6 Behaviors That Kill Relationships

If we don’t work on eliminating toxic relationship habits, it doesn’t matter how attractive we are: we’ll always find a way to self-sabotage and drive our partner away.

So here are 6 relationship-killing behaviors to avoid at all costs if you want to keep an amazing guy…


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57 Replies to “6 Behaviors That Kill Relationships”

  • Hey Matt,
    I didn’t think that I would ever want to write to you. You are stranger, over the ocean…but yeah, I feel that kind of connection, when you are on the same wavelength. And what’s more I feel so defeted. Oh, sorry for my English if there are some misteakes I don’t have much opportunities to practice it. I don’t want to complain how men are, I don’t like to generate people, but I start to be so irritated, I feel so damn powerless.
    I met a guy, everything was fine, I guess I meight fall in love with him, cuz that was something special in my life. Then he took a break, cuz as he said his memories come back, he felt guilty, like he is doing sth bad, cuz his fiancée died and she was pregnant in that moment. 2 months have passed, I asked if that’s end or what he is thinking about now, but he just make some jokes, no straight answer. Then after another month he send me some funny video, we chatted, again jokes. I wrote him that he could be sb really important for me and I missed him but if he don’t want to know me better and he is gonna only make jokes once a month I don’t need this, I don’t wanna this. As an answer I received a silence. I’ve got only that kind of stories. Before him was a guy, who when the things become more serious, suddenly said that he have a depression, don’t know what to do with life and so on.
    When I watched your videos I smiled and thought yeah, I know, I do this whole stuff, everything is correct. I have my standards and I know how to show them, I’m never aggressive or nervous. I guess my mom taken some drugs when she was pregnant with me cuz I’m always smiling :) I try to always make progresses in all areas of my life. I make mistakes, but I also learn from them. But this is something I don’t understand. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and maybe what I don’t see. That is just impossible that I’ve got such a bad luck.
    So…thank U for reading and take care :)

  • What happens when you have tried to do that continually and he will not discuss anything, open up, tell me why he stays silent? I have tried again and again and now after 10 years of trying i am now the one who does all those things you said not to. I feel bad and he just continues as though nothing is wrong and i will get over it. I am so tired of trying and i know people might say split up but i cannot do that for several reasons. I do not even know how i feel about him, us or me anymore

  • Well said, indeed, Matthew! When I see ppl acting in ‘weird & wonderful ways’, I see a human who, perhaps is unable to express themselves clearly or freely (for whatever reason) and resorts to a default response that they’ve not corrected just yet. Much Love & Respect to you, Matt!

  • Amazing incisive and heartbreakingly simple…if only I could have had this knowledge before my marriage collapsed. Please dont stop teaching us Matt. You have the respect of millions.

  • What if he tell you now im in a relationship and we stii friends and i love you do he still have feeling for me

  • i think argument kill the relation but Being married i think its very difficult especially for wives to stop arguing with her men.when wife feel that husband do something wrong then who it could be possible for her to don’t stop him from doing wrong.

  • @ Melisa You spelt ‘bull shit’ wrong.

    @ MH You’re words are deep and only people who take relationships seriously would understand this. Thank-you.

  • What should i do my man is always teasing me that he always looks on others girls and he gets laughed whenever i get mad. I felt insecure but he just lauhjed at it.

  • HI
    I really am not in a great place so I was dating this guy he seemed great then we fell pregnant and got married… Soon after lots of bad things started happening money started getting stole and he even cheated on me a few time while I was pregnant…. I didnt know I chose to believe every little lie he told me… Then I went through on to forgive him and in Jan this year I lost my baby because I stressed just because I found out he kissed another woman imagine if I knew he slept with another woman. The debt keep ringing up even after my baby passed away … He had nothing when I met him he was sitting at home. I helped him find a job I helped him get his driver license. I helped him finish school. He used my car to continue cheating on me a few months after the baby passed he pretended like he cared and he vanished to find out he was by on of his mistresses…. Its now been 9 months since the baby passed and he left 2 months ago again this is the first time in my life I went where I havent called or heard his voice or even asked his friends about him in 2 months…. I feel like I am progressing then all of a sudden he messages saying he missed me and he wants me back and our divorce is almost final…. I dont want to take him back but I need some advice not to fell bad if I do not take him back.

  • I’m having a bad time in my relationship, I can’t stop thinking my boyfriend doesn’t love anymore, and I’m going crazy!! Analyzing every little detail of our time together, it makes me feel exhausted and unhappy. I keep comparing the before with now. I’m selfish, I know that, and he always said that I don’t love him, because I don’t try hard enough, he is having a bad time now, I’m not by his side because I think he is not inloved with me again! I feel used, we break up and come back together, we argue and we take it back asap. But now in my mind he is not inloved with me, and in his mind I don’t love him…
    so, we just fight every day, for everything! I decided not to go back this time, when we talk I’m always the bad guy, and he not even said I miss u or I love u…we have been together for a year, and it’s been a wonderful year, I don’t know what is going on!!! I need help

  • What if my partner and i had been drinking and he repeatedly is saying and doing things that upset me? Is it not smart to walk away because we are under the influence? He never recalls much afterwards if he will be reasonable enough for me to try to talk after a few beers. I haven’t seen any good come from the times I didn’t leave to avoid more problems and to deal with it when we are sober. Which one is best?

  • I had a wonderful guy. We had so much trust. Two people who made each other happy just being themselves. The kind of relationship where when you embrace the other person, you feel safe loved and everything is right in the world. Then physical distance happened. I guess I needed certainty we were working towards being in a place together. I was preparing to give up my old life to move, I just needed direction. But in life there is no certainty so how could I ask him for something he can’t guarantee? I committed all 6 sins above because of my own paranoid insecurity and I’ve hurt someone I love terribly. I’m at a loss how to fix this. But now that you guys know what you avoid, don’t let it be you that gets caught in my situation. I have only myself to blame and it feels awful.

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