It’s Not Too Late To Live The Life You REALLY Want (Here’s How)

You woke up this morning. You hit snooze. You went back to sleep.

Great. The perfect morning you planned is ruined already.

Wait. Stop. Breathe.

If you’ve EVER had a panic feeling that your whole day has been wasted, this could be the most important 4 minutes of your life. I share a concept that’s saved me hundreds of wasted hours and completely changed my life once I began using it.

►► Are You Ready to Live the Life You REALLY Want? Go Here… >>>


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34 Replies to “It’s Not Too Late To Live The Life You REALLY Want (Here’s How)”

  • Oh my, the flame was so close I was scared for you. I’ve been catching up on the well known HBO series ready for the new season and I’m haunted by the fire scenes! Your ducks are a bit boring, I have Henry the Eighth, the Pope, Duck’s Fizz, Batduck, Superduck and a British flag one!!
    I like this video message. I read a piece from a Twitter feed the other day by a writer who was disabled and who interestingly preferred to remain anonymous. It was an incredible piece of writing describing him wanting and trying to work, to live in what becomes like a parallel universe. He said it’s like being ‘a window shopper on the world’. That phrase has really resonated with me. For many reasons. I think this applies to your video message because unless you wake up and stop making the same mistakes, start actively participating in life, which for that writer and many others is hugely difficult and might mean something seemingly very small and unadventurous to more able people, then you are merely window shopping. The writer was hugely frustrated and striving not to be constantly thwarted and my life is similar. You just gotta fight harder and strive more, become ambitious where maybe you weren’t before. I would love to come on a retreat but it’s not practically possible for me, I will keep watching your videos for inspiration and try to do it on my own.
    Have a great week and be careful when you get a bath xx

  • Great video, Matthew. But I’ve noticed lately you haven’t been posting videos with real life callers who call in with questions. Those are my favorite!

  • Matt, you CANNOT post videos where you look so devastatingly cute! It’s terribly distracting from your message xx

  • That was the hottest video you’ve ever made! I just stopped my preparations for my exams next week to watch this video I think I better keep doing my preparations! :D
    Thank you Matt :)

  • Matthew,
    This Sunday you utilized your esemplastic power an created an one of a kind video! Keep on rocking coach!!!!

    I am impressed by your creative inventiveness and imagination in this video. I have never seen anything like that ever before!! Was that you in the end? Ouch!!! You guys are awesome!!!

  • Well what kind of advice do you have for someone married 38 years, hubby has cheated wail you were home raising our 14 yr old grandson with major disabilities and brain damage. His mothers has mental problems and goes off and threatens us all the time. I can’t seen to firgive and forget. I deal with a handicap grandson who can be both phyically and mentally abusive. He hates himself and his life. Then I have a husband who feels he don’t owe me a living. And sex isnt very exciting for me. I am trying but I just can’t seem to move on from all the mental stuff going on around me.and trust me I do get councling. Any advice would help.

  • This was incredibly helpful. It’s sticking with the bad decision for too long that is my biggest issue. I’m going to use this for so many things.
    You’re the best. xo

  • Hey Matthew, you have an incredible way of making me laugh, thank you, this time with the bubble bath, the plastic ducks!!

  • Matthew, I had to watch this video three times, because I lost my focus on what you are saying while seeing you in the bubble bath… Finally I got it but please put on some clothes ;-) You are a way too hot! Can’t concentrate on your message seeing your muscular arms and chest… think I need a cold shower, now. Thanks! ;-)

  • I have known that this is my only biggest problem. It seems a little problem, but its not. Its like from one procrastination (from snoozing alarm) to another procastination (not study, sports, diet, do assignments). Then it slowly becomes big problem. But its not easy to change. Tomorrow i will try (again) to make little change like not snooze when my alarm wakes me up. Lets see tomorrow

  • OMG, Matthew, you just provided me with a big emotional button there! Thank you!
    And to all of you women who are wondering what an emotional button is, apply for the Retreat. ;) It has set so many great things in motion for me – literally life-changing!

    P.S.: I didn’t get paid to say that. :P

  • Beautiful video guys!!! I’ve got some financial goals for this year but I talked to John and will be there in December.

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