The #1 Flirting Mistake Women Make With Men…

Do you know what the #1 flirting mistake women make with men is? You won’t believe it. This videos shows what it is and exactly what to do instead…

Ever find when you meet a REALLY cute guy it’s impossible to flirt and just be yourself?

It’s a common scenario: You see that guy you like from across the room.

Your eyes meet his and he smiles (god, he looks adorable when he does that). Ok, he’s walking over to your group, it’s showtime… what do you SAY to him?!

In this week’s video, I want to share the biggest flirting mistake women make when they meet a guy they really like. Then I’m going to show you in 3 minutes how you can turn that guy you like from a friend into something more with just a few magic words.

►► Be the First to Find Out About My Exciting Flirting Announcement. Go to… >>>

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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

22 Replies to “The #1 Flirting Mistake Women Make With Men…”

  • Hahaha! Got so many laughs out of this! Education mixed with humor equals magic!! Love you Matt! And the actors were fantastic. I’ve gotten so much better at calming my nerves around guys thanks to you- I just relax and remember he’s still got a lot to prove to me! Thanks Matt! :)

  • Yes, Matt, please do more of these scenes with flirting examples on how to get the guy. Also, what’s happened to the I Heart Radio call in clips you used to post to You Tube? Have you stopped doing them?

  • Again, will you marry me??? LOL. You are spot on!!!!!!! I shut down every time I am in the company of a man I”m way interested in!! But, I am proud to say that the other day I succeeded in flirting!!!!!!

  • I really liked the video, Matt. I wonder who transcribed the text that appeared while you were talking? It got a number of words wrong, I think because of the accent. Just in case you missed that ;)

  • Great advice again Matthew! I like to “flirt” with people I like….I am not afraid to put myself out there…I’m 54 years old…Not into playing games at this point in my life…it is a waste of time & energy….It produces wonderful results…I find that guys like that…No complications…Unfortunately, I am being approached by much younger fellas…because I don’t look my age…I want a fella who is more my age…& has that level of maturity…Just saying…I don’t want to “train” anyone…LMAO! Too funny! Been there…Done that! Don’t want to do that again….

    1. Beautiful you Julie,
      great comment you left!! !!
      Apsolutely faboulous!!!!
      You put it in words so effectively. Touched me
      like looking myself in -mirrors-.

  • Hi! Really funny scenes :D. Your videos and e-mails make me feel less nervous when I’m talking with the guys now. My problem isn’t only when I want to flirt with someone but also when the guys start talking to me. I remember when I started studying and waiting for my university card. After few minutes talking, the guy said “it’s a pity that we aren’t the same group”. My only answer was “aha!” That was the end of conversation :D

    1. Matt’s line would be perfect there…”we’d be trouble if we were in the same group.” Or even “They’ve got to spread the real talent around, ya know?” I think

    2. Maybe you can agree and then just give the guy the hint about the next class you’ll be in. Kinda like “well I’m starting ENG101 next month, so try to sign up sometime” and give him a wink. That should show you if he is Intrested he will sign up for that class.

  • Brilliant Matt! Best funny and smart video I saw you making- putting your voice into their mouth!

  • Matthew,
    My heart is my body’s engine, but your inspiration is the fuel. Nice one coach!!

    Your unique videos play a vitally important role in our perception of Matthew’s ideas, just like the wine glass conveys the taste and completes the flavor profile of the wine to our palates!!

  • Do women ever use your tactics on you and how does that feel? I flirt with everyone honestly – men and women, but I get nervous around people that I feel are super intimidating. But I can honestly say that of the tactics you talk about that I use already, it’s still nice to have you affirm what I’m doing or hear psychology behind it. What if the guy is super smart and he knows you are playing with him – is that just part of the fun? – I think it’s good you are here. Americans are way too direct. We’ve lost something from the mother country ;)

  • Love this video Matt. You’ve got such a great energy and sense of humor and the acting out of your dialogue literally made me laugh out loud (kudos to Jameson). I love what you say about just dropping some bait, rather than jumping all in.

    I realized for awhile that I just got lazy and kinda stopped flirting and now I just use a bit more energy and it’s made all the difference.

    Something that I try to keep in mind when talking to guys that I like is that they aren’t any “better” than me…no matter how much of a crush I have on them. I’ve put so many guys on pedestals, and later found out that they were actually kind of awful or not even someone worth my time. No one is as perfect as you make them out to be when you have a crush on them, and remembering that makes it a little easier to be yourself and not close up every time you see them.

  • Matt,

    you are gorgeous in this video; you are funny yet serious and convincing. I enjoy the energy which gets along with the contents of your messages.
    Yasmin / Germany

  • I felt so awkward seeing this video… I did something like the first scene recently. Good to know how to do better!

  • I don’t know if my question will ever be answered, but this is the first time that I’ve left a comment here. I know this is a really strange question, but as I am starting to meet more guys now, and I’ve met some really nice people, of course I will not be attracted to everyone of them… that there are times when I see a person as a really nice friend, but he is already investing a lot (e.g. after our first date, he changed his flight schedule to fly back to the city that I live after his business trip) I feel really bad because he’s a really nice person and I don’t know how to tell him to slow things down, because I haven’t felt a strong attraction towards him yet. So if possible, may I know how I can just remain a great friend of a guy without him investing too much too soon, especially when things are still very uncertain at the moment and I am still dating other guys, that I don’t want him to be disappointed and get hurt. I know this is like the opposite of the advice that you normally give. But I would appreciate it a lot if I can get an answer from you. By the way, I am starting to see results from the fast track to mr right programme, thank you so much Matt!

  • Hi . Ive follow all your tricks but you know what there is no guy arround me to use them. I think its my destiney and there is no chance for me.

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