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How To Get the Guy Podcast



WITH Matthew Hussey


In each episode of the LOVE Life podcast, you’ll get practical tips you can use right away to improve all of your relationships – romantic, family, friends, career and, most importantly, the relationship you have with yourself. See why this 5-star, top podcast gets over 500,000 downloads a month.

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See All Our Podcast Episodes Below

The Only Mindset You Need to Overcome Rejection

On this episode of LOVE Life, our caller, Getty, says it best: “Rejection sucks.” Yet it’s inevitable that we’ll all face it in our lives from time to time. So the question becomes: How can we move on from the grief and heartache of knowing: I’m not the one they chose? I break down my (somewhat surprising) theory about insecurity, and explain why taking small risks every day is actually a privilege to seize rather than a chore to dread. With this new mindset firmly in place, you’ll be ready to get back “out there” in no time.

The 3 Commandments of Email Communication

We’re all busy and, often, the people we admire most are the busiest of all. So why is it, then, we can’t seem to help ourselves when writing them an email? We get carried away, typing paragraph after paragraph, hoping to convey every single point we want to make. And then we wonder why they never get back to us! Today, I’m going to give you my 3 Commandments of Email Communication to ensure your message gets across loud and clear, you get the response you’re hoping for, and you yourself come across even more important in the process!

3 Ways to Keep Attraction Alive

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of “the chase.” When you’re just starting out dating someone new, attraction is at an all-time high and you can’t get enough of each other. But is there any way to recapture some of that excitement and keep the attraction alive long-term? That’s what our caller, Tori, wants to know. In today’s episode of LOVE Life, I reveal 3 ways to keep a relationship fresh and sexy no matter how long you’ve been together. Hint: one of my tips is the reason why certain playful couples in their 80s are still together…

Can You Train a Man to Be Honest?

Fact: some men are just liars. And if you discover this trait in the one you’re dating, RUN. But as for all the other good guys out there, they really DO want to tell you the truth. In today’s episode, I give you 5 specific, actionable tips you can use right away to create an environment in your relationship where your man feels comfortable being honest with you about the little things, the big things, and everything in between.

Single in a New City? How to Make the Most of It

Moving to a new city can be daunting, especially when you’re single. But with the right attitude it can be the perfect opportunity to create an exciting life filled with interesting new friends, fun activities and, yes, amazing new dating prospects. I take a call today from Sarah, who is interested in a guy in her new area and wants to know what comes first: building her social circle or pursuing her love life? My answer to her may surprise you…

Be Extraordinary in Your Ordinary Life (“Boring Hero” #2)

It’s that time again… We’re giving appreciation to someone who deserves credit for the little things they do that make a big difference in others’ lives. In today’s episode of Love Life we’re celebrating Justin, the waiter at a fish restaurant in Seattle, for his warm and welcoming one-liner that I’ll remember forever. Try this one yourself to make anyone in your business - or your life - feel like they belong.

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By Prismatic Butterfly

Matt and Stephen: how can I capture your awesomeness in words?! Impossible. The Brothers Hussey are a potent combination of heartfelt advice, creative communication strategies, and raw, personal humanity. I have found that a diet of this podcast and Matt’s videos has truly sustained my mental and emotional health. I find you guys super smart, but moreover, your compassion for all people is such an obvious motivation for what you do. Your ideas and perspectives have literally changed my life. Merci Beaucoup and keep up the sensational work!


By TaraTamarisk

These podcasts are really accessible, but packed with Matt’s life-altering advice which really WORKS. I’ve spent my life reading self-help books with little or no success. Matt’s advice is brilliantly practical and not at all overwhelming. Whether you are single, in a relationship, or just want to improve yourself and your life, do yourself a favor and subscribe to Love Life. If you follow his tips, you will wake up one day amazed at how much your life has changed without you even realising it.


By Amy WF Texas

I’m feeling so thankful for every single podcast. I’m divorced after 15 years and it is so difficult to date and understand men. I have realized that I myself need work. I am striving to accomplish just that! One way is being devoted to your podcasts. Morning, lunch, evenings, before sleep. I have become confident and have been able to let go of the “situationships” that come passing by. The icing on the cake is both of your accents. Thank you for the brilliant advice!