My Most Ridiculous Moments Of 2015…

Ok, you asked for it… I have no idea why, but whenever I post videos of myself doing something stupid, people always beg for more!

Well, who am I to spoil the fun? ;)

Introducing: my best bloopers of 2015!

I probably spent anywhere up to 500 hours on camera last year, and fortunately, my cameraman Jameson makes sure that most of that footage never sees the light of day. But every now and then people ask: where are all those videos where Matt screwed up? Where he acted like a weirdo and made a fool of himself? 

Fear not. There’s more than enough to chew on here!

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20 Replies to “My Most Ridiculous Moments Of 2015…”

  • Spot on for today, needed a laugh before back to work tomorrow! Happy New Year to you and your team, keep up the good work :)

  • Matt your laugh is as infectious as your smile.
    Thank you for spreading such a light when there is so much shade in the world. X
    Stay blessed.

  • Love this! You are so real and so fun. That’s what makes you so easy to believe and relate too.
    Thank you! Happy New Year!

  • Thanks Matt, Jameson and team for the fun bloopers, they made me smile trough out the whole video!

    I loved it!

    p.s. Jameson, still good cut and past work! You should do it more often :)

  • Love the fact that you can be such a goofball! BTW, love your sound advice, clearly your Mom did an amazing job raising a true gentle-man…
    Bravo to your much deserved success!
    Most Sincerely,
    Madison/Encinitas, CA

  • Good to see your bloopers they are very funny, I have followed you for a while now and find your positivity very uplifting. I saw you and two other guys looking very lost outside Selfridges last night as I sat in the warmth of the cafe. I hope you found what you were looking for.

  • Matt, thank you for making me laugh on my birthday! You are too funny, and so genuine. I wish all guys were like you! Your friend, Amanda

  • This is why we love you Matt! So down to earth and enjoyable to watch :)
    Please bring more of the same attitudes and vibes into 2016.
    I love the life advice, I was looking for a video on negative vibes from others, and trying to maintain your own positive mindset, but couldn’t find the video (must be under another name). Perhaps some more not so dating advice in the new year, as it all helps in the end :)
    I start my days watching your video’s, as it puts me in such a positive mindset, and then I go into my day with one or two of your sayings or pieces of advice, and it has made me such a stronger person! Such as wait or create, even doing something small, like one phone call a day is better than doing nothing, we could wait for that phone to ring, or we could just make the call ourselves, it is better to make it happen, rather than wait for it to happen :)
    And I have to say the Steve Jobs bit cracked me up, haha that black shirt just wasn’t working, but still you rocked it :)

  • Happy New Year to all of you who made this adorable video! It was very entertaining and fun to watch. Keep up all your good works! In a generation where people lose their sense of understanding others and oneself, you have brought an inspiration to break through that indifference. May you become more successful. Inspire, motivate, empower! Thank you! :)

  • Dear Matt,

    First of all, “Last of the Mohicans” is second only to “Mary Poppins” on my list of all-time favorite movies, and you shouldn’t just reference it because your t-shirt got wet because that sullies a cinematic treasure. Unless you take your shirt off. Then you can reference it. But only in a really tasteful and respectful way.

    Also, what is it with Brits liking watered-down, beige chocolate that’s mostly sugar? Milk chocolate is an abomination. And dark mint chocolate is one of the true wonders of the world. Seriously, you’ve insulted me in almost every possible way, and I’d ask you to leave but that would be weird.

    Lastly, I liked your cheesy picture. It suits you. Also, it is, in every possible manner, better than a dick pic. Are there any women anywhere who actually want to see a picture of a guy’s penis? That’s not even a little sexy. I’d pretty much rather see a picture of any other part of a guy’s body — including his armpit — than his penis. Just no. That’s the equivalent of me sending a guy a picture of my cat and hoping it turns him on. Bonus points if my cat is wearing people clothes — like a really cute sweater with polka dots. You’d look good in polka dots, Matt. Really, anything’s better than your guppy shirt. That’s basically scarred me for life.

    Happy New Year!


  • I’ve seen this several times….& it is hilarious! I can’t stop laughing when he points to his unit & calls it a Ween! LMAO!

  • Excellent! Matthew, i luv the great connection you have with Jameson, as your camera-man. It works so well because of that and because Jameson is so highly skilled. And so are you The bloopers are hilarious. LOL

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