Crush Your Fear of Rejection in 3 Minutes

We get one “no” in life, and allow it to prevent us from getting the “yes” of our dreams.

I don’t want you to hide anymore. I don’t want you to live in fear. I don’t want you to ever give someone the power to feel less than your worth.

So before you do anything else today, I need you to hear this…

►► Conquer Your Fear of Rejection, Stop Coasting & Start LIVING. To learn how, go to Matthew Hussey Retreat.

Free Guide

Copy & Paste These
"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

16 Replies to “Crush Your Fear of Rejection in 3 Minutes”

  • You said Michael Jackson? Ok now I’m inlove with you :)
    And this haircut..:)
    As always thank you Matt for being a super coache and knowing the exact words to say..
    I’m gonna go and watch this again;)

  • You are so good at encouraging women. Not all of us are always confident because there have been rejections. Because a relationship is not always predictable. Sometimes, you just want peace and quiet and not the drama that being in love brings. You bring hope that maybe the next one may be the jackpot!

  • I wanna know how can i get my partner for longdistance relationship come close to me and how can i text him to think about me?pls i need help of this.

  • Hi Matthew,

    This is a REDEMMPTION story. I feel you’re going to love reading it, and I know I lovvvvve telling it time and again.

    After coming out of confusing and halted marriage I was dating again. A guy here and there but nothing outstanding (ps, married men love dating, its actually a thing!!… SMH)

    Anyway, I started seeing a guy that I had met 10 years earlier but our lives went in other directions. When we reconnected on a date he recanted the story of our initial meeting down to the precise date and a small kiss we exchanged. Matt, I was flattered he remembered all those details and it really made it feel like something special was happening.

    After 4 months of minimal investment on his part (note i say on his part) I asked, “whats happening here? He said he was happy with the way things were going and he wanted to keep things casual. Now prior to all your video coaching I woould’ve accpeted that and been his on going booty call. HOWEVER, instead, I thanked him for his honesty and implemented your, “i think you need to be alone” script. I said goodbye and good luck to him

    To my utter shock 10 days later he texted me. He said he needed to see me and that he doesnt want to be without me. (you probably could’ve seen my smile from outer space) The next day we made plans to meet but sadly I did not meet at a coffee house, instead, we met at my house. So, as you probably can predict, the next few months were quite like the first few, complete shit!

    It still took me another 6 months to delete and block him from my life. It sucked. Life sucked and I was PINING over him. Eventually, day by day, things got better, I got better. I focused on my career. I was comped these amazing tickets to a local football match and had seats in a private suite. Pretty swank! I will add that I was looking adorable that day a feeling even better. I walked in grabbed a glass of wine and walked straight into my ex. I gulped and said a silent prayer, walked over and gave him a warm hug and a brief hello! The suite was quite packed and he was enteraining clients. He asked to chat with me in a minute. I turned on my heel, grabbed my client and booted it over to the next suite. I did not want to see him, (but didnt I??) All those same feelings flooded my aching heart. I was dying to know if he still wanted me as much as I wanted to be with him still. So, I stood where he could see me. (yes yes, call me captain obvious). We talked and talked. He was annoyed (bruised ego) that I deleted and blocked him. He kept on begging me to unblock him. He repeated how much he missed me. Missed our inside jokes, our texting our fireworks and passion. I was breathless.

    HE WAS TELLING MY BROKEN HEART EVERYTHING IT WAS BEGGING TO HEAR FOR MONTHS. How could I possibly say no? Fate had given us another chance? What are the odds that I would end up in that suite with him? Very slim, very slim indeed. As I was about to return to my seat he grabbed my hand and whispered, dont you dare leave without saying goodbye to me”.

    MY MIND AND MY HEART WAS IN OVER DRIVE. i sat there stunned as the reamianing minutes of the game clicked by. When it was over I dutifully walked over where he was surrounded by a group of very pretty ladies. UGH! I turned on my heel and and rejoined my group. People were spilling out of the stadium into the hectic corridor. Then i hear, HEATHER! I turn to see him shrugging his shoulders as if to say, “what? youre leaving me”? We walk towards each other. “Unblock me”, he whispers, “I miss you so much. “look, im texting you now” He pounds into his phone, I-MISS-YOU. I look up and say. “You realize I wont get that message”?! He tries another approach, “Where are you going now? I want to come with you, be with you and hear your voice”. I stutter…”I, I dont know”. My hearting is POUNDING. He purrs, c’mon HK (his unimaginative pet name for me) “I know you, you have your whole evening planned out, take me with you. Then maybe you can come a check out my new townhouse. I finally got occupancy and i know you’d love it”.

    I played that scenario in my head. In a split second I saw and felt it all. Day after day of frustration and heartbreak. I raised my head, looked him in the eyes, and said, “NO, no I wont unblock you and I have to get going now”. And turned and walked away. Like a sheep bleating before its own death, I hear one last time….”HEATHERRRRRR, unblock meeeeeeee” (I realise ive just ripped off Silence of the Lambs here, but you have to let me have this one).

    Matthew Hussey, if it werent for you and all your love, support and absolute love in your heart for womankind, I fear I would still be in that miserable realtionship wondering how and when I would just be enough for him. Pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough. Truth is, I am enough. I am smart and pretty and healthy and fit. NOw and only now, my behaviour matches my thoughts and my thoughts match my behaviour. Your words are gospel to me. I cannot wait to tell you about my love story, so stay tuned for more news from me.

    Thank you Matthew. Your passion and complete obsession for helping and serving others matters. You made such an impact on me and my life. I am deeply moved by your heart. Much thanks and sending tons of love,

    Heather Kay

  • I’ve been friends and we became lovers on a holiday romance 4 years ago ..but he went back to his ex , but we remained friends, always keeping in touch on how life was treating us .The relationships we were both in broke up 4 months and we became close again and picked up where we started from all those years agof I was so happy even though we said we didn’t want serious as we had been hurt with our past relationships, now he ended it as I had a few drinks and he txt me saying he didn’t like drunk women and didn’t want to carry on ..I’m devastated.I was tired and maybe tipsy but definitely not drunk, It was all going so well I don’t know what to do now I’m just all over place

  • Hey.
    Do you think the dating rules are somewhat different when you’re in your forties?

    Looking at men in there early to late forties.
    Particularly if they are well established and are set in their ways.

    Any thoughts?


  • Hi
    How do you stop coasting n waiting for that one special moment? How do you not settle for second best? The dude in the pack?
    Hit him with a hammer lol?

  • Your videos all say “3 minutes” … yet 30 minutes later you’re still talking! Good advice, but I don’t have that kind of time …

  • I’ve been seeing a guy for 12 months , the relationship has been on and off .
    I’ve asked him for a commitment, he says he enjoys being around , me but also enjoys being single and no commitment ?
    I think l know what l need to do?
    But l need your advice .

  • Heather Kreighton, your story IS so powerful. I don’t know you, but by the looks of it you have gained control of your life. While reading the story I kept hoping you’d give in and have a happily ever after. But you have been listening and taking in all of Matthew Hussey’s advice and you didn’t give in. Here’s why: you are a high value woman and you don’t need to give in to a man that repeatedly does not treat you like one. So proud of you even though I don’t know you. I hope you will find the partner that values you and doesn’t need to beg for your attention because he always treated you with the respect you deserve.

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