his support team…and of course…His Mum & Dad….;) <3

  • It looks awesome! I think your work is great and I’ve paid for your online course before but…. for the average person ( me) I can’t afford stuff like this. It’s like health retreats I dream of them but that’s all I can do. This isn’t said to put a downer on it, anyone that can do on it I’d say do it xxx much love to you all xxxxoh and happy new year!

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