Is It Okay To Date A Co-Worker?

In this week’s episode of LOVELife we ask if it’s okay to date a co-worker. We talk statistics on couples that have met at work, and the insular nature of most people’s lives.

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16 Replies to “Is It Okay To Date A Co-Worker?”

  • :)♥☆☀ Dear wonderful LOVELIFE hero Matthew Hussey ☀☆♥ :)

    With all my heart I thank you for everything heart-touching :)

    You are here ♥&♥ it was a truly heart-touching day :)
    True LOVE on LOVELIFE with wonderful Matthew Hussey :)
    Yay yippie yay :)

    May I say:

    I looooooooooooooooooooooooooove your blog ♥&♥ your video :)

    Great thanks to lovely Hosana your name is Matthew Hussey :)
    I believe Matthew Hussey is one of the most beautiful names on this planet :)

    Your parents gave you something so so so so so beautiful :) ♥&♥ I thank God for everything beautiful in your life :)

    It’s very lovely to hear you say your name :)
    Do you remember the first time you said your name? :)
    How did you feel? :)
    I believe it was a very heart-touching moment :)


    I hope you enjoyed saying your name today::: as much as you did when you were a little boy :)

    It’s always beautiful to hear you on LOVELIFE :)
    I looooooooooooooooooooove what you say ♥&♥ your voice sounds very nice :)


    I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the music :)
    Now we can listen to your fantastic speech, dance to the lovely music ♥&♥ sing
    It’s so so so so so so so much fun to be here :)


    I agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

    I believe God knows where hearts connect in the best way :)
    ♥&♥ I hope everybody can go there :)
    I will definately go there :) I’d really really really oh really loooooooooooooooooooooove to go there ♥&♥ connect my heart with Mr.Rights’ heart :)
    Hope to be there very very very soon :)

    What I know is:::
    I’ve already connected my heart with everybody I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove in heaven :)
    After all, I know everybody in heaven truly loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooves me and I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove them too :)With all my heart I do :)


    I’m looking forward to connecting my heart with Mr.Rights’ heart :) The one who I truly loooooooooooooooooooove with all my heart ♥&♥ the one who truly loooooooooooooooooves me with all his heart :)
    I’m vey very very excited :) I believe It’s gonna be moment of pure romance with Mr. Right :)


    Your unconditional loooooooooooooooooving fan :)


    1. I’d looooooooooooooooooooooooove to come to your life event and see you so incredibly live :) With all my heart I hope it is possible to buy a ticket :)
      I believe this is gonna be a very heart-touching event :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

    2. What you said is so so so so true :) I agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
      The office is not the only place where hearts connect :) Heaven is too :)
      ♥&♥ I believe God knows all beautiful places where true romance is possible :)

      Hope everybody finds true romance after listening to everything wonderful you said :))))))))))

  • ♥&♥

    This is what Jesus Christ said:

    “In my father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you. ”

    (2.Chronicles 31:18)

    “For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.”

    (Hebrews 11:10)

    “Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.”

    (Psalm 36:5)

    “For Your loving kindness is great to the heavens And Your truth to the clouds.”

    (Psalm 57:10)

    “At once I was in the spirit and behold, a throne stood in heaven with one seated on the throne.”

    (Revelation 4:2)

  • :)♥☆☀ Dear wonderful LOVELIFE hero Matthew Hussey ☀☆♥ :)
    With all my heart I thank you for everything heart-touching :)
    You are here ♥&♥ it was a truly heart-touching day :)
    True LOVE on LOVELIFE with wonderful Matthew Hussey :)
    Yay yippie yay :)
    May I say:
    I looooooooooooooooooooooooooove your blog ♥&♥ your video :)
    Great thanks to lovely Hosana your name is Matthew Hussey :)
    I believe Matthew Hussey is one of the most beautiful names on this planet :)
    Your parents gave you something so so so so so beautiful :) ♥&♥ I thank God for everything beautiful in your life :)
    It’s very lovely to hear you say your name :)
    Do you remember the first time you said your name? :)
    How did you feel? :)
    I believe it was a very heart-touching moment :)
    I hope you enjoyed saying your name today::: as much as you did when you were a little boy :)
    It’s always beautiful to hear you on LOVELIFE :)
    I looooooooooooooooooooove what you say ♥&♥ your voice sounds very nice :)
    I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the music :)
    Now we can listen to your fantastic speech, dance to the lovely music ♥&♥ sing
    It’s so so so so so so so much fun to be here :)
    I agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
    I believe God knows where hearts connect in the best way :)
    ♥&♥ I hope everybody can go there :)
    I will definately go there :) I’d really really really oh really loooooooooooooooooooooove to go there ♥&♥ connect my heart with Mr.Rights’ heart :)
    Hope to be there very very very soon :)
    What I know is:::
    I’ve already connected my heart with everybody I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove in heaven :)
    After all, I know everybody in heaven truly loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooves me and I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove them too :)With all my heart I do :)
    I’m looking forward to connecting my heart with Mr.Rights’ heart :) The one who I truly loooooooooooooooooooove with all my heart ♥&♥ the one who truly loooooooooooooooooves me with all his heart :)
    I’m vey very very excited :) I believe It’s gonna be moment of pure romance with Mr. Right :)
    Your unconditional loooooooooooooooooving fan :)


  • I heard u and hear u everywhere – iheart , utube, twitter, blog . U r very inspiring in all aspects of life ..but what if shy and timid girls like me hear u but afraid to practice what u preach . Girls who dont have confidence or self worth feeling to go out there and increase the social circle. Do u know how to make us break our cocoon ?

  • Statement on your frozen image: A scientific breakthough on facial emotions – what does your expression want to tell us :)

    I think it’s inappropriate but friends have and it wasn’t always the best idea (sure, depends on the circumstances… it’s not always clear). If I were to, I would want to be sure about certain things before any further notice. It’s important to solve things in a mature and quiet way, also after a break-up and to nevertheless act and talk in a respectful way with the other party.

  • <3<3<3 Where to find Mr.Right? <3<3<3

    With all my heart I believe Matthew Hussey said it in one of the best ways a human being can say it:
    Focus not only on finding him/her in one location :) But watch Matthew Husseys video and learn how to find him in all the best locations on this planet :)

    Hope everybody finds all the best in the best way & can date Mr/Miss Right in the best way::: after listening to wonder LOVELIFE LIFECOACH Matthew Hussey :)

    <3<3<3 Where to find true LOVE? <3<3<3

    With all my heart I believe Jesus Christ said it in the best way because he is the son of God :)

    "In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?"

    (John 14:2)

    "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruits, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever."

    (Revelation 22:1-5)

    So yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees I truly believe it's heaven :)

    Hope one day we all meet at the best location :) & celebrate all the best forever :)
    PEACE :) & may everybody enjoy being in beautiful places :)
    I believe Heaven is looooooooooooovely & planet earth is beautiful too :)
    Especially after reading the holy bible & listening to LOVELIFE with …. I believe the most of us know his wonderful name & who. hears his name for the first time, truly hope you remember his name: Matthew Hussey ::: like one of Jesus lovers Matthew :)

    1. I believe there is a reason why so many locations exist :)
      Why God created all of them :)
      If there was no reason, why do they exist? :)

      “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

      (Genesis 1:1)

      I believe God knows everything :) & all reasons :)

      What I hope is that we all can always be in the best location to do the best: on earth & in heaven :) & enjoy true peace :)

      & I believe there is a reason why Matthew Hussey told us to focus not only on one location :)
      After all, Jesus Christ told us as well :)
      Always focus on true Love on earth and live forever in heaven :)

      “For all the law is fullfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

      (Galatians 5:14)

      1. With all this said I hope one day everybody comes to your live-event dear Matthew Hussey :) Because I believe you truly looooooooooooooove human beings and loooooooooooooooove to help them in the best way::: Find all the best in life :)

        & I hope the word of God always touch our hearts :)

        With all my heart I thank you for your amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing & so so so so so interesting speech :) It was very fun to listen to you and write here :)

        May I add some more:

        Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees :)
        Why do so many human believe true LOVE is only found in certain locations? :)

        Why only office? Why only friend circle? :)
        What about all other places on this planet? :)
        After all, God created so so so so so so many human beings we can meet in so so so so so so many locations :)
        Isn’t that incredibly interesting? I believe it’s very exciting too :)Life is a true adventure :)

        “The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. As of March 26, 2014, it is estimated to number 7.154 billion by the United States Census Bureau (USCB).”

        So one of them could be Mr./Miss Right :) How incredible heart-touching :)

        & Matthew Hussey will teach how to date him/her in the best way :)

        Wow wo wow :)
        Best of luck to everybody :)

        1. Why only date the man in the office?

          How about all other amazing men on planet earth? :)

          Why not give them a chance too? :)

          & How about all the beggars on the street & aLl those wounded, poor, left-behind, broken hearted human beings?

          I believe a lot of them are singles too…
          & hope soon they will find true LOVE too :)
          Hope soon a hero comes to save them too :)

          1. May I correct the first sentence of the comment above :)
            I wrote very fast and that is the reason why this happened.

            So again:

            & How about all the beggars on the street & ALL those wounded, poor, left-behind, broken hearted human beings?

            I believe a lot of them are singles too…
            & hope soon they will find true LOVE too :)
            Hope soon a hero comes to save them too :)

  • I agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

    Why only date the man in the office?
    How about all other amazing men on planet earth? :)
    Why not give them a chance too? :)

    How about all the beggars on the street & ALL those wounded, poor, left-behind, broken hearted human beings?

    I believe a lot of them are singles too…
    & hope soon they will find true LOVE too :)
    Hope soon a hero comes to save them too :)
    Hope one day they can enjoy romance too :)

    1. Aren’t these men attractive too? :)
      We are all God’s creation & very beautiful :)

      Matt, can you make a video about this topic :)That would be very very very loooooooooooooovely & interesting :)
      I’d comment on it again :)
      & hope all these men don’t have to stay single forever :)
      & that they can go on dates too :)

  • (I know you won’t read this but….)

    Matthew Matthew Matthew

    I have read your book, I’ve watched all your videos & I’ve completed month 1 of man myth and I’m practising what you are teaching, as in I’m putting myself out of my comfort zone and getting out there.

    BUT this now causes a problem because the day your tour comes to London I will be at the Savoy learning how to make cocktails, so am going to miss out, all because you said get out there Hussey!!!!

    Is there any chance I can buy a ticket and come for the last hour? Or are there any ladies that want to meet up after to tell me all about it?

  • Matthew I love all of your videos, but most of all I love your blatant TRUTH. Don’t forget about yourself in the long run! So here’s my story……..

    I have had a crush on a guy who works on my building but I’ve never had the confidence to start a conversation with him, but since finding out that our whole department has recently been laid off, it has caused me to spring into action.

    Enter ” Hottie McHot Bod” an extremely shy. I have physically bumped into him at work several times lol but most recently I ran into him @ the store w/his daughter. I realized I scared him because I was looking more beautiful than I do at work this day “not to brag” but I love my looks and the confidence I have gained over the years…not to digress,

    SO I said to him “Hello, how is your Sunday going” he looked up and jumped and almost fell backward and all he could say was “Oh I didn’t recognize you”, so I awkwardly walked away.

    Strangeness continued:

    Next morning we pull up to work at the same time and take two separate entrances and he refuses to look up at me as we cross paths. I’m guessing it’s because he found me attractive and felt slightly bad for not recognizing me, but what happens next was probably not a good idea…I think?

    You’ll hate yourself if you leave with out actually asking him out:

    A week later, I met him in the hallway with no one around and he apologizes for not recognizing me the other day, I told him it was no problem at all and I ask him what his name is, though mind you I already know it, then I introduce myself and then without hesitation I DO IT! I say “Hey we should hang out sometime, maybe go hiking or something, because this is my last week working here? and his reply was “Alright” we didn’t even exchange numbers but I am sure I will see him again soon.

    I am taking that as he is not interested….WHERE DID I GO WRONG! I’ve never been this bold EVER but I couldn’t leave knowing I did nothing even though I shook in my boots when it was over.

    Your advice, Jameson’s or your Brothers would be most valued and appreciated! Thank You for all your hard work and for bringing out the conversationalist in me that has been dying to get out.

    LOl, yes I know Jameson is just the cameraman but he is First and Foremost a MAN.

    Sincerely, Aleece

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