Are Vulnerable Women Weak?

Do you ever find yourself shut off from meeting people, reluctant to go out, or adverse to risk in your love life?

This week I want to make a distinction between weakness and vulnerability, showing you how it takes courage to get what you want in a relationship.

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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

40 Replies to “Are Vulnerable Women Weak?”

  • After many, many years of existing after being very wounded, I opened back up, thanks to a particular gentleman. I am now living again and it feels so much better than to be closed off from the world and dead inside. I existed because I had to, for my children. But, I have found the love of my life (not the gentleman that opened me). He is everything and more than I ever thought I wanted in a relationship. I am the happiest I have ever been in life, because I allowed myself to live again! I recommend doing it, live life to its fullest everyday…..Matt, you are awesome and amazing!! I appreciate all your advice!!!

  • Matthew, can you please tackle the long distance relationship? At least the surface of the matter? What is your take on that?

  • Interesting to hear the 2 separated. Makes the effort now have more meaning.

    Would also be great if in the future there was a bit of advice about making eye contact included in one of the videos. Not asking for myself personally but I’m sure many others must struggle with this occasionally in social situations.

  • I love the videos where you debunk the grey areas or the misconceptions that women have! Love the constant stream of videos! Great work!

  • Thanks sooo much for highlighting the distinction between the two. Your so spot on about what u said. Love the aura u emit in the video.

  • I don’t have a problem putting myself out there to date and interact but I have the problem of sharing my feelings and being more in depth with conversations. I won’t say I love you unless he does first and I don’t want to ask about our future.
    Been dating an amazing guy for a year and a half. But don’t know where it will end up

  • Thank you, Matthew for reminding me that being vulnerable takes strength. I re-ead romantic texts from a man who “disappeared” a year ago. I had a loving and pained, visceral reaction. I want to talk to him again, but how? What are the “right” words? I was so vulnerable to him.
    I am proud that I took the chance… but (sadly) still healing.

    The end of the video made me laugh out loud, thanks :)

  • Hey Matt,

    I love your videos and especially your advice! I’m versing myself in your knowledge because it helps give perspective on past experiences and how I can better myself as a person.

    This is probably going to go unanswered but I’ve got a quick question to which I probably already know the answer, but I figured I would give it a shot because you’re especially responsive to people’s comments. I feel like I need to hear a professional, unbiased opinion.

    If my boyfriend, who treats me like a queen in practically every way, actually has no problem in flirting/sexting another girl whom he’s had feelings for before he met me yet he only knows her through the internet, should I end it with him?

    There are echoes of how he interacts with her in how he met me, something you mentioned in a video about cheating. And he has a (to my knowledge) small history of cheating on other girlfriends/potential partners.

    This wouldn’t be so hard to decide, like I said, if he weren’t practically perfect. I kinda need a kick in the butt I suppose.

    Thank you for reading this, I appreciate that even if you don’t have time to answer :)

  • Hi Matthew,

    Thank you for putting out the differents between the two! I was the one putting up the walls, breaking them down was my world being crushed. But I was determinded it had to change. So now I’m being vulnerable again and living my life, instead of just looking at it. So blessed to be free and being able to breathe.. #movingforward

    X Tamara

  • Dear Matthew,

    You know I have a Traumatic Brain Injury from being beaten up by a guy.
    Do this mean that I have the courage to do everything I need to do to feel fulfilled in a life after that?
    I feel as though you are giving me the go ahead to basically and blatently ask for what I need and to recieve it which is unlike the majority of folks who.expect me to be weak because of fear.
    I am not afraid of many things since being so close to death and having survived I am now thriving!
    Thankyou for speaking out on behalf of us vunerables who do not want to be mistaken for being weak!
    Meanwhile it makes me feel like…I should be speaking out about this for the sake of other women!
    It is inspiring that you are doing this!
    As a woman I now feel as though I should be up there giving this advice to my fellow women!
    I am grateful for this inspiration and would welcome being able to meet you at some point to discuss this!
    I recently spoke to Michael and your Dad about coming on a retreat but perhaps the best way forward is to simply speak to you personally!
    Please contact me via email and I will let you have my phone number.

    Love and Blessings


  • Dear Matthew,

    You know I have a Traumatic Brain Injury from being beaten up by a guy.
    Do this mean that I have the courage to do everything I need to do to feel fulfilled in a life after that?
    I feel as though you are giving me the go ahead to basically and blatently ask for what I need and to recieve it which is unlike the majority of folks who expect me to be weak because of fear.
    I am not afraid of many things since being so close to death and having survived I am now thriving!
    Thankyou for speaking out on behalf of us vunerables who do not want to be mistaken for being weak!
    Meanwhile it makes me feel like…I should be speaking out about this for the sake of other women! I am not afraid!
    It is inspiring that you are doing this standing up there and opening yourself up for all types of crticism. One lady recently told me that she presumes that you are in fact taking advantage of vunerable women by making a profit from their suffering!
    As a woman I now feel as though I should be up there giving this advice to my fellow women!
    I am grateful for this inspiration and would welcome being able to meet you at some point to discuss this!
    I recently spoke to Michael and your Dad about coming on a retreat but perhaps the best way forward is to simply speak to you personally!
    Please contact me via email and I will let you have my phone number.

    Love and Blessings


  • Matt this Video was the Perfect Way to Wrap Up my Day. Thank You so Much, You are a True Guardian Gift from Heaven <3

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