I Suck. Here’s Why…

Your responses to my last blog post made me think…

Song For The Day

Comment below! Bath time song or summer driving?

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218 Replies to “I Suck. Here’s Why…”

  • Am so glad I am on your mailing list! Great news, have some too, I told Rog during the seminar I was going to find a man, and I have! So far so good, touch wood! As for time problems, have you considered recording thoughts and email answers and have someone else type them? That might help a little, should, could?, all the best and thanks loads!!!

  • Def. summer driving =) Great song choice! I appreciate you putting up new videos, always a pleasure watching your videos.

  • Then put it out there! Don’t put out any more of these time-wasters. For someone who screams “Seconds Count,” there is no explanation for making us listen to 8 1/2 minutes (510) seconds) of lame excuses and big promises leading up to, “I’m not gonna talk about it right now.”

    1. Hey Ann, thanks for leaving a comment, albeit a little angry… I did want to convey the message that being a perfectionist is what stops you from putting stuff out there, and I in this instance fell into that trap.

      For example, if I had been a perfectionist in this case and worried about negative comments like these I would never have put this video out there, but I did because I’m keen to build more of a relationship with the people that support me. I’m sorry that you felt this way about the video, I’m all about providing value but at the end of the day this is a free blog where people can touch base with me and see what I’m up to, and if it helps them that’s great. If it doesn’t then thats fine too, there’s no obligation for people to stay on it.

      I hope you keep following me and let’s see if you’re happier with the next video! Good job I have thick skin!!

      1. Omg she was so awful lol
        If someone said that to me I wouldn’t want to do another video ever again you are truly thick skinned I need to be like you!!!!

          1. Totally agree, if you don’t try anything new and your always pleasing other people then you don’t really get anywhere. At Lear you’ve leant that to do a video on anything makes us happy coz we love seeing you! You rub off so much confidence on to people just by talking, where you this confident as a child and if not how did you build in it? x

            1. Hey Chaz,
              Def not confident as a child, I had to learn it. But its made my life IMMEASURABLY better to learn this stuff. Anyone can learn to be confident, I firmly believe that x

          2. Hello, thank you so much for replying I can’t actually believe I’ve spoken to you, your the one person who’s inspired me to become more confident and you’ve given me some excellent advice
            God bless
            Chaz x

      2. This is such a great perfect response to a negative comment! I am learning a lot from the way you communicate. There will always be people who’s out there trying to do something. And there will always be people who doesn’t and tell the person who does it what he should do and where he’s done wrong and complain. To put one out there imperfectly requires tremendous confidence, especially that perfectionist are very sensitive people and tend to be very hard on themselves. I am one and i am learning a lot from how you handle this. You are awesome!

        I haven’t seen your I suck video because it can’t be played on my iPhone. I will follow you much better if everything is iPhone compatible :)

  • Matt, did I really just log in during work to listen to that? Really like your work but that missed the mark. If you want to do more, please just do it. Looking forward to some of that action! Em

    1. Em,

      I appreciate the feedback and thanks for supporting me in my work.

      I’m trying to move to a place on the blog where I’m here more frequently. This was merely a video to talk about that, and to give a bit of a personal lesson on not being a perfectionist. I’m surprised you jumped on me so quickly, especially since you like my stuff!

      Anyway, tune in to my next video at which point you can decide whether to hate me forever or love me again : ) x

  • You are so sweet! And about the song…it’ s like going somewhere nice with the sun on our (mine and his) cheeks:)

  • Matthew, are you using Tweetdeck or something similar. So you can post a comment to both Twitter and Facebook at the same time etc. Oh, it’s both a bath song and a summer driving song!

    1. No I use them independently right now because I don’t always like using them together. i know tweet deck has a feature to separate them but it kept crashing on my iPhone so I stopped using it. maybe ill try it again soon….

      Thanks for your comment Rachel x

  • Hey matthew
    It’s almost winter here, so it a bath time song for me.
    When I watched the video Seconds I was so amazed. That short clip really puts your entire life into perspective and it made me realize that life really is too short to not take the risk due to fear of failing, because each second is an opportunity to shape your life.
    After watching the video I immediately tweeted it. Its a must watch for anyone who is afraid to take a risk or if you are questioning anything in life.
    Keep up the great videos. I have been a fan of yours for the longest time

    1. Hey Raeesa,

      Thankyou so much. It’s great to hear you’ve been following me for such a long time. Let’s see what we can achieve together over the next couple of months! x

  • Hey Matthew!

    You got me excited about the email!

    Great video, thank you for acknowledging the women who can’t attend to your seminaries. )Hopefully i will in a year and well, i just can’t wait to see you, your work and experience it)

    Have a great day!

    ps. Happy Birthday! :)

    1. Hey Smallville, not my birthday yet, but I’ll take the nice comment!

      I’m going to make it work for you, even if you can’t attend the live event, promise x

  • I would say it’s most probably a summer driving song, specially that it’s a sunny day here in Montreal (Canada) today…

    Have a nice summer everyone ;)

  • I only found you through plane Jane and I would love to see you on more shows like that! Your so confident I wish I was more like you, keep doing what your doing I hav a lot of respect for you your amazing :) x

  • Your Videos are Always a Happiness and inspiration shot ! !! Looking Forward to hear all about the Big News !! **Loving the song for the Day !
    (Just add it to my Cycling Playlist) ;)

  • Hey Matthew, thankyou for your emails. I read them regularly and they are really helpful. I havnt met the guy yet but I do hope that I will very soon. I wanted to ask a couple of questions. 1stly: I have a habit of gauging guys in this kinda list I have. like he should have a good music taste similar to mine. he should be adventurous and should be into Baseball and should be fair and all of that! is it okay to do that or am I being stupid. I feel like I wont be able to be myself if the other person isnt like that . 2nd question: I dont live in the UK. I am far away and so I cant attend your events. Is there any way I can still get advice from you- Neon

    1. Hey Neon,
      Thanks for your comment. In regard to your question, it’s ok to have standards for what you want but be careful of the list. For example, I might not follow baseball right now, but maybe I could get into baseball, especially if you love it and are passionate about it. your passion could infect me. Or maybe I’d just love you so much that I would want to love it for you. My point is, don’t think TOO surface level. Look for his values. that’s where your real ‘lists’ should be.

      As for the you being in the US, I’ve got something coming up very soon that will allow you to partake in my ‘live’ event from wherever you are. Will be releasing it later this month/early next month. Stay tuned. x

  • Hey Matthew, I’ve been following your work for a few months and I think you provide tons of value in your free content. As a fellow dating coach with a much smaller community, I have to say it is really difficult to respond to everything in my community. I can’t even imagine how you would manage it in yours. With that said I think you are doing a stellar job.


    1. Thankyou Jenn! That’s so nice to hear. I’m working on doing better. I might be an expert in the coaching arena but when it comes to social media, blogs etc etc etc I’m like a baby trying to soak everything up and learn. Very humbled by your comment x

  • You DON’T suck! You’re just human! It’s hard keeping up with all your engagements! :)

    Keep being your BEST self! :P

    you’ve just energized me for my huge job interview coming up in 30 minutes.


        1. haha (for anyone reading this Ileana is referring to us going crazy in the seminar room on the ‘Womens Weekend’ dancing to some amazing music. It looked like a concert at times!) x

  • Hey Matt,
    so great to see you “again”. You said you were in different countries to do live events. I was wondering about who decides about the places you go. I am from Hungary and I think you should come here, I would definitely go to your event, I really love your videos as well. That’s all for now.

    1. Hey Blanka! Hungary is not on the list yet but who knows!! In any case in a few weeks I’m bringing something to you that you’re going to love, and you can stay in Huungary for it. Watch this space x

  • Hey, im from Melbourne, Australia, and this is the type of song i would listen to as im driving to the beach on the weekend. I loved it. Just a shame we are going into winter, and its too cold for the beach. Still a great song to listen to. Good choice!!
    Thanks for all your advice Matt, it has been really helpful the past few months.

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