I’ve seen too many women fall into the trap of thinking that a guy is chasing simply because he sends a few Whatsapp messages.
The truth is, if you know the signs to look for, it’s pretty clear if he’s just messing around, or if he’s serious about pursuing you.
Use these red flags as your guide and you’ll instantly know what he really wants…
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Thanks the great research and work. It has benefite me a lot. I willl like to learn about and master the art.
What happen if we keep texting talking about how much he loves me but we have not met up yet as is distance relationship and we have not seen each other in the video call. What’s is this relationship.
Hey may I got a very complicated question but I don’t know how to ask it , where can I ask u in private?
I always make it in the friend zone and nothing more. We end up great friends for years but I’m still single. What do I do?
We are in a relationship and he said we would get married in one year. His dad gave him this advice,. Well I’m 64 and he is 55 we are adults not teens and I won’t wait what should I do?
Thanks for the research Matt, why is it that i always break up with my fiance
Here is the thing I’m the guy. I hate to lead him on but I really don’t want to hurt his feelings. Don’t that make me a good person. I can’t help it I loose interest in men who like to do a bunch of txting it is sooooo clingy. How do u get him to tone it down with out mkn him uncomfortableso much wrk!